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Missjessica is an independent pirate who sails on Sage.


As a greenie

Missjessica was created on Greenwich Island. She was an independent pirate who was rather shy during pillages. Her favorite puzzle back then was sailing. Back then she used to be into staying at inns and meeting other pirates.

A regular yellow-named alt

Once Missjessica started getting the hang of the game and started logging in more often, she finally earned herself a yellow name. At this point, she met Monkoygirl and Yargybob, who became, and still are, two very significant pirates in her virtual life. Monkoygirl went on to become her roomate, while Yargybob stayed as a "neighbor". She was merely an alt for Xprincessax who was at this point a fleet officer in The Royal British Navy. Xprincessax had much better stats than Missjessica at this point. Then there was a fight, and another alt created, known as Kizzez, and so on until Missjessica finally became a main pirate.

No longer an alt

Missjessica went on to become a great pirate and overachive Xprincessax. She earned herself the title of officer in Midnite Devils at one point. Later on, she was offered a position with Xensity by Grudz. She gladly accepted and achived the title of fleet officer. She felt she wasn't moving on in this crew and saw how it was slowly changing and failing, so she finally decided to leave. She is still, to this day, and independent pirate.

Greeter life

Missjessica has now retired from socializing with the Puzzle Pirates world in-game and lives a quiet life as a greeter, answering the curious greenies and entering forum events and tournaments every now and then. She is rarely spotted on flotillas or blockades, let alone pillages. She is, however, often joining Sea Monster Hunts, even if just for a while.




Missjessica's Trinkets


Missjessica's Eggs