Difference between revisions of "Rogue OM Squad XIII: Gorilla Villas (Vanilla!)"

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(61 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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== Current Deadline: <font color="red">Monday July 18th, 2011, 16:00:00</font> ==
Line 7: Line 5:
'''Lynched Gorillas (3):'''
'''Living Gorillas (8):'''
:{{ROMS/keelhauled|Quitex, rissarissa13, master2482}}
: {{ROMS/found|Daldal, Ezmerelda_M,}} ghadhean, Jolyma, Lotsofgoats, {{ROMS/found|marinated, taelac,}} wrecker15
'''Banned Gorillas (4):'''
'''Lynched Gorillas (7):'''
:{{ROMS/banned|Poppopmimi, AhoyLindsay, Talisker, Snipercam}}
:{{ROMS/lynched|Quitex, rissarissa13, master2482, riku743, Cnuofesd, Prosperity, bethieboo}}
'''Banned Gorillas (9):'''
:{{ROMS/banned|Poppopmimi, AhoyLindsay, Talisker, Snipercam, Furare, Luvessy, Hazarath, Elliptic, randomact}}
'''Replaced Gorillas (4):'''
'''Replaced Gorillas (4):'''
:{{ROMS/abstain|Arghhpirate}} (replaced by Furare), {{ROMS/abstain|Tanabear}} (wrecker15), {{ROMS/abstain|Katebarloww}} (Daldal), {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane}} (randomact)
:{{ROMS/abstain|Arghhpirate}} (replaced by {{ROMS/banned|Furare}}), {{ROMS/abstain|Tanabear}} (wrecker15), {{ROMS/abstain|Katebarloww}} (Daldal), {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane}} (randomact), {{ROMS/abstain|satin11}} (Elliptic)
'''Living Gorillas (17):'''
:bethieboo, cnuofesd, Daldal, Ezmerelda_M, Furare, ghadhean, Hazarath, Jolyma, Luvessy, Lotsofgoats, marinated, Prosperity, randomact, riku743, satin11, taelac, wrecker15
'''Gorillas waiting for a reservation at the Villas (0):'''
'''Gorillas waiting for a reservation at the Villas (0):'''
:Dylan is no longer available as a replacement.
:''Dylan is no longer available as a replacement.''
== <font color="red">Game Over - Rogues Win</font> ==
=== Round 9: <font color="purple">bethieboo</font> lynched, <font color="orange">randomact</font> banned ===
{| class="toccolours" border=1 cellpadding=2 style="border-collapse:collapse; margin:0em 0em 1em 1em" cellpadding=3 style="float:center; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; font-size:100%"
|- valign="top"  style="background:#000000; color:#CCAC00"
! Name !! Votes !! # of votes !! (Unvotes)
|wrecker15, randomact, Lotsofgoats(Proxy by randomact), Jolyma, taelac, marinated
|Ezmerelda_M, Daldal
|randomact, Lotsofgoats
|Jolyma, taelac
|Lotsofgoats, wrecker15
|<font color="grey">Lotsofgoats</font>, <font color="grey">randomact</font>, Ezmerelda_M, <font color="grey">marinated</font>, <font color="grey">taelac</font>, <font color="grey">Daldal</font>, <font color="grey">Lotsofgoats</font>, Daldal, <font color="grey">wrecker15</font>, ghadhean, bethieboo, <font color="grey">Jolyma</font>, wrecker15, randomact, Lotsofgoats(Proxy by randomact), Jolyma, taelac, marinated
|(No Vote)
== Proxy Record ==
=== Round 8: No Lynch, <font color="orange">Elliptic</font> banned! ===
Proxy table last updated: Just 9th, 2PM
{| class="toccolours" border=1 cellpadding=2 style="border-collapse:collapse; margin:0em 0em 1em 1em" cellpadding=3 style="float:center; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; font-size:100%"
{| class="toccolours" border=1 cellpadding=2 style="border-collapse:collapse; margin:0em 0em 1em 1em" cellpadding=3 style="float:center; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; font-size:100%"
|- valign="top"  style="background:##FFFFFF; color:#CCAC00"
|- valign="top"  style="background:#000000; color:#CCAC00"
! Player Name !! Proxy Holder !! Status !! Valid through !! Notes !! Reclaimed
! Name !! Votes !! # of votes !! (Unvotes)
|- valign="top"
|Ghadhean, Wrecker, Lotsofgoats
|Ezmerelda_M, Daldal, Marinated
|End of Day 2
|May not vote for {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane}} or Taelac. May not use to abstain.
|<u>Marinated</u>, Cnuofesd, Hazarath
|End of Day 2
|May not vote for {{ROMS/keelhauled|Quitex}}. Use to ensure a lynch.
|<u>Hazarath</u>, Luvessy
|End of Day 2
|To be used to vote off {{ROMS/keelhauled|Quitex}} or {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane}} if necessary.
|End of Day 2, July 10
