Rogue OM Squad 9.25
[hide]- 1 Color Key
- 2 Players
- 3 Votes in Round 11
- 4 Proxy Record
- 5 Voting Record
- 6 Roles Claimed
- 7 Previous Rounds
- 7.1 Round 10 Elliptic lynched, Indeed banned
- 7.2 Round 9: Luvessy lynched, Taelac banned
- 7.3 Round 8: Town missed lynch, Ban Failed
- 7.4 Round 7: Talisker lynched, Ban Failed
- 7.5 Round 6: Ezmerelda_M lynched, Ban Failed
- 7.6 Round 5: Elleshanndri lynched, Jenny banned
- 7.7 Round 4: Town missed lynch, starrarose banned
- 7.8 Round 3: lcawte lynched, DaneT banned, Kotetsu534 banned (LC)
- 7.9 Round 2: Zandia lynched, Vantastic banned, Tonko123 Exploded
- 7.10 Round 1: Town Abstained, Justinmickey Banned
- 8 Posting Record
- 9 Game Links
Color Key
- Names in purple were lynched but innocent
- Names in orange were banned by Rogue OMs
- Names in green are confirmed Rogue OMs
- Names in blue left, for any other reason, and were replaced by other players
- Names in brown left, for whatever reason, without replacement
- Names in red were neutral players
Remaining Players (12): Aethera21, AhoyLindsay, Argemone, DementedDuck, Jolyma, Lizzie, marinated, Nintendo_07, Searmin, SeastarX, Sundancer, WingsOWisdom
Lynched Players (9): Zandia, Tonko123 (blown up by Bomb), lcawte, Elleshanndri, Ezmerelda_M, Talisker, Xaribdis (shot by Nintendo), Luvessy, Elliptic
Banned Players (8): Justinmickey, Vantastic, DaneT, Kotetsu534 (banned by the Loose Cannon), starrarose, jenny, Taelac, Indeed
Removed/Resigned Players (7): bootleges, kristy102, satin11, Abiona, ppplushies, draton (mod-lynched), Cnuofesd (mod-banned)
Replacement Players (4): DaneT (replaced kristy102), Argemone (replaced satin11), marinated (replaced Abiona), draton (replaced ppplushies)
Votes in Round 11
Deadline: Monday, December 7 at 4:30PM Game Time
Votes needed until 50%+1 is met: 1 more needed. 7 total
Current to post 1684
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
DementedDuck | WingsOWisdom, Jolyma, Nintendo_07, AhoyLindsay, Searmin, marinated | 6 | |
Total Votes | WingsOWisdom, Jolyma, Nintendo_07, AhoyLindsay, Searmin, marinated | 6 | |
(No vote) | Aethera21, Argemone, DementedDuck, Lizzie, SeastarX, Sundancer | 6 |
Proxy Record
Player Name | Proxy Holder | Status | Valid through | Reclaimed |
Voting Record
Roles Claimed
Name | Role | Notes |
Ezmerelda_M | Nexus | Announced by mods |
Taelac | Weather Mage | |
Talisker | Loose Cannon | Announced by mods |
Luvessy | Medium | Also claimed by DementedDuck; revealed as false |
Justinmickey | Unknown | Claimed by Luvessy; revealed as false |
Elleshandri | Betrayer | Claimed by Luvessy, denied by DementedDuck; revealed as false |
Argemone | Amnesiac Inventor | |
Nintendo | Retired Hitman | Originally claimed as Town Drunk |
DementedDuck | Medium | Also claimed by Luvessy |
Starrarose | Password Stealer | Claimed by DementedDuck |
Previous Rounds
Round 10 Elliptic lynched, Indeed banned
Deadline: Friday, December 4 at 4:30AM Game Time
Votes needed until 50%+1 is met: 0 more needed. 11 total
Current to post 1654
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Elliptic | Searmin, Argemone, Sundancer, Aethera21, DementedDuck, Jolyma, Indeed, Nintendo_07, AhoyLindsay, Lizzie, SeastarX | 11 | |
Total Votes | Searmin, Argemone, Sundancer, Aethera21, DementedDuck, Jolyma, Indeed, Nintendo_07, AhoyLindsay, Lizzie, SeastarX | 11 | |
(No vote) | Elliptic, marinated, WingsOWisdom | 3 |
