Pyro is a fleet officer of the crew Stripped and a member of the flag Barely Dressed. He sails on the Malachite Ocean.
[hide]Biography (Viridian)
Pyro started his piratey life as Xxpyroxx on the Viridian Ocean in February 2005. Amongst the first wave of doubloon ocean players, Pyro often found himself juggled into the hoards of players. It wasn't until Pyro met Discard, a fun spirited, enthusiastic player, that Pyro finally settled into a crew. The founding members of The Silver Ghost included Meuass, Cindywindy, and Discard. New members to the crew were given a requirement of stats before they could proceed in rank, Pyro worked hard and within the week was made senior officer. The very small, very green, crew continued to grow and eventually joined the flag Moros de Mindanao.
After the, now famous, collapse of MdM, Pyro and The Silver Ghost wandered until eventually joining the flag Euphoria, which was made up of other MdM crews, most significantly Brotherhood of Steel. Eventually, The Silver Ghost was disbanded and the founding members were gone, but Pyro remained within the flag. Pyro eventually found himself to be a prince, and in charge of External Politics, eventually taking on roles of Internal Affairs, though he originally contested for Minister of War. Euphoria was the first flag to colonize Terra Island and Pyro was was in charge of gather much of the commodities for the various buildings, most significantly the Inn, Lost Inn Vegas. After the second attack from Scuppering Seven Seas was successful, Euphoria lost most of its activity and eventually became dormant. Since, Pyro finds himself sleeping in Maharet's alt crew, Requiem for a Dream.
Biography (Sage)
Entering the new Sage Ocean, Pyro entered in a bit of friendly competition with Silversnap to see who could finish memorizing the ocean first. It was a heated race, but Pyro unfortunately lost and had to accept being the second person to memorize Sage. Pyro, having been a well recognized drinker at the time, was fed up with not attracting the right merchants to his distillery, decided to host merchant hunts at the start of Sage. Eventually, Pyro was self-credited with having the first produced stein on the ocean. Delivered moments after a tournament ended rewarding first place with a chalice.
Biography( Hunter)
Enticed by another new ocean, Pyro returned to the game to enjoy all that the Hunter had to offer. Upon arrival, Pyro joined up with Antix and his mate Jacktheblack, in their promising crew, The Crimson Seablades, under the flag Vicious. Whilst in Vicious, Pyro again took part in the race to memorize the ocean, failing even harder to land the 3rd place spot, right behind Minstral and Kaotic. Eventually in the flag, Pyro met two awe-inspiring women, Athens and Halee. It was no secret around the crew that Pyro and Athens were particularly friendly, but unfortunately for him, the rum eventually settled in and there was a series of unfortunate events between the two friends. After her departure from the crew, Antix' choice to leave the ocean, and Jacktheblack's increasing inactivity, Pyro left the flag.
Almost giving up hope, Pyro stumbled onto a bundle of Viridian and Sage hearties who were all flagged up preparing something powerful. Leading The Eye was Fenrir, Krazykat, Desdimona, and Whitell, among others. Many memories were made within Odin's Demise and many goals were accomplished. The Eye became the first flag to colonize an island, Pukru Island, and first to colonize a large, Aimuari Island. Again, the winds of change ate away at one of Pyro's flags. As Fenrir decided to retire, some of the players returned to their old oceans, and the rest were led into despair defending the flag's islands. It was here where Pyro became dormant again.
Biography (Malachite)
It wasn't until the announcement of the Malachite Ocean, that Pyro decided to become active again and take part in the great race. Quickly getting swamped by issues at home and an increased work load, Pyro decided to stop the memorization efforts and become inactive again, only being able to memorize three incomplete archipelagos. After about a year and a half and talking with an ex-Euphorian, Rhapsody, Pyro decided to come visit the game once more. Many changes were surrounding him, as well as, changes a year ago that he never adapted to. At a loss, he was swindled by two old mates, Halee from Hunter's Vicious and Daquan from Viridian's Euphoria, and ended up joining their crew Stripped, of the flag Barely Dressed. Currently, Pyro finds himself attempting to stabilize the fragile economy of the ocean, as well as, increase its population. He plans to do this mostly through the encouragement of pillaging and "old school" fundamentals. Pyro can be found on peak and off-peak hours, usually moving commodities, tending his stalls, shoppes, and islands, pillaging with greenies, or having a drink with friends, laced with heated discussions.
Renamed ships
- Blazing Firefish
- Gluttony