|<u>Prosperity</u>, Lotsofgoats, {{ROMS/banned|Talisker}}
|<font color="gray">Lotsofgoats</font>, ghadhean, taelac, randomact, Ezmerelda_M, DalDal, wrecker15, Jolyma, marinated, Lotsofgoats
|End of Day 3
|Only move vote to prevent a mislynch
|End of Day 3, July 13
|- style="background:#CCAC00; color:#000000"
|(No Vote)
|bethieboo, Elliptic
=== Round 7: <font color="purple">Prosperity</font> lynched, <font color="orange">Hazarath</font> banned!===
{| class="toccolours" border=1 cellpadding=2 style="border-collapse:collapse; margin:0em 0em 1em 1em" cellpadding=3 style="float:center; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; font-size:100%"
|- valign="top"  style="background:#000000; color:#CCAC00"
! Name !! Votes !! # of votes !! (Unvotes)
|wrecker15, taelac, Ezmerelda_M
|Luvessy, Jolyma, {{ROMS/banned|Talisker}}
|Prosperity, Hazarath
|End of Day 3
|May not vote against {{ROMS/keelhauled|Rissarissa}}
|Jolyma, <u>Hazarath</u>, Cnuofesd
|End of Day 4
|May be used to seal any lynch. May not be unvoted.
|End of Day 4, July 15
|<u>Luvessy</u>, Prosperity, marinated
|End of Day 4
|End of Day 4, July 15
|End of Day 4
|May be moved to Riku743 if necessary
|End of Day 4, July 15
|marinated, wrecker15, randomact, Prosperity, Lotsofgoats, taelac, Jolyma, ghadhean, Hazarath, Ezmerelda_M
|End of Day 5
|Use in order on either {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane}}, {{ROMS/banned|Snipercam}} (banned after proxy issued), Lotsofgoats, or Taelac. Do not use it to vote on Cnuofesd.
|MidDay 5, July 17
|- style="background:#CCAC00; color:#000000"
|<u>wrecker15</u>, Lotsofgoats, Cnuofesd
|(No Vote)
|bethieboo, DalDal, Elliptic
|''not specified but accepted through end of Day 5'' [http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1000#2387894]
|Use best judgement
== Voting Record ==
=== Round 6: <font color="purple">Cnuofesd</font color> Lynched, <font color="orange">Luvessy</font> Banned! ===
{{spoiler|manual=To view the voting record, please click ''show'' to expand|content={{:Rogue_OM_Squad_XIII/Voting_record}}}}
<!---To edit this table, you need to edit http://yppedia.puzzlepirates.com/Rogue_OM_Squad_XIII/Voting_record--->
== Alternative Voting Record ==
''Through Day 4''
{{spoiler|manual=To view the alternative voting record, please click ''show'' to expand|content={{:Rogue_OM_Squad_XIII/Personal_Voting_Records}}
== Current Round: Round 5 ==
=== Votes in Round 5 ===
Up to date as of post [http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1050#2388354 1070]
{| class="toccolours" border=1 cellpadding=2 style="border-collapse:collapse; margin:0em 0em 1em 1em" cellpadding=3 style="float:center; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; font-size:100%"
{| class="toccolours" border=1 cellpadding=2 style="border-collapse:collapse; margin:0em 0em 1em 1em" cellpadding=3 style="float:center; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; font-size:100%"
|- valign="top"  style="background:#000000; color:#CCAC00"
|- valign="top"  style="background:#000000; color:#CCAC00"
! Name !! Votes !! # of votes !! (Unvotes)  
! Name !! Votes !! # of votes !! (Unvotes)  
|{{ROMS/banned|Luvessy}}, Jolyma, taelac, marinated, Lotsofgoats, Ezmerelda_M, bethieboo, Prosperity
|Prosperity, randomact, Jolyma, wrecker15
|ghadhean, wrecker15
|<font color="gray">marinated</font>
|Ezmerelda_M, bethieboo
|<font color="gray">Jolyma</font>
|Hazarath, <font color="gray">Jolyma</font>, {{ROMS/banned|Luvessy}}, <font color="gray">marinated</font>, {{ROMS/lynched|Cnuofesd}}, Jolyma, taelac, ghadhean, marinated, DalDal, Lotsofgoats, randomact, Ezmerelda_M, bethieboo, Prosperity
|- style="background:#CCAC00; color:#000000"
|(No Vote)
=== Round 5: <font color="purple">Riku743</font color> Lynched, <font color="orange">Furare</font> Banned! ===
{| class="toccolours" border=1 cellpadding=2 style="border-collapse:collapse; margin:0em 0em 1em 1em" cellpadding=3 style="float:center; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; font-size:100%"
|- valign="top"  style="background:#000000; color:#CCAC00"
! Name !! Votes !! # of votes !! (Unvotes)
|Prosperity, randomact, Jolyma, wrecker15, Hazarath (proxy vote by wrecker15), ghadhean, Luvessy