Round 9: Luvessy lynched, Taelac banned
Deadline: Monday, November 30 at 4:30PM Game Time
Votes needed until 50%+1 is met: 0 more needed. 9 total
Current to post 1589
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Luvessy | Searmin, AhoyLindsay, Indeed, Jolyma, Argemone, DementedDuck, Aethera21, Elliptic, Sundancer, Lizzie, marinated, Taelac, WingsoWisdom | 13 | (Indeed) |
Elliptic | Luvessy, Nintendo_07 | 2 | Jolyma, Argemone |
Taelac | 0 | WingsOWisdom | |
Abstain | 0 | Indeed | |
Total Votes | Argemone, Luvessy, WingsOWisdom, Indeed, Searmin, AhoyLindsay, Indeed, Jolyma, Indeed, Jolyma, Jolyma, Argemone, Argemone, DementedDuck, Aethera21, Elliptic, Sundancer, Lizzie, marinated, Taelac, Nintendo_07, WingsOWisdom | 15 | |
(No vote) | SeastarX | 1 |
Round 8: Town missed lynch, Ban Failed
Deadline: Monday, November 30 at 4:30PM Game Time
Votes needed until 50%+1 is met: 0 more needed. 9 total
Current to post 1423
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Luvessy | DementedDuck, Searmin, AhoyLindsay, Elliptic, Sundancer (proxy by Searmin) | 5 | (Indeed) |
Elliptic | Argemone, Jolyma, Luvessy, Nintendo_07, taelac, Indeed | 6 | |
Indeed | 0 | (marinated) | |
WingsOWisdom | marinated | 1 | |
Abstain | 0 | Sundancer (proxy by Searmin) | |
Total Votes | Indeed, DementedDuck, Argemone, Sundancer, Jolyma, Searmin, Luvessy, (marinated), Nintendo_07, AhoyLindsay, marinated, taelac, Elliptic | 12 | |
(No vote) | Aethera21, Lizzie, SeastarX, WingsOWisdom | 4 |
Round 7: Talisker lynched, Ban Failed
Deadline: Monday, November 23 at 4:30PM Game Time
Votes needed until 50%+1 is met: 0 more needed. 10 total
Current to post 1238
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Talisker | Argemone, Jolyma, taelac, AhoyLindsay, Nintendo_07, Searmin, Indeed, Sundancer, Marinated, Luvessy, Lizzie, DementedDuck, Aethera21, SeastarX, Elliptic, Xaribdis | 16 | |
taelac | WingsOWisdom | 1 | |
Abstain | Talisker | 1 | |
Luvessy | 0 | (Argemone, taelac, AhoyLindsay, Searmin, Indeed, Sundancer, DementedDuck, Aethera21, Elliptic, Xaribdis) | |
Total Votes | taelac, WingsOWisdom, Sundancer, Searmin, Xaribdis, Elliptic, Indeed, DementedDuck, AhoyLindsay, Aethera21, Argemone, Argemone, Jolyma, taelac, AhoyLindsay, Nintendo_07, Searmin, Indeed, Sundancer, Marinated, Luvessy, Lizzie, DementedDuck, Aethera21, SeastarX, Elliptic, Talisker, Xaribdis | 18 | |
(No vote) | 0 |
Round 6: Ezmerelda_M lynched, Ban Failed
Deadline: Friday, November 20th at 4:30am Game Time
Votes needed until 50%+1 is met: 0 more needed. 11 total
Current to post 1156
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Ezmerelda_M | taelac, Luvessy, Sundancer, Searmin | 4 | |
Searmin | DementedDuck, Ezmerelda_M | 2 | Jolyma |
Sundancer | Talisker, Aethera21 | 2 | |
Xaribdis | Jolyma, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Jolyma) | 2 | |
Jolyma | Indeed | 1 | Searmin |
AhoyLindsay | 0 | Searmin | |
Total Votes | Searmin, Jolyma, DementedDuck, Searmin, Indeed, taelac, Jolyma, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Jolyma), Ezmerelda_M, Talisker, Aethera21, Luvessy, Sundancer, Searmin | 11 | |
(No vote) | AhoyLindsay, Argemone, Elliptic, Lizzie, marinated, Nintendo_07, SeastarX, Xaribdis | 8 |
Round 5: Elleshanndri lynched, Jenny banned
Deadline: Monday, November 16, at 4:30pm Game Time
Votes needed until 50%+1 is met: 18 total.
