
From YPPedia

Keladry is a senior officer of the crew The Swallow's Tale and princess of the flag Saga on the Cobalt Ocean.



Keladry started her life on Puzzle Pirates in a chaotic way. She spent her first year jumping from crew to crew, logging in once every week or so.

After playing a year, she finally was gifted with her first subscription from a kind hearty. The subscription made her play more often and she started enjoying the game even more.

Yet she still didn't know her place on the ocean. She tried making her own crew, but found out it wasn't her cup of tea. But finally, one day, she met an old familiar face of a person who she long ago was on a crew with. That pirate was Gangrenepete, they started talking and after a bit she decided to join the crew he was in.

The captain, Leslieann, welcomed her with much kindness. On the crew, Keladry found so many good friends who gave her many good experiences. She finally found her home.

But the story doesn't end here. Gangrenepete has yet another big role in Keladrys life. He inspired her to strive towards becoming first fleet officer and later senior officer, but most importantly he adopted her as his daughter to her big delight. He helped her a lot and made her very happy many times. He even gave her a pet cougar!

Keladry was made senior officer in the crew Twisted Revolution, and she also was awarded with the title of lady in the flag. She really felt it was her "happy ever after". Sadly things didn't turn out that way. Instead she left Twisted Revolution and started a new crew, "The Swallow´s Tale", with Gangrenepete.

Today she runs her own weaving stall on Harmattan Island, tries to help where it's possible and always likes to talk to people. She is very happy, and has great dreams of what her new crew can accomplish.