From YPPedia
Tomhanks is a senior officer in the crew Squid Squad and a lord of the flag Sea Wrath. He sails the Viridian Ocean
Contributions and Accomplishments
- Senior officer in Squid Squad.
- Lord of the flag Sea Wrath.
- Loves to pillage on war brigs.
- Is a greeter.
- Hosts many war brig pillages in Squid Squad.
- Battle navigated in two of Sea Wrath's blockades.
- Is Alivi's lucky gunner.
- Manages Sea Wrath Weavery on Labyrinth Moors.
- Manages Keg Stand Distillery on Napi Peak
- Manages Squid Squad Tailors on Napi Peak
Tomhanks has been in the pirate world for a while, he took a break after Kirin I, while comming back for a second time he has many new accomplishments for the puzzling world. Some of his best friends and crew mates are Alivi, Barbagialla Jonykiller, Desu, Macham, Msrambonette, Kagan, Keekle, Hurricanes, Neptu, Matchmaker, Rissarissa, Multo, Wannita, Mileemo and the list continues. The one thing Tomhanks really wants is a black and Light blue colored parrot.
Familiars Obtained
Favorite War Brig
- Sinister Shad