Sassysuzi is captain and damsel of the crew Clearwater Adventures and Princess of the flag The Quick & the Dead(verify). She sails the Midnight Ocean, an Admiral in the Jorvik Island Navy in the Ruby Archipelago.
Sassysuzi also known as Sassy, Sass or Suzi was created on Midnight Ocean in March 2006.
She pillyed with several crews before deciding to join FWS under Captain Timmothy. She made many friends in her crew and improved her rank to fleet officer in a short time. As a member of the Pirates of The Keys flag under the monarch Conchfritter, she improved her reputation for pillying and speed sailing. Jollyrolly, Darkseid, Lovy, Ethel, Jackturner, Pamela, Raccoon and others remain hearties to this day.
Sassy bought a cottage and later a row house on Turtle Island. She and Zebulun became roommates at her shack when Zebulun could not find his own home.
After a series of unfortunate events in July 2006, Sassysuzi made the very difficult decision to leave FWS in order to stay with the Pirates of the Keys flag. She joined the crew of Devils United under Captain Cecilian as a senior officer. In mid July, another series of unfortunate events occurred and Devils United left Pirates of the Keys to join a new flag Dawn Of Tomorrow under the monarch Scooper. During the next few months, she rose to lady and then to princess in the flag.
Also at this time, she and good friend Smackdown decided to buy an estate. Through the next few months she pillied 3 or 4 times a day to earn poez to reach her goal. Cecilian was also invited to be a roommate at the estate. By November Sassy was 200K away from her goal when Cecilian and Mylipstickk made her an offer she could not refuse. Using profits from the shipyard the 3 amigas purchased and became roommates at Mylipstickk's cottage and villa on Cranberry Island and Sassysuzi's estate on Jorvik Island. Later, Zebulun, Burnedalive and Ceci were also added as roommates at the Jorvik estate and Sassy was added as a roommate at Burnedalive's Eta townhouse. In July 2007 Burnedalive was removed from the estate after Sassy was removed as roommate at Burnedalive's townhouse and Shagadelic was added at the estate. Sassy is also a roommate at Bluez' Lagniappe cottage. September 2007 the 3 amigas made the decision to sell the villa on Cranberry Island as it was not being used. And so the furniture was returned to its owners for use at the other homes and some was given away or sold and Chinchilla Villa was no more. Chatwithme was added and Smackdown was removed as roommate at the estate in November 2007.
With the semi-retirement of Scooper, the three amigas Cecilian, Mylipstickk and Sassysuzi became hardworking managers at Built on Porpoise (shipyard), Celilian's Ironworking Stall and Cecilian's Tailoring Stall. The life of a manager is a busy one and so the amigas decided to sell the shipyard and close the ironworks when Scooper did not return. They devote their efforts and poez to Cecilian's Tailoring and Mylipstikk's Distillary.
In October 2006 Sassy was courted by Jackinthebox, who was previously known to her as a crew member of Bobnarley. Their's was a tumultious relationship. The Holloween skellie incident caused a short break up. By November they were engaged when Jacinthebox gave Sassy a diamond ring inscribed with the words "Til death does us part". But their love did not endure the hardships of YPP and after the 12 Days of Christmas they broke their engagement with unreconcileable differences on December 28th, 2006. After this there ensued more fighting and drama until Jacinthebox apologized to Sassy in April 2007 for the tricks he played on her.
Alas, a pirates life is always filled with adventures. In March 2007, more drama within Devils United resulted in Captain Cecilian leaving the crew and naming Sassysuzi as captain and later monarch of the flag. As Sassy did not want the responsibilities of either she quickly passed the titles to Lorettarox. She joined the small independent crew of Malefaction as Senior Officer with hearties Captain Burnedalive and Senior Officers