|Ezmerelda_M, bethieboo, marinated
|<font color="gray">ghadhean, Luvessy</font>
|<font color="gray">marinated</font>
|<font color="gray">ghadhean</font>
|Taelac (failed vote change to {{ROMS/lynched|Riku743}} due to never unvoting[http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1100#2388485])
|Prosperity, Ezmerelda_M, randomact, marinated, ghadhean, Taelac, Jolyma, wrecker15, bethieboo, Furare
|Prosperity, Ezmerelda_M, randomact, <font color="gray">marinated, ghadhean</font>, Taelac, Jolyma, wrecker15, bethieboo, {{ROMS/banned|Furare}}, <font color="gray">ghadhean, Luvessy</font>, marinated, Hazarath(proxy vote by wrecker15), ghadhean, Daldal, Luvessy
|- style="background:#CCAC00; color:#000000"
|- style="background:#CCAC00; color:#000000"
|(No Vote)
|(No Vote)
|Cnuofesd, Daldal, Hazarath, Luvessy, Lotsofgoats, riku743, satin11
|Cnuofesd, Lotsofgoats, Riku743, satin11
== Previous Rounds ==
=== Round 4: <font color=purple>master2482</font> Lynched, <font color=orange>Snipercam</font> Banned! ===  
=== Round 4: <font color=purple>master2482</font> Lynched, <font color=orange>Snipercam</font> Banned! ===  
Line 170: Line 287:
|marinated, Ezmerelda_M, {{ROMS/banned|Snipercam}}, taelac, riku743, Hazarath, {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane(proxy by Hazarath)}}
|marinated, Ezmerelda_M, {{ROMS/banned|Snipercam}}, taelac, {{ROMS/lynched|Riku743}}, Hazarath, {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane(proxy by Hazarath)}}
|satin11, Luvessy, bethieboo(proxy by Luvessy), wrecker15, Lotsofgoats(proxy by wrecker15)
|satin11, Luvessy, bethieboo(proxy by Luvessy), wrecker15, Lotsofgoats(proxy by wrecker15)
Line 210: Line 327:
|marinated, {{ROMS/keelhauled|master2482}}, Ezmerelda_M, Daldal, Snipercam, Jolyma, Prosperity, satin11, taelac, ghadhean, Luvessy, bethieboo(proxy by Luvessy), wrecker15, riku743, Lotsofgoats(proxy by wrecker15), Hazarath, {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane}}(proxy by Hazarath)
|marinated, {{ROMS/keelhauled|master2482}}, Ezmerelda_M, Daldal, Snipercam, Jolyma, Prosperity, satin11, taelac, ghadhean, Luvessy, bethieboo(proxy by Luvessy), wrecker15, {{ROMS/lynched|Riku743}}, Lotsofgoats(proxy by wrecker15), Hazarath, {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane}}(proxy by Hazarath)
Line 231: Line 348:
|Lotsofgoats, cnuofesd
|Lotsofgoats, cnuofesd
|wrecker15, {{ROMS/banned|Talisker}}, Luvessy, {{ROMS/keelhauled|rissarissa13}}
|wrecker15, {{ROMS/banned|Talisker}}, Luvessy, {{ROMS/keelhauled|rissarissa13}}
Line 237: Line 354:
|riku743, Ezmerelda_M, taelac, cnuofesd
|{{ROMS/lynched|Riku743}}, Ezmerelda_M, taelac, cnuofesd
|Jolyma, cnuofesd
|Jolyma, cnuofesd
Line 252: Line 369:
Line 272: Line 389:
|marinated, <font color="gray">master2482, <font color="gray">Lotsofgoats</font>, Jolyma, Rohane</font>, riku743, wrecker15, satin11, bethieboo, Furare, Ezmerelda_M, Lotsofgoats, master2482, Prosperity, taelac, Jolyma, Talisker, Hazarath, Luvessy, rissarissa13, <font color="gray">cnuofesd</font>, <font color="gray">cnuofesd</font>, cnuofesd, ghadhean, Lotsofgoats
|marinated, <font color="gray">master2482, <font color="gray">Lotsofgoats</font>, Jolyma, Rohane</font>, {{ROMS/lynched|Riku743}}, wrecker15, satin11, bethieboo, {{ROMS/banned|Furare}}, Ezmerelda_M, Lotsofgoats, master2482, Prosperity, taelac, Jolyma, Talisker, Hazarath, Luvessy, rissarissa13, <font color="gray">cnuofesd</font>, <font color="gray">cnuofesd</font>, cnuofesd, ghadhean, Lotsofgoats
Line 289: Line 406:
|{{ROMS/keelhauled|Master2482}}, Lotsofgoats, ghadhean, Hazarath, {{ROMS/banned|Talisker}}, {{ROMS/keelhauled|rissarissa13}}, Luvessy, riku743
|{{ROMS/keelhauled|Master2482}}, Lotsofgoats, ghadhean, Hazarath, {{ROMS/banned|Talisker}}, {{ROMS/keelhauled|rissarissa13}}, Luvessy, {{ROMS/lynched|Riku743}}
Line 319: Line 436:
|taelac, <font color="gray">Riku743</font>, master2482, Lotsofgaots, <font color="gray">rissarissa13</font>, {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane}}, Snipercam, Jolyma, marinated, satin11, Quitex, <font color="gray">AhoyLindsay</font>, Prosperity, ghadhean, <font color="gray">Hazarath</font>, Hazarath, Talisker, rissrissa13, Ezmerelda_M, Cnuofesd, bethieboo, Luvessy, AhoyLindsay, riku743
