Rogue OM Squad 13.33: ROMS of Cthulhu
From YPPedia
[hide]- 1 Color Key
- 2 Players
- 3 Current Round
- 4 Proxy Record
- 5 Voting Record
- 6 Posting Record
- 7 Past Rounds
- 7.1 Round 8: Ghadhean Lynched, TheRack Banned!
- 7.2 Round 7: Hazarath Lynched, Prosperity Banned!
- 7.3 Round 6: rissarissa13 Lynched, Kotetsu534 Killed by Dagon, Jolyma Banned!
- 7.4 Round 5: master2482 Lynched, Cthonik_Enzo Banned!
- 7.5 Round 4: Katebarloww Modlynched, riku743 Lynched, Yog_Sothoth Banned
- 7.6 Round 3: Demonboyred Lynched, wrecker15 Banned
- 7.7 Round 2: BehindCurtai Lynched, Searmin Banned
- 7.8 Round 1: Town Abstains, Luvessy Banned
- 8 Game Links
Color Key
- Names in purple were lynched but innocent
- Names in orange were banned by Rogue OMs
- Names in green are confirmed Rogue OMs
- Names in blue left, for any other reason, and were replaced by other players
- Names in brown left, for whatever reason, without replacement
- Names in red were neutral players
Remaining Players (10):PhoenyxStar, Quitex, Elliptic, bethieboo, satin11, DementedDuck, Snipercam, SeastarX, marinated, Lotsofgoats
Lynched Players (8): BehindCurtai, Demonboyred, riku743, master2482, rissarissa13, Kotetsu534, Hazarath, Ghadhean
Banned Players (8): Luvessy, Searmin, wrecker15, Yog_Sothoth, Cthonik_Enzo, Jolyma, Prosperity, TheRack
Removed/Resigned Players (5): Erissar replaced by bethieboo, tilinka replaced by Elliptic, Katebarloww, Batistas8 replaced by PhoenyxStar, Cnuofesd replaced by satin11
Current Round
Round 9
Deadline: Wednesday October 19 16:30 Game Time
Votes needed for a clear leader lynch: 8. Votes needed for straight lynch: 6.
Current to post 1875
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
satin11 | marinated | 1 | |
PhoenyxStar | DementedDuck | 1 | |
Total Votes | marinated, DementedDuck | 1 | |
(No vote) | PhoenyxStar, Quitex, Elliptic, bethieboo, satin11, Snipercam, SeastarX, Lotsofgoats |
Proxy Record
to come
Voting Record
to come
Posting Record
to come
Past Rounds
Round 8: Ghadhean Lynched, TheRack Banned!
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
ghadhean | Quitex, The_Rack, DementedDuck, SeastarX, bethieboo, marinated | 6 | marinated |
The_Rack | Lotsofgoats, Elliptic, satin11 | 3 | |
Elliptic | 0 | PhoenyxStar | |
satin11 | PhoenyxStar | 1 | |
Total Votes | Lotsofgoats, Quitex, The_Rack, Elliptic, marinated, PhoenyxStar, DementedDuck, satin11, SeastarX, bethieboo, PhoenyxStar, marinated | 9 | |
(No vote) | ghadhean, Snipercam | 3 |
Round 7: Hazarath Lynched, Prosperity Banned!
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Hazarath | Quitex, Prosperity, marinated, ghadhean, SeastarX, Elliptic, DementedDuck, Snipercam, bethieboo | 9 | Elliptic |
Abstain | The_Rack | 1 | |
Total Votes | Quitex, Prosperity, marinated, Elliptic, ghadhean, SeastarX, Elliptic, DementedDuck, Snipercam, The_Rack, bethieboo | 10 | |
(No vote) | PhoenyxStar, Hazarath, Cnuofesd, Lotsofgoats | 4 |
Round 6: rissarissa13 Lynched, Kotetsu534 Killed by Dagon, Jolyma Banned!
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
rissarissa13 | Kotetsu534, Prosperity, Snipercam, DementedDuck, Lotsofgoats, Elliptic, Hazarath, Quitex, The_Rack, SeastarX | 10 | The_Rack |
Kotetsu534 | rissarissa13, marinated, ghadhean, Cnuofesd, bethieboo | 5 | |
Batistas8/PhoenyxStar | Jolyma | 1 | The_Rack |
Snipercam | 0 | rissarissa13, Quitex | |
Total Votes | Kotetsu534, Prosperity, Snipercam, DementedDuck, Quitex, Lotsofgoats, rissarissa13, Elliptic, rissarissa13, marinated, Hazarath, ghadhean, The_Rack, Jolyma, Quitex, Cnuofesd, bethieboo, The_Rack, The_Rack, SeastarX | 16 | |
(No vote) | Batistas8/PhoenyxStar | 1 |
Round 5: master2482 Lynched, Cthonik_Enzo Banned!
