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Shoppes and Stalls
Icon apothecary.png Apothecary
Icon distillery.png Distillery
Icon furnisher.png Furnisher
Icon iron monger.png Iron monger
Icon shipyard.png Shipyard
Icon tailor.png Tailor
Icon weavery.png Weavery
Shoppes only
Icon estate agent.png Estate agent
Icon construction.png Construction site

A shoppe is a building where pirates combine labor and commodities to make products. All shoppes start off as a construction site, which may only be placed by the governor of the island. Once the construction site is put up, the governor immediately receives the deed to the construction site; the deed may be traded straight away or the governor may keep it. After a shoppe is finished being built, it may then start trading and rent will be required from this point onwards. As the space on an island is limited, shoppes are often sold for large sums.

A flag shoppe is the term for a shoppe owned by a flag, though there is no distinction made by the game. Usually the owner is the monarch and royalty are managers. Flag members are commonly given discounts.

Differences from stalls

Shoppes are charged more in weekly tax than stalls, but offer several advantages for the cost.

  • Size - Shoppes are larger, offering more storage space than stalls. This is most important for Shipyards, which can manufacture any size ship, whereas a stall cannot hold enough wood to make merchant galleons, war frigates, or grand frigates. The specific storage capacity (in mass and volume) for each size stall and shoppe can be found in the article about that type.
  • Location - Shoppes have their own storefront, so if someone is looking for an ironmonger, say, they probably won't check the bazaar first, and so draws more pirates in for labor and sales.
  • Managers - Shoppes can have up to five managers; a deluxe stall can only have two.
  • Name - All shops have unique names, whereas stalls are named based on the stall owner (e.g. Poseidon's Ironmonger stall).
  • Deed - Unlike stalls, shoppes have a deed that can be traded just like a ship deed. This allows a pirate to use the store deed portrait item in portraits.

Upgrading and renaming

Shoppes can be painted by the owner or a manager, and upgraded at the estate agent. Shoppes can only be built on player-owned islands, though player-owned shoppes exist on Ringer-owned islands as a result of special events.

Shoppes that have been upgraded can be downgraded. At the start of the upgrade/downgrade process the deed is surrendered to the estate agent. The shoppe is untradeable until this process is complete and the new deed is picked up at the estate agent. Anyone standing inside the building at the time the new deed is picked up will be thrown outside.

Shoppes can be renamed. Minor corrections to fix typos in spelling or capitalization are free.

To request a correction in spelling or capitalization submit a petition including:

  • The location of the building
  • The current name and type of the building
  • The corrected name

How to rename your building:

  • Click/tap on the rogue marks in the Miscellaneous section of the booty panel and go to the Rogue Mark Shop. Click on the 'Other' tab then drag the deed of the building into the Rename Building section and enter the desired name.


  • Cost: 10 rogue marks
  • Building names cannot exceed 34 characters in length.
  • Only the owner of a building may change the name.
  • All words must be real, English words as defined by
  • Our Building Naming Policy below applies for renames as well -- please read it before submitting your request!

Please ensure your rename request is spelled and capitalized correctly. Improperly formatted requests may be denied and you may be required to resubmit your request.

Building Naming Policy

Building names are one of the more noticeable items in the game, and as a result we have decided that we would like to try and encourage those names to be interesting. We have put together a set of rules for building names to follow, trying to keep them fairly flexible.

Name must meet *all* of the following criteria:

  • Must comply with normal game chat rules in terms of content, language and offensiveness
  • Building names should not imply a different shoppe type (ex: Shipyard Inn would not be acceptable)
  • Building name should be sufficiently different from others on that island so pirates can tell the difference between them.
  • Pirate names are not allowed in building names except when:
    • Used in a sufficiently punny or witty way that makes sense (ex: Pirate named Fairy, building named "Fairy Ales")
    • The name fits exclusive of its being a pirate name (ex: Thanos' Mausoleum fits the Superhero theme)

Disclaimer: Some building name cases may be clear, and others may be borderline. In each case, we will endeavor to apply these rules consistently and without bias. We will amend or clarify the policy if required.

One Oceanmaster will take care of all building name issues to try to keep them consistent. The current OM in charge is: Nemesis

If you own a building that does not follow the above criteria you will be contacted to request a new name or to give further clarification on why your name fits (a cultural reference which was missed, for example.) If a suitable name is not provided, the building will be renamed to something appropriate to the theme of the island.


If your intended building rename does not meet the above rules completely but you feel it is deserving of review, for example an apt pun which is not a real word, we may consider making an exception.

To request an exception please submit a petition including the following before submitting your request:

  • The location of the building
  • The current name of the building
  • Your proposed rename
  • An explanation on why your rename request qualifies for an exception

What happens next:

We will take a day or two to review your request. We will reply to your petition letting you know if the request is approved or rejected. If the name is allowed please submit your rename request through the Rogue Mark Shoppe. We will not discuss the reason for refused requests.

Shoppe dusting

Dusting is the process of allowing a building to be destroyed by failing to pay the property taxes or governor closure. If the tax is not paid manually by the due date, it will be automatically withdrawn from the coffers. If the coffers do not have enough to cover the fee, the shoppe is closed and cannot take on new orders until the tax is paid. This is indicated by the shoppe being "dark" inside. Orders in the queue that have not yet been started are all canceled and all of the PoE that was in escrow for them is refunded to the purchaser (the 15% restocking fee does not apply). Dark Seas onlyOn the Obsidian Ocean, shoppes may be shut down by the governor, at which point they go dark and dust after 14 days. The governor may reactivate a shoppe before it dusts if they choose.

If the tax remains unpaid for four consecutive weeks, the shoppe will dust and all commodities and PoE in its coffers are confiscated as payment. Any orders in the queue which were partially worked on but not completed will have any remaining PoE in escrow refunded to the customer (can happen while the pirate is offline), while any orders which were completed but not collected by the customer will be lost without compensation. Any clothes on the rack in tailor shoppes will be lost as well, though any furniture added to a shoppe will be returned to the item's owner when the shoppe dusts. The deed to the building is removed from the inventory of the owner.

External/other links