
From YPPedia
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Shego is captain and surgeon of Dark Magic and a lady of Impulsive Chainmail. She is a petty officer in the Jorvik Island Navy in the Ruby Archipelago and sails the Midnight Ocean.


On February 7 2006 Shego came across Papaya Island and she became a citizen of Papaya. Soon she had some hearties, one of them being Bald. Bald was a kind-hearted pirate, showing Shego around Papaya Island. He taught her the basics of Sailing, Bilging and Carpentry. They were neighbors in a shack called Cocohuts. Shego soon became a roomie to Bald and they went on pillys together. These two seem the best of friends. After a while Shego moved out to a bungalow. She invited Rengaw and Beatrice to bunk at her place for a while. They moved out a few weeks later. Shego was amazed when she found out about whisking potions. She must of bought at least 15 of them. She often went to Park Island and admired the Carnivilla villa houses, but she didn't have enough money to cover the cost. On May 29 2007, she bought a cottage on Cnossos Island. She joined Seadragon's Fury as a pirate. She proved to Captain Gwynn she was worthy as a fleet officer. She earned a few PoE from doing Blacksmithing and Distilling. Skilled now from Bald, she showed a new pirate, Nadyaa, around and let Nadyaa bunk with her.

Shego often goes on pillys and goes round to see Bald most everyday he's online. Shego and Nadyaa decided to downsize to a bungalow. Shego finally bought her first boat, Mean Sardine. After that Shego decided to make her own crew, Dark Magic. She bought a dog and named it Octavian, she still loves her rat Puddles though.