Rogue OM Squad XV: DC
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- Names in purple were lynched but innocent
- Names in orange were banned by Rogue OMs
- Names in green are confirmed Rogue OMs
- Names in blue left, for any other reason, and were replaced by other players
- Names in brown left, for whatever reason, without replacement
- Names in red were neutral players
Remaining Players (28): AhoyLindsay, Bunnylaroo, Clasalle, Cnuofesd, Dementedduck, Dwizzles, Firebolt, Furare, JMRUDNICK, Katebarloww, Lotsofgoats, Luvessy, Mads, Marinated, Master, Mrbriney, Nalanthi, Phaedra, Phoenixstar, Prosperity, Riku, Searmin, SeastarX, Setsusa, Smiley, Taelac, Talisker, Yasmi
Lynched Players (2): Mousebait, Lyaka
Banned Players (2): Randomact, NotJaret
Removed Players (2):Kotetsu (replaced by Katebarloww), The_Jokerina (replaced by Cnuofesd)
Current Deadline: Sunday, 10 June 2012, 7:30 AM PDT
Votes in Round 5:
- Deadline: Sunday, June 10th, 7:30 AM PST
- Votes needed to lynch: 15
Current through post 1428.
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
master2482 | JMRUDNICK | 1 | |
JMRUDNICK | master2482, marinated, AhoyLindsay | 3 | |
Setsusa | smileo, Dementedduck | 2 | |
DementedDuck | mads0001 | 1 | |
Katebarloww | clasalle, Dwizzles, firebolt153, Nalanthi, Yasmi6 | 5 | |
mads0001 | Prosperity, Cnuofesd, taelac | 3 | |
Nalanthi | (Marinated) | 0 | |
Yasmi6 | (AhoyLindsay) | 0 | |
PhoenyxStar | Mrbriney | 1 | |
Phaedra | Lotsofgoats | 1 | |
Total Votes | JMRUDNICK, master2482, smileo, mads0001, clasalle, Dwizzles, Prosperity, (Marinated), Dementedduck, Cnuofesd [not valid at first but now valid], firebolt153, Nalanthi, (AhoyLindsay), Yasmi6, Mrbriney, marinated, Lotsofgoats, taelac, AhoyLindsay | 17 | |
(No vote) | Bunnylaroo, Furare, Katebarloww, Luvessy, phaedra, Phoenyxstar, Riku, Searmin, SeastarX, Setsusa, Talisker | 10 |
Votes in Round 4: Lynch failed, ban failed.
- Deadline: Wednesday, June 6th, 7:30 PM PST
- Votes needed to lynch: 15
Current through post 1152.
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Dwizzles | (Nalanthi), Firebolt, (Phoenixstar) | 1 | Nalanthi, Phoenixstar |
Nalanthi | Riku, Searmin, Furare, (Clasalle), marinated, Nalanthi | 5 | Clasalle |
PhoenyxStar | MrBriney | 1 | |
Clasalle | Talisker, Lotsofgoats, (AhoyLindsay), Luvessy, SeatstarX, Clasalle | 5 | AhoyLindsay |
Katebarloww | Yasmi | 1 | DementedDuck |
Setsusa | DementedDuck, smileo | 2 | riku743 |
JMRUDNICK | master2482, (smileo) | 2 | Smileo |
DementedDuck | mads, phaedra | 2 | |
mads | Pros | 1 | |
Total Votes | MrBriney, Talisker, DementedDuck, DementedDuck, riku743, master2482, Nalanthi, JMRUDNICK, Riku, Firebolt, Lotsofgoats, Searmin, Phoenixstar, Furare, smileo, smileo, clasalle, marinated, mads, Yasmi, AhoyLindsay, Luvessy, phaedra, SeastarX Prosperity, JMRUDNICK, clasalle, Nalanthi | 21 | |
(No vote) | AhoyLindsay, Bunnylaroo, Cnuofesd, Dwizzles, Katebarloww, Setsusa, Taelac, | 7 |
Votes in Round 3: Lyaka Lynched; Notjaret banned
- Deadline: Sunday, June 3rd, 7:30 AM PST
- Votes needed to lynch: 16