|taelac, <font color="gray">Riku743</font>, master2482, Lotsofgaots, <font color="gray">rissarissa13</font>, {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane}}, Snipercam, Jolyma, marinated, satin11, Quitex, <font color="gray">AhoyLindsay</font>, Prosperity, ghadhean, <font color="gray">Hazarath</font>, Hazarath, Talisker, rissrissa13, Ezmerelda_M, Cnuofesd, bethieboo, Luvessy, AhoyLindsay, {{ROMS/lynched|Riku743}}
Line 386: Line 503:
== Proxy Record ==
Proxy table last updated: Just 9th, 2PM
{| class="toccolours" border=1 cellpadding=2 style="border-collapse:collapse; margin:0em 0em 1em 1em" cellpadding=3 style="float:center; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; font-size:100%"
|- valign="top"  style="background:##FFFFFF; color:#CCAC00"
! Player Name !! Proxy Holder !! Status !! Valid through !! Notes !! Reclaimed
|- valign="top"
|End of Day 2
|May not vote for {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane}} or Taelac. May not use to abstain.
|<u>Marinated</u>, Cnuofesd, Hazarath
|End of Day 2
|May not vote for {{ROMS/keelhauled|Quitex}}. Use to ensure a lynch.
|<u>Hazarath</u>, Luvessy
|End of Day 2
|To be used to vote off {{ROMS/keelhauled|Quitex}} or {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane}} if necessary.
|End of Day 2, July 10
|<u>Prosperity</u>, Lotsofgoats, {{ROMS/banned|Talisker}}
|End of Day 3
|Only move vote to prevent a mislynch
|End of Day 3, July 13
|Luvessy, Jolyma, {{ROMS/banned|Talisker}}
|End of Day 3
|May not vote against {{ROMS/keelhauled|Rissarissa}}
|Jolyma, <u>Hazarath</u>, Cnuofesd
|End of Day 4
|May be used to seal any lynch. May not be unvoted.
|End of Day 4, July 15
|<u>Luvessy</u>, Prosperity, marinated
|End of Day 4
|End of Day 4, July 15
|End of Day 4
|May be moved to {{ROMS/lynched|Riku743}} if necessary
|End of Day 4, July 15
|End of Day 5
|Use in order on either {{ROMS/abstain|Rohane}}, {{ROMS/banned|Snipercam}} (banned after proxy issued), Lotsofgoats, or Taelac. Do not use it to vote on Cnuofesd.
|MidDay 5, July 17
|<u>wrecker15</u>, Lotsofgoats, Cnuofesd
|''not specified but accepted through end of Day 5'' [http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1000#2387894]
|Use best judgement
|Beginning of Day 6, July 19
|End of Day 5
|Use on Prosperity if it becomes a viable option, if not stay on {{ROMS/lynched|Riku743}}
|End of Day 5, July 18
|End of Day 7
|Do not vote for yourself of Cnuofesd
== Voting Record ==
{{spoiler|manual=To view the voting record, please click ''show'' to expand|content={{:Rogue_OM_Squad_XIII/Voting_record}}}}
<!---To edit this table, you need to edit http://yppedia.puzzlepirates.com/Rogue_OM_Squad_XIII/Voting_record--->
== Alternative Voting Record ==
''Through Day 4''
{{spoiler|manual=To view the alternative voting record, please click ''show'' to expand|content={{:Rogue_OM_Squad_XIII/Personal_Voting_Records}}
== Game History, Post by Post ==
== Game History, Post by Post ==
Line 438: Line 660:
*Rohane resigns, replaced by randomact.[http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1000#2387879]
*Rohane resigns, replaced by randomact.[http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1000#2387879]
*Daldal reclaims proxy.[http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1000#2387959]
*Daldal reclaims proxy.[http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1000#2387959]
*wrecker15 accepts Hazarath's proxy[http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1000#2388184]
*Taelac assigns a proxy to Furare[http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1050#2388447]
**Furare accepts Taelac's proxy[http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1100#2388460]
*Riku743 is lynched[http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1100#2388485]
**Riku743 revealed as innocent.[http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1100#2388642]
*Fifth ban is posted by the Rogues, Furare is targeted.[http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1100#2388886]
=== Day 6 ===
*Day 6 starts, Furare is confirmed as banned. [http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=171849&offset=1150#2388892]
== Links ==
== Links ==