Current to post 1056
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Elleshanndri | Luvessy, Aethera21, Sundancer, SeastarX, Lizzie | 5 | |
Elliptic | Jolyma, WingOWisdom (proxy by Jolyma), Argemone | 3 | |
Searmin | DementedDuck, Ezmerelda_M | 2 | |
Talisker | Indeed, AhoyLindsay | 2 | |
Ezmerelda_M | taelac | 1 | |
Lizzie | Elliptic | 1 | |
Nintendo_07 | marinated | 1 | |
Sundancer | Talisker | 1 | |
AhoyLindsay | Searmin | 1 | |
Abstain | Xaribdis | 1 | |
Total Votes | Indeed, marinated, AhoyLindsay, DementedDuck, Luvessy, Aethera21, Sundancer, Elliptic, Jolyma, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Jolyma), taelac, Talisker, Ezmerelda_M, Argemone, SeastarX, Lizzie, Searmin, Xaribdis | 18 | |
(No vote) | Cnuofesd, draton, Elleshanndri, jenny, Nintendo_07 | 5 |
Round 4: Town missed lynch, starrarose banned
Deadline: Friday, November 13, at 4:30am Game Time
Votes needed until 50%+1 is met: 13 total.
Current to post 965
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Elleshanndri | Aethera21, SeastarX, Luvessy | 3 | |
jenny | Elleshanndri, Talisker, Argemone (proxy by Talisker) | 3 | |
Nintendo_07 | marinated, Jolyma | 2 | |
Xaribdis | taelac, WingsOWisdom | 2 | |
DementedDuck | Searmin | 1 | |
Ezmerelda_M | Sundancer | 1 | |
Indeed | Xaribdis | 1 | |
Lizzie | Elliptic | 1 | |
Searmin | Indeed | 1 | |
Sundancer | Lizzie | 1 | |
taelac | Nintendo_07 | 1 | |
Talisker | starrarose | 1 | |
Abstain | AhoyLindsay | 1 | |
Total Votes | Nintendo_07, Lizzie, Taelac, Elleshanndri, Aethera21, marinated, Jolyma, Searmin, Sundancer, Indeed, SeastarX, AhoyLindsay, starrarose, Talisker, Argemone (proxy vote by Talisker), Luvessy, WingsOWisdom, Elliptic, Xaribdis | 19 | |
(No vote) | Cnuofesd, DementedDuck, draton, Ezmerelda_M, jenny | 5 |
Round 3: lcawte lynched, DaneT banned, Kotetsu534 banned (LC)
Deadline: Monday, November 9, at 4:30pm Game Time
Votes needed until 50%+1 is met: 14 total.
