Rogue OM Squad 6.5

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Revision as of 19:23, 13 April 2008 by Misterblonde (talk | contribs)

Unsure of what is going on in this game? Consider looking at the Layman's Guide to 6.5

Rogue OM Squad 6.5: Wild Humor was scheduled to begin on April 1st, 2008.

Color Key

Names in purple were lynched but innocent
Names in orange were banned by Rogue OMs
Names in green are confirmed Rogue OMs
Names in blue left, for any other reason, and were replaced by other players
Names in brown left, for whatever reason, without replacement
Names in red were neutral players

For a pictorial list of remaining players, click show to expand

To view the rules as written by TMBC, click show to expand

Current Deadline: Day 1 ends at 12:00:00 PM, April 13th

Votes in Round 1

ROMS green flag.png means the player has voted for at least one player
ROMS blue flag.png means the player has included a 'pass' vote

Up to date to post 857.

Flag Votes

The number of blue flags needed to end the round is 14, assuming 39 players
The number of green flags needed to reach 75% is 30, assuming 39 players

Player Flags raised Player Flags raised Player Flags raised
The_Joker_ ROMS green flag.pngROMS blue flag.png GreatBob ROMS green flag.png Luvessy ROMS green flag.png
Lyaka ROMS green flag.png Piplicus_BNO ROMS green flag.png Flamez911 ROMS green flag.png
thefirstdude ROMS green flag.pngROMS blue flag.png Fungus06 ROMS green flag.png Daleenmarine
AhoyLindsay ROMS green flag.png SM_Forums ROMS green flag.png WingsOWisdom
TuucciZ ROMS green flag.png Hazarath ROMS green flag.png fatfriar ROMS blue flag.pngROMS green flag.png
Taelac ROMS green flag.png Nintendo_07 ROMS green flag.png starrarose ROMS green flag.png
ghadhean ROMS green flag.png Elliania ROMS green flag.png SweetBreeze ROMS green flag.png
Satin11 ROMS green flag.png Godssniper ROMS green flag.png Mari_ ROMS green flag.png
abe27432 ROMS green flag.png CandyK ROMS green flag.png Marinated ROMS green flag.png
ROMS green flag.png raised: 25 ROMS blue flag.png raised: 3

Actual Votes

Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
WingsOWisdom The_Joker_, Lyaka, abe27432, Hazarath, fungus06, Taelac, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), SM_Forums, Satin11 9 Nintendo_07, thefirstdude
Nintendo_07 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), AhoyLindsay, fungus06, thefirstdude, starrarose, Hazarath, ghadhean, Elliania 9 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
fatfriar The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), AhoyLindsay, thefirstdude, starrarose, mari_, Luvessy, Marinated, Nintendo_07 9 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
The_Joker_ The_Joker_, Lyaka, Piplicus_BNO, Flamez911, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), starrarose 6 Fungus06, Nintendo_07, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
GreatBob TuucciZ, Fungus06, Nintendo_07, The_Joker, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 5 GreatBob, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Saladin3 Lyaka, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), Taelac, CandyK 5 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Nificant Taelac, fungus_06, The Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 4 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), AhoyLindsay
Daleenmarine The_Joker_, TuucciZ, Hazarath, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 4 GreatBob, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Godssniper The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), WingsOWisdom, Piplicus_BNO 4 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
SM_forums The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), Hazarath, Satin11 4 daleenmarine, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Flamez911 Lyaka, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), Flamez911 4 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
thefirstdude The_Joker_, thefirstdude, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), Ghadhean 4 daleenmarine, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
ghadhean The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), thefirsdude, Greatbob, Nintendo_07 5 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
fungus_06 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), Godssniper, 3 AhoyLindsay, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), Wingsowisdom
Pass thefirstdude, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 3 SM_Forums, Talisker, Wingsowisdom, Luvessy, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Prosperity AhoyLindsay, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 3 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Elliania The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), Satin11 3 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Talisker The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), Sweetbreeze_ 3 GreatBob, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
AhoyLindsay The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), Nintendo_07 3 GreatBob, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Piplicus_BNO The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_), 2 GreatBob, daleenmarine, AhoyLindsay, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
TuucciZ The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 GreatBob, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
abe27342 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Luvessy The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 daleenmarine, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
CandyK The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Lyaka The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 GreatBob, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
mari_ The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
marinated The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
MeegerMary The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Sweetbreeze_ The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Taelac The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
titanrulez The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Zandia The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Vireyda The_Joker, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 daleenmarine, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Shaimus The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 daleenmarine, The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
7hranduil The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Hazarath The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Satin11 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
SeastarX The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)
Dragon6582 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_) 2 The_Joker_, fatfriar (Proxy by The_Joker_)

Voting Record

To view the voting record, please click show to expand

Posting Record

To view the posting record, please click show to expand

Proxy Record

Player Name Proxy Holder Date Assigned Date Accepted Date Retrieved
Fatfriar The_Joker_


Role Description Holder Relevant Game Link(s)
Moderator Moderates, Answers game-related questions BehindCurtai
Narrator Can accept requests to allow players to post messages anonymously Jolyma
Town Leader Can break ties in voting lyaka
Church Bishop Can perform exorcisms Flamez911

Reported Clues

Player Name Clue
lyaka 16 players have no role, although they do have a power.
Luvessy 9 players are: 2 Heros, 2 cross linked twins, 2 Investment

opportunity sellers, 2 police detectives, and 1 Police commissioner

AhoyLindsay Nifcant is playing.

Hazarath 9 players are: 4 Banana Republic Leaders, 2 Banker/Venture

Capitalists, and 3 Game Staff

Sweetbreeze_ 9 players are: Elliania, CandyK, fungus06, Lyaka, Thepower Undercover PI, The power The Batman, The power Head Commie,SeaStarX, and Kinocha.

mari_ There is 1 Commie, 1 Vampire, and 3 Villians at the start of the game.

Flamez911 Flamerz911: 9 roles are: Joker, Punch, Judy, The one held by the vampire, Vireyda's, and 4 Medical Doctors

Nintendo_07 Nintendo: 10. The complete list of Roles, include the fake roles, are:Artemis, Cleaver, Peghead, Insane, Hero, ADD Poet, Unhappy Townie,Innocent Chain to ___, Communist, Major bleeping annoyance, TeamJoker, Vampire, Head Rogue, Apprentice Rogue, Turned Rogue, Infected,Ghost, "Still alive and dying", Python Fan, Viridianite, Lost GalacticTourist, Hypnotist.

Logic clue: Nintendo: 17 players are Townie

SM_Forums 9 players are: The one protecting Elliania, the one MeegerMary is linked to, Luvessy, SM_Forums, Talisker, WingsOWisdom, and 3 hunters

SeastarX SeaStarX: 9 roles are: Artemis, Cleaver, Communist, Major bleeping annoyance, Peghead, Town Leader, Godssniper's, Satin11's, and Taelac's

Important Posts

Round Description Relevant Link(s)
1 Game start

Other Links

Rogue OMs The Rogue OM Squad Pirates
Moderator Game Forum thread YPPedia page
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Aenor Return of the Rogue OM Squad
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