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Lyaka | Dementedduck, Marinated, AhoyLindsay, Riku, Taelac, Dwizzles, Bunnylaroo, The_Jokerina | 8 | |
Dwizzles | Lotsofgoats, JMRUDNICK, Lyaka, Clasalle | 4 | Phoenixstar |
Clasalle | Talisker, Luvessy, SeastarX | 3 | |
Katebarloww | Mads, Nalanthi | 2 | |
JMRUDNICK | Master, Smileo | 2 | |
Setsusa | NotJaret | 1 | |
Nalanthi | Furare | 1 | |
Phoenixstar | Mrbriney | 1 | |
Mrbriney | 0 | Mrbriney | |
Abstain | Yasmi | 1 | Nalanthi |
Total Votes | Dementedduck, Lotsofgoats, Mads, JMRUDNICK, Marinated, Master, NotJaret, Phoenixstar, Smileo, AhoyLindsay, Lyaka, Riku, Taelac, Furare, Dwizzles, Bunnylaroo, Talisker, Clasalle, Nalanthi, Luvessy, SeastarX, Yasmi, The_Jokerina, Mrbriney, Mrbriney, Nalanthi | 23 | |
(No vote) | Firebolt, Katebarloww, Phaedra, Phoenixstar, Prosperity, Searmin, Setsusa | 7 |
Votes in Round 2: Mousebait Lynched; Ban missed
- Deadline: Wednesday, 30 May 2012, 7:30 PM
- Votes needed to lynch: 16
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Mousebait | Riku, JMRUDNICK, Phaedra6, Talisker, MrBriney, Searmin, Luvessy, Prosperity, Mads | 9 | |
Lyaka | AhoyLindsay, DementedDuck, Marinated,Yasmi, Dwizzles, Bunnylaroo | 6 | |
Dwizzles | Nalanthi, Lyaka, Lotsofgoats | 3 | |
Mrbriney | Taelac, Mousebait | 2 | |
Katebarloww | Firebolt | 1 | Mads |
Nalanthi | Furare | 1 | |
Notjaret | Smileo | 1 | |
DementedDuck | 0 | Prosperity | |
Clasalle | 0 | ||
Total Votes | Mads, Riku, DementedDuck, Firebolt, AhoyLindsay, Marinated,Yasmi, Prosperity, Searmin, Nalanthi, Lyaka, Taelac, Mousebait, JMRUDNICK, Phaedra6, Smileo, Talisker, Furare, Mrbriney, Dwizzles, Luvessy, Lotsofgoats, Bunnylaroo, Prosperity, Mads | 23 | |
(No vote) | Clasalle, Master, NotJaret, Phoenixstar, SeastarX, Setsusa, The_Jokerina, Katebarloww | 8 |
Votes in Round 1: Town misses lynch; Randomact banned
- Deadline: Sunday, 27 May 2012, 7:30 AM
- Votes needed to lynch: 17
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Smileo | Furare, The_Jokerina | 2 | Kotetsu |
Firebolt | Mrbriney, Kotetsu | 2 | |
Kotetsu | Riku743 | 1 | |
Riku743 | LotsofGoats | 1 | |
Lyaka | AhoyLindsay | 1 | |
Phoenixstar | Talisker | 1 | |
Mousebait | Yasmi | 1 | |
Mrbriney | 0 | Master | |
Abstain | Smileo, Lyaka | 2 | |
Total Votes | Mrbriney, Smileo, Furare, Kotetsu, Riku Master, LotsofGoats, Ahoylindsay, Lyaka, Talisker, Yasmi, The_Jokerina, Kotetsu | 11 | Kotetsu, Master |
(No vote) | Bunnylaroo, Clasalle, Dementedduck, Dwizzles, Firebolt, JMRUDNICK, Luvessy, Mads, Master, Marinated, Mousebait, Nalanthi, NotJaret, Phaedra, Phoenixstar, Prosperity, Randomact, Searmin, SeastarX, Setsusa, Taelac | 21 |
Discovered Roles and Alignments
Name | Role | Alignment | Claim or Confirmation |
Randomact | Potion Brewer (Medium) | Innocent | Confirmed (Ban) |
Mousebait | Item Delivery | Innocent | Confirmed (Lynch) |
Setsusa | Tourist (unable to vote) | Claimed | |
Notjaret | Herez Pilton (Medium for live players) | Innocent | Confirmed (Ban) |
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