Latest revision as of 00:22, 4 September 2012

Color Key

Names in purple were lynched but innocent
Names in orange were banned by Rogue OMs
Names in green are confirmed Rogue OMs
Names in blue left, for any other reason, and were replaced by other players
Names in brown left, for whatever reason, without replacement
Names in red were neutral players


Gorilla Mommy (Moderator)


Living Gorillas (8):

Daldal, Ezmerelda_M, ghadhean, Jolyma, Lotsofgoats, marinated, taelac, wrecker15

Lynched Gorillas (7):

Quitex, rissarissa13, master2482, riku743, Cnuofesd, Prosperity, bethieboo

Banned Gorillas (9):

Poppopmimi, AhoyLindsay, Talisker, Snipercam, Furare, Luvessy, Hazarath, Elliptic, randomact

Replaced Gorillas (4):

Arghhpirate (replaced by Furare), Tanabear (wrecker15), Katebarloww (Daldal), Rohane (randomact), satin11 (Elliptic)

Gorillas waiting for a reservation at the Villas (0):

Dylan is no longer available as a replacement.

Game Over - Rogues Win

Round 9: bethieboo lynched, randomact banned

Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
bethieboo wrecker15, randomact, Lotsofgoats(Proxy by randomact), Jolyma, taelac, marinated 6
Lotsofgoats Ezmerelda_M, Daldal 2
Daldal ghadhean 1 randomact, Lotsofgoats
wrecker15 0 marinated
ghadhean bethieboo 1 Jolyma, taelac
Ezmerelda_M 0 Lotsofgoats, wrecker15
randomact 0 Daldal
Votes Lotsofgoats, randomact, Ezmerelda_M, marinated, taelac, Daldal, Lotsofgoats, Daldal, wrecker15, ghadhean, bethieboo, Jolyma, wrecker15, randomact, Lotsofgoats(Proxy by randomact), Jolyma, taelac, marinated 10
(No Vote) 0

Round 8: No Lynch, Elliptic banned!

Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
Jolyma Ghadhean, Wrecker, Lotsofgoats 3
Lotsofgoats Ezmerelda_M, Daldal, Marinated 3
Wrecker15 Taelac 1
Daldal Randomact 1
Ghadhean Jolyma 1
Ezmerelda_M 0 Lotsofgoats
Votes Lotsofgoats, ghadhean, taelac, randomact, Ezmerelda_M, DalDal, wrecker15, Jolyma, marinated, Lotsofgoats 9
(No Vote) bethieboo, Elliptic 2

Round 7: Prosperity lynched, Hazarath banned!

Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
Prosperity wrecker15, taelac, Ezmerelda_M 3
wrecker15 Prosperity, Hazarath 2
Lotsofgoats marinated 1
bethieboo randomact 1
DalDal Lotsofgoats 1
ghadhean Jolyma 1
Jolyma ghadhean 1
Votes marinated, wrecker15, randomact, Prosperity, Lotsofgoats, taelac, Jolyma, ghadhean, Hazarath, Ezmerelda_M 10
(No Vote) bethieboo, DalDal, Elliptic 3

Round 6: Cnuofesd Lynched, Luvessy Banned!

Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
Cnuofesd Luvessy, Jolyma, taelac, marinated, Lotsofgoats, Ezmerelda_M, bethieboo, Prosperity 8
Jolyma ghadhean, wrecker15 2
Lotsofgoats DalDal 1 marinated
Luvessy Cnuofesd 1
wrecker15 Hazarath 1
bethieboo randomact 1
ghadhean 0 Jolyma
Votes Hazarath, Jolyma, Luvessy, marinated, Cnuofesd, Jolyma, taelac, ghadhean, marinated, DalDal, Lotsofgoats, randomact, Ezmerelda_M, bethieboo, Prosperity 13
(No Vote) satin11 1

Round 5: Riku743 Lynched, Furare Banned!

Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
Riku743 Prosperity, randomact, Jolyma, wrecker15, Hazarath (proxy vote by wrecker15), ghadhean, Luvessy 7
Cnuofesd Ezmerelda_M, bethieboo, marinated 3 ghadhean, Luvessy
Prosperity Furare 1
randomact Daldal 1
Lotsofgoats 0 marinated
Jolyma 0 ghadhean
Abstain Taelac (failed vote change to Riku743 due to never unvoting[1]) 1
Votes Prosperity, Ezmerelda_M, randomact, marinated, ghadhean, Taelac, Jolyma, wrecker15, bethieboo, Furare, ghadhean, Luvessy, marinated, Hazarath(proxy vote by wrecker15), ghadhean, Daldal, Luvessy 13
(No Vote) Cnuofesd, Lotsofgoats, Riku743, satin11 4

Round 4: master2482 Lynched, Snipercam Banned!

Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
master2482 marinated, Ezmerelda_M, Snipercam, taelac, Riku743, Hazarath, Rohane(proxy by Hazarath) 7 Lotsofgoats
Riku743 satin11, Luvessy, bethieboo(proxy by Luvessy), wrecker15, Lotsofgoats(proxy by wrecker15) 5
Snipercam Jolyma, master2482 2
Taelac Prosperity, ghadhean 2
Abstain Daldal 1
satin11 0 Hazarath
Jolyma 0 cnuofesd
marinated 0 master2482
Votes marinated, master2482, Ezmerelda_M, Daldal, Snipercam, Jolyma, Prosperity, satin11, taelac, ghadhean, Luvessy, bethieboo(proxy by Luvessy), wrecker15, Riku743, Lotsofgoats(proxy by wrecker15), Hazarath, Rohane(proxy by Hazarath) 17
(No Vote) Furare, cnuofesd 2

Round 3: Rissarissa13 Lynched, Talisker Banned!

Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
rissarissa13 bethieboo, master2482, Prosperity, Hazarath, ghadhean, Lotsofgoats 6 Lotsofgoats, cnuofesd
Riku743 wrecker15, Talisker, Luvessy, rissarissa13 4
Rohane Riku743, Ezmerelda_M, taelac, cnuofesd 4 Jolyma, cnuofesd
Master2482 marinated 1 Lotsofgoats
cnuofesd satin11 1
satin11 Furare 1
taelac Jolyma 1
Lotsofgoats 0 master2482
Abstain 0 Rohane
Votes marinated, master2482, Lotsofgoats, Jolyma, Rohane, Riku743, wrecker15, satin11, bethieboo, Furare, Ezmerelda_M, Lotsofgoats, master2482, Prosperity, taelac, Jolyma, Talisker, Hazarath, Luvessy, rissarissa13, cnuofesd, cnuofesd, cnuofesd, ghadhean, Lotsofgoats 18
(No Vote) Katebarloww, Snipercam, Rohane 3

Round 2: Quitex Lynched, AhoyLindsay Banned!

Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
Quitex Master2482, Lotsofgoats, ghadhean, Hazarath, Talisker, rissarissa13, Luvessy, Riku743 8
master2482 Rohane, Snipercam, marinated, Quitex, Ezmerelda_M, Cnuofesd, bethieboo 7
Rohane taelac, Jolyma, AhoyLindsay 3 Hazarath, riku743
Cnuofesd satin11, Prosperity 2
Lotsofgoats rissarissa13
rissarissa13 AhoyLindsay
Votes taelac, Riku743, master2482, Lotsofgaots, rissarissa13, Rohane, Snipercam, Jolyma, marinated, satin11, Quitex, AhoyLindsay, Prosperity, ghadhean, Hazarath, Hazarath, Talisker, rissrissa13, Ezmerelda_M, Cnuofesd, bethieboo, Luvessy, AhoyLindsay, Riku743
(No vote) Furare, Katebarloww, Tanabear 3

Round 1: No Lynch, Poppopmimi Banned!

Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
Abstain Tanabear, Ezmeralda_M, bethieboo, taelac, Ahoylindsay, Prosperity, Lotsofgoats, Master2482 8 Ahoylindsay, Master2482, rissarissa13
Master2482 satin11, marinated, Hazarath, rissarissa13 4
Snipercam Quitex 1
Rohane Joylma 1
Quitex Talisker 1 Jolyma
satin11 0 Ahoylindsay
marinated 0 Master2482
bethieboo 0 Snipercam
Votes Ahoylindsay, bethieboo, Ezmerelda_M, Hazarath, Jolyma, Lotsofgoats, marinated, master2482, Prosperity, Quitex, Rissarissa13, satin11, taelac, Talisker, Tanabear 15
(No vote) Arghhpriate, cnuofesd, ghadhean, Katebarloww, Luvessy, poppopmimi, riku743, Rohane, Snipercam 9

Proxy Record

Player Name Proxy Holder Status Valid through Notes Reclaimed
Rohane Taelac Declined End of Day 2 May not vote for Rohane or Taelac. May not use to abstain. N/A
Quitex Marinated, Cnuofesd, Hazarath Claimed End of Day 2 May not vote for Quitex. Use to ensure a lynch. Lynched
Lotsofgoats Hazarath, Luvessy Claimed End of Day 2 To be used to vote off Quitex or Rohane if necessary. End of Day 2, July 10
Hazarath Prosperity, Lotsofgoats, Talisker Claimed End of Day 3 Only move vote to prevent a mislynch End of Day 3, July 13
Rissarissa13 Luvessy, Jolyma, Talisker Unclaimed End of Day 3 May not vote against Rissarissa Lynched
Rohane Jolyma, Hazarath, Cnuofesd Claimed End of Day 4 May be used to seal any lynch. May not be unvoted. End of Day 4, July 15
bethieboo Luvessy, Prosperity, marinated Claimed End of Day 4 none End of Day 4, July 15
Lotsofgoats wrecker15 Claimed End of Day 4 May be moved to Riku743 if necessary End of Day 4, July 15
Daldal Cnuofesd Claimed End of Day 5 Use in order on either Rohane, Snipercam (banned after proxy issued), Lotsofgoats, or Taelac. Do not use it to vote on Cnuofesd. MidDay 5, July 17
Hazarath wrecker15, Lotsofgoats, Cnuofesd Claimed not specified but accepted through end of Day 5 [2] Use best judgement Beginning of Day 6, July 19
Taelac Furare Claimed End of Day 5 Use on Prosperity if it becomes a viable option, if not stay on Riku743 End of Day 5, July 18
DalDal satin11 Accepted End of Day 7 Do not vote for yourself of Cnuofesd

Voting Record

To view the voting record, please click show to expand

Alternative Voting Record

Through Day 4

To view the alternative voting record, please click show to expand

Game History, Post by Post

Day 1

  • Game starts, Nemo is poisoned: [3]
  • Day 1 ends, No lynch: [4]
  • First ban posted by the Rogues, Poppopmimi is targeted. [5]

Day 2

  • Day 2 starts, Poppopmimi is confirmed as banned. [6]
  • Rohane assigns a proxy, offered it to Taelac. [7]
    • Taelac refuses Rohane's proxy. [8]
  • Quitex assigns a proxy, offered it to marinated, Cnuofesd, Hazarath, in that order. [9]
    • marinated accepts Quitex's proxy.[10]
  • Arghhpirate resigns, replaced by Furare.[11]
  • Lotsofgoats assigns a proxy to Hazarath or Luvessy.[12]
    • Hazarath accepts Lotsofgoats's proxy.[13]
  • Quitex is lynched.[14]
    • Revealed as innocent.[15]
  • Second ban is posted by the Rogues, AhoyLindsay is targeted.[16]