Current to post 835
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
lcawte | Argemone, jenny, DaneT, Elliptic, AhoyLindsay | 5 | Jolyma |
Searmin | DementedDuck, Indeed | 2 | Argemone |
DementedDuck | Searmin, Lizzie | 2 | |
Indeed | Xaribdis, Kotetsu534 | 2 | |
taelac | lcawte, Nintendo_07 | 2 | Aethera21, Jolyma |
Ezmerelda_M | Sundancer, SeastarX | 2 | |
jenny | Talisker | 1 | taelac, Nintendo_07 |
Xaribdis | WingsOWisdom | 1 | |
Jolyma | taelac | 1 | |
Nintendo_07 | marinated | 1 | |
Sundancer | 0 | Kotetsu534 | |
Abstain | 0 | ||
Total Votes | Argemone, Nintendo_07, Kotetsu534, taelac, DementedDuck, Searmin, Argemone, Jolyma, WingsOWisdom, Xaribdis, Jolyma, Indeed, Aethera21, Sundancer, Kotetsu534, taelac, lcawte, jenny, DaneT, Elliptic, Lizzie, Talisker, Nintendo_07, SeastarX, AhoyLindsay, marinated | 19 | |
(No vote) | Aethera21, Cnuofesd, Elleshanndri, Ezmerelda_M, Jolyma, Luvessy, ppplushies, starrarose | 8 |
Round 2: Zandia lynched, Vantastic banned, Tonko123 Exploded
Deadline: Friday, November 6, at 4:30am Game Time
Votes needed until 50%+1 is met: 0 (Required number of votes reached)
Current to post 634
Current bomb location: tonko123
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Zandia | AhoyLindsay, Kotetsu534, Nintendo_07, Luvessy, Talisker, Searmin, Sundancer, DaneT, Lizzie | 9 | |
tonko123 | jenny, Indeed, Elleshanndri, Ezmerelda_M, Argemone | 5 | |
lcawte | Jolyma, SeastarX | 2 | |
Searmin | DementedDuck | 1 | |
taelac | Aethera21 | 1 | |
Vantastic | Elliptic | 1 | |
Xaribdis | WingsOWisdom | 1 | |
jenny | taelac | 1 | |
Abstain | 0 | ||
Total Votes | jenny, Indeed, AhoyLindsay, Elleshanndri, Ezmerelda_M, DementedDuck, Jolyma, Kotetsu534, Nintendo_07, Elliptic, WingsOWisdom, Aethera21, Luvessy, taelac, Talisker, Searmin, Sundancer, SeastarX, Argemone, DaneT, Lizzie, marinated, Vantastic | 23 | |
(No vote) | Cnuofesd, lcawte, ppplushies, starrarose, tonko123, Xaribdis, Zandia | 7 |
Round 1: Town Abstained, Justinmickey Banned
Deadline: Monday, November 2, at 4:30pm Game Time
Votes needed until 50%+1 is met: 17
Current to post 350
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
jenny | tonko123, Vantastic, Ezmerelda_M, ppplushies, Nintendo_07 | 4 | |
Kotetsu534 | Searmin, Justinmickey, Lizzie | 3 | |
Elliptic | Aethera21, Zandia | 2 | |
Justinmickey | Kotetsu534 | 1 | |
Taelac | Jolyma | 1 | |
tonko123 | jenny | 1 | |
Nintendo_07 | Kotetsu534, DementedDuck | 0 | DementedDuck, Kotetsu534 |
Abstain | Sundancer, Lizzie, starrarose, Justinmickey, Xaribdis, Taelac, Elliptic, tonko123 | 6 | Justinmickey, Lizzie |
Total Votes | Kotetsu534, DementedDuck, tonko123, Vantastic, jenny, Ezmerelda_M, Searmin, Sundancer, Lizzie, starrarose, ppplushies, Justinmickey, Justinmickey, Xaribdis, Taelac, Lizzie, Jolyma, Kotetsu534, Aethera21, Elliptic, Zandia, tonko123, Nintendo_07 | 18 | |
(No vote) | Abiona, AhoyLindsay, Bootleges, Cnuofesd, Elleshanndri, Indeed, Kristy102, Lcawte, Luvessy, Satin11, SeastarX, Talisker, WingsOWisdom, DementedDuck | 14 |
Posting Record
Game Links