Difference between revisions of "Rogue OM Squad 6.875"

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(Votes in Round 3)
(Votes in Round 3)
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== Votes in Round 3 ==
== Votes in Round 3 ==
:Up to date to post [http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=1526700#1526700 414]
:Up to date to post [http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=1527622#1527622 459]
:15 are needed to lynch and 22 are needed for 75%
:15 are needed to lynch and 22 are needed for 75%
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|Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Thefirstdude)
|Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Thefirstdude)
|Tucciiz, Abiona
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|Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Thefirstdude), Zandia, Tuucciz, Luvessy, Drakes, Argemone
|Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Thefirstdude), Zandia, Tuucciz, Luvessy, Drakes, Argemone, Abiona
|(no vote)
|(no vote)
|Abe27342, Abiona, Daleenmarine, Distantwisdom, Ghadhean, Gooblenka, LevelSlayer, Lyaka, Marinated, Misanthrowpe, Nessmonster, Nintendo_07, Piplicus_BNO, Prosperity, Satin11, SeastarX, Shaimus, SM_Forums, Sweetbreeze, Taelac, Talisker, Vireyda
|Abe27342, Daleenmarine, Distantwisdom, Ghadhean, Gooblenka, LevelSlayer, Lyaka, Marinated, Misanthrowpe, Nessmonster, Nintendo_07, Piplicus_BNO, Prosperity, Satin11, SeastarX, Shaimus, SM_Forums, Sweetbreeze, Taelac, Talisker, Vireyda

Revision as of 00:13, 28 May 2008

Signup Thread Game Thread

Color Key

Names in purple were lynched but innocent
Names in orange were banned by Rogue OMs
Names in green are confirmed Rogue OMs
Names in blue left, for any other reason, and were replaced by other players
Names in brown left, for whatever reason, without replacement
Names in red were neutral players


Remaining Players: (29)

Abe27342, Abiona, Argemone, Daleenmarine, Distantwisdom, Drakes, Ghadhean, Gooblenka, LevelSlayer, Luvessy, Lyaka, Marinated, Misanthrowpe, Nessmonster, Nintendo_07, Piplicus_BNO, Prosperity, Satin11, SeastarX, Shaimus, SM_Forums, Sweetbreeze, Taelac, Talisker, thefirstdude, Tuucciz, Vireyda, WingsOWisdom, Zandia

Lynched Players: (2)

Quitex, Saladin3

Banned Players: (2)

AhoyLindsay, Jolyma

Removed players: (5)

mari_ (resigned), fungus06 (inactive), GreatBob (inactive), Hazarath (inactive), CandyK (resigned)

Current Deadline: May 28, 2008 6:52:47 PM

Votes in Round 3

Up to date to post 459
15 are needed to lynch and 22 are needed for 75%
Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
Sweetbreeze Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Thefirstdude) 2
Shaimus Tucciiz, Abiona 2
Lyaka Zandia 1
Tuucciz Luvessy 1
Thefirstdude Drakes 1
Prosperity Argemone 1
TOTAL VOTES Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Thefirstdude), Zandia, Tuucciz, Luvessy, Drakes, Argemone, Abiona 8
(no vote) Abe27342, Daleenmarine, Distantwisdom, Ghadhean, Gooblenka, LevelSlayer, Lyaka, Marinated, Misanthrowpe, Nessmonster, Nintendo_07, Piplicus_BNO, Prosperity, Satin11, SeastarX, Shaimus, SM_Forums, Sweetbreeze, Taelac, Talisker, Vireyda 21

Voting Record

To view the voting record, please click show to expand

Posting Record

To view the posting record, please click show to expand

Past Rounds

To view the votes in Round 1, click show to expand

To view the votes in Round 2, click show to expand

Players Approaching Inactivity

Player Name Date of Last Post (PDT) Date of Inactivity (PDT)
Nintendo_07 May 24, 2008 7:32:17PM May 27, 2008 7:32:17PM

Game Links

Rogue OMs The Rogue OM Squad Pirates
Moderator Game Forum thread YPPedia page
Aenor Attack of the Rogue OM Squad
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Aenor Return of the Rogue OM Squad
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Shaimus Rogue OM Squad III
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Shaimus Rogue OM Squad IV Coconut
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Rogue OM Squad IV Lime
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Shaimus Rogue OM Squad V Vanilla
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Rogue OM Squad V Wild Mango
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Sashamorning Rogue OM Squad V.V
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Hazarath, Lyaka Rogue OM Squad VI
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BehindCurtain, Jolyma Rogue OM Squad 6.5: Wild Humor
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The_Joker_ Rogue OM Squad 6.875: Pussycat
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Hazarath, Piplicus_BNO Rogue OM Squad VII: Neapolitan
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Jolyma Rogue OM Squad VIII
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daleenmarine Rogue OM Squad 8.25
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starrarose Rogue OM Squad 8.75
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AhoyLindsay Rogue OM Squad IX
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Furare, wrecker15 Rogue OM Squad 9.25: Mob Madness
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Aethera21 Rogue OM Squad X: Vanilla Vacation
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Searmin, Furare Rogue OM Squad X.2 Mojito
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Rogue OM Squad X.2 Mai Tai
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Furare, Talisker Rogue OM Squad 10.5: Bansticks in the Big Top
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Lizzie Rogue OM Squad XI: Electric Lemonade
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taelac Rogue OM Squad 11.5: Snowball Fight
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Furare, wrecker15 Rogue OM Squad 11.75: Fantasy Fever
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Vantastic, Greenslope Rogue OM Squad 12: Ogres gone Roguer!
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Aethera21 Rogue OM Squad XIII: Gorilla Villas (Vanilla!)
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Talisker, Furare Rogue OM Squad 13.33: ROMS of Cthulhu
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wrecker15 Rogue OM Squad 13.77: Drawn by Fate
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Furare, DementedDuck Rogue OM Squad XIV: Prison Break-High Security
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Rogue OM Squad XIV: Prison Break-Low Security
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Quitex, Justinmickey Rogue OM Squad XV: DC
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Taelac Rogue OM Squad XVI: The Finest of the Flavors
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Furare, Aethera Rogue OM Squad 16.66: A Clue Before Dying
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Jolyma Rogue OM Squad XVII: Vanilla Filler
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Furare, wrecker15 Rogue OM Squad 17.5: Words & Weapons: A ROMS Revolution
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Ongoing Rogue OM Squad Live!
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