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
master2482 | Snipercam, Prosperity, DementedDuck, Cnuofesd, Jolyma, Lotsofgoats, Cthonik_Enzo, bethieboo, SeastarX, Kotetsu534 | 10 | Kotetsu534 |
rissarissa13 | The_Rack, Hazarath | 2 | rissarissa13 |
Kotetsu534 | marinated | 1 | rissarissa13, master2482 |
Snipercam | Quitex, rissarissa13 | 2 | |
Total Votes | Snipercam, Quitex, Kotetsu534, Prosperity, DementedDuck, marinated, Cnuofesd, rissarissa13, The_Rack, master2482, Jolyma, rissarissa13, rissarissa13, Hazarath, Lotsofgoats, rissarissa13, Cthonik_Enzo, bethieboo, SeastarX, Kotetsu534 | 15 | |
(No vote) | Batistas8, Elliptic, ghadhean, master2482 | 4 |
Round 4: Katebarloww Modlynched, riku743 Lynched, Yog_Sothoth Banned
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
riku743 | Lotsofgoats, Quitex, Prosperity, marinated, Cnuofesd, Jolyma, ghadhean, master2482, SeastarX, bethieboo, Cthonik_Enzo | 11 | |
master2482 | rissarissa13, Yog_Sothoth, Hazarath, Snipercam, DementedDuck, Kotetsu534, Elliptic | 7 | |
Kotetsu534 | riku743 | 1 | |
Snipercam | 0 | Cthonik_Enzo | |
Abstain | The_Rack | 1 | |
Total Votes | rissarissa13, Lotsofgoats, Yog_Sothoth, Quitex, Hazarath, Snipercam, Cthonik_Enzo, Prosperity, DementedDuck, marinated, Kotetsu534, riku743, Cnuofesd, The_Rack, Jolyma, Elliptic, ghadhean, master2482, SeastarX, bethieboo, Cthonik_Enzo | 20 | |
(No vote) | Batistas8, Katebarloww (inactive) | 2 |
Round 3: Demonboyred Lynched, wrecker15 Banned
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Demonboyred | Prosperity, Kotetsu534, Quitex, Cnuofesd, Snipercam, rissarissa13, ghadhean, Batistas8 | 8 | |
Kotetsu534 | marinated, master2482, Demonboyred, The_Rack, Yog_Sothoth | 5 | ghadhean |
master2482 | Elliptic, wrecker15, DementedDuck | 3 | Kotetsu534, rissarissa13, rissarissa13 |
Hazarath | riku743 | 1 | |
marinated | Lotsofgoats | 1 | |
DementedDuck | Jolyma | 1 | |
Quitex | Cthonik_Enzo | 1 | |
Yog_Sothoth | 0 | wrecker15, rissarissa13, Snipercam, DementedDuck | |
ghadhean | 0 | SeastarX | |
The_Rack | 0 | Snipercam | |
Total Votes | Kotetsu534, marinated, riku743, master2482, Prosperity, Demonboyred, Snipercam, Kotetsu534, rissarissa13, Quitex, Lotsofgoats, rissarissa13, wrecker15, The_Rack, Snipercam, Elliptic, Snipercam, DementedDuck, Yog_Sothoth, Jolyma, Cthonik_Enzo, SeastarX, Cnuofesd, rissarissa13, ghadhean, wrecker15, Snipercam, DementedDuck, rissarissa13, ghadhean | 19 | |
(No vote) | Katebarloww, bethieboo, Hazarath, SeastarX | 4 |
Round 2: BehindCurtai Lynched, Searmin Banned
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
BehindCurtai | Yog_Sothoth, Demonboyred, Hazarath, Prosperity (proxy vote by Hazarath), ghadhean, master2482, Snipercam, The_Rack, marinated | 9 | |
Hazarath | riku743, wrecker15, Batistas8 (proxy vote by wrecker15), BehindCurtai, rissarissa13, bethieboo | 6 | |
Quitex | Cthonik_Enzo, Cnuofesd | 2 | The_Rack |
rissarissa13 | DementedDuck | 1 | master2482, Quitex, marinated, Searmin |
Demonboyred | Kotetsu534 | 1 | |
The_Rack | Quitex | 1 | |
master2482 | Lotsofgoats | 1 | |
Yog_Sothoth | Jolyma | 1 | |
wrecker15 | 0 | BehindCurtai | |
Total Votes | master2482, Kotetsu534, Yog_Sothoth, Quitex, BehindCurtai, Demonboyred, Jolyma, The_Rack, Cthonik_Enzo, DementedDuck, Hazarath, Prosperity (proxy vote by Hazarath), riku743, Cnuofesd, wrecker15, Batistas8 (proxy vote by wrecker15), ghadhean, marinated, master2482, BehindCurtai, rissarissa13, Searmin, master2482, Quitex, bethieboo, Lotsofgoats, Snipercam, The_Rack, marinated | 22 | |
(No vote) | Katebarloww, tilinka, SeastarX, Searmin | 4 |
Round 1: Town Abstains, Luvessy Banned
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Quitex | Hazarath, The_Rack, Snipercam | 3 | |
The_Rack | marinated | 1 | |
Erissar | ghadhean | 1 | |
Hazarath | Kotetsu534 | 1 | |
BehindCurtai | Lotsofgoats | 1 | ghadhean, wrecker15 |
Batistas8 | 0 | The_Rack | |
Lotsofgoats | 0 | Prosperity, riku743 | |
tilinka | 0 | Lotsofgoats | |
Jolyma | 0 | Cthonik_Enzo | |
Abstain | riku743, Demonboyred, BehindCurtai, rissarissa13, SeastarX, Cnuofesd, wrecker15, Cthonik_Enzo, Batistas8, Prosperity, Katebarloww, master2482, Yog_Sothoth, DementedDuck | 14 | master2482 |
Total Votes | The_Rack, master2482, marinated, riku743, Prosperity, Lotsofgoats, riku743, Demonboyred, Cthonik_Enzo, wrecker15, Hazarath, The_Rack, ghadhean, BehindCurtai, ghadhean,Snipercam, rissarissa13, SeastarX, Cnuofesd, wrecker15, Cthonik_Enzo, Batistas8, Kotetsu534, Prosperity, Katebarloww, master2482, Yog_Sothoth, Lotsofgoats, DementedDuck | 21 | |
(No vote) | Searmin, Quitex, tilinka, Jolyma, Erissar, Luvessy | 6 |
Game Links