Day 3

  • Day 3 starts, AhoyLindsay is confirmed as banned.[17]
  • Tanabear resigns, replaced by wrecker15.[18]
  • Hazarath assigns a proxy to Prosperity, Lotsofgoats, or Talisker.[19]
  • rissarissa13 assigns a proxy to Luvessy, Jolyma, or Taelac.[20]
  • Prosperity accepts Hazarath's proxy.[21]
  • rissarissa13 is lynched.[22]
    • Revealed as innocent.[23]
  • Rohane assigns a proxy to Jolyma, Hazarath, or Cnuofesd.[24]
    • Jolyma declines Rohane's proxy.[25]
  • Third ban is posted by the Rogues, Talisker is targeted.[26]
  • Talisker is confirmed as banned. [27]

Day 4

  • Day 4 starts.[28]
  • Katebarloww resigns, replaced by Daldal.[29]
  • Hazarath accepts Rohane's proxy.[30]
  • bethieboo assigns a proxy to Luvessy, Prosperity, or marinated.[31]
    • Luvessy accepts bethieboo's proxy.[32]
  • Lotsofgoats assigns a proxy to wrecker15.[33]
    • wrecker15 accepts Lotsofgoats's proxy.[34]
  • master2482 is lynched.[35]
    • Revealed as innocent.[36]
  • Daldal assigns a proxy to Cnuofesd.[37]
    • Cnuofesd accepts Daldal's proxy.[38]
  • Fourth ban is posted by the Rogues, Snipercam is targeted.[39]

Day 5

  • Day 5 starts, Snipercam is confirmed as banned.[40]
  • Hazarath assigns a proxy to wrecker15, Lotsofgoats, or Cnuofesd.[41]
  • Rohane resigns, replaced by randomact.[42]
  • Daldal reclaims proxy.[43]
  • wrecker15 accepts Hazarath's proxy[44]
  • Taelac assigns a proxy to Furare[45]
    • Furare accepts Taelac's proxy[46]
  • Riku743 is lynched[47]
    • Riku743 revealed as innocent.[48]
  • Fifth ban is posted by the Rogues, Furare is targeted.[49]

Day 6

  • Day 6 starts, Furare is confirmed as banned. [50]


Rogue OMs The Rogue OM Squad Pirates
Moderator Game Forum thread YPPedia page
Aenor Attack of the Rogue OM Squad
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Aenor Return of the Rogue OM Squad
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Shaimus Rogue OM Squad III
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Shaimus Rogue OM Squad IV Coconut
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Rogue OM Squad IV Lime
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Shaimus Rogue OM Squad V Vanilla
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Rogue OM Squad V Wild Mango
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Sashamorning Rogue OM Squad V.V
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Hazarath, Lyaka Rogue OM Squad VI
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BehindCurtain, Jolyma Rogue OM Squad 6.5: Wild Humor
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The_Joker_ Rogue OM Squad 6.875: Pussycat
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Hazarath, Piplicus_BNO Rogue OM Squad VII: Neapolitan
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Jolyma Rogue OM Squad VIII
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daleenmarine Rogue OM Squad 8.25
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starrarose Rogue OM Squad 8.75
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AhoyLindsay Rogue OM Squad IX
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Furare, wrecker15 Rogue OM Squad 9.25: Mob Madness
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Aethera21 Rogue OM Squad X: Vanilla Vacation
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Searmin, Furare Rogue OM Squad X.2 Mojito
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Rogue OM Squad X.2 Mai Tai
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Furare, Talisker Rogue OM Squad 10.5: Bansticks in the Big Top
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Lizzie Rogue OM Squad XI: Electric Lemonade
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taelac Rogue OM Squad 11.5: Snowball Fight
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Furare, wrecker15 Rogue OM Squad 11.75: Fantasy Fever
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Vantastic, Greenslope Rogue OM Squad 12: Ogres gone Roguer!
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Aethera21 Rogue OM Squad XIII: Gorilla Villas (Vanilla!)
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Talisker, Furare Rogue OM Squad 13.33: ROMS of Cthulhu
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wrecker15 Rogue OM Squad 13.77: Drawn by Fate
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Furare, DementedDuck Rogue OM Squad XIV: Prison Break-High Security
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Rogue OM Squad XIV: Prison Break-Low Security
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Quitex, Justinmickey Rogue OM Squad XV: DC
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Taelac Rogue OM Squad XVI: The Finest of the Flavors
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Furare, Aethera Rogue OM Squad 16.66: A Clue Before Dying
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Jolyma Rogue OM Squad XVII: Vanilla Filler
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Furare, wrecker15 Rogue OM Squad 17.5: Words & Weapons: A ROMS Revolution
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Ongoing Rogue OM Squad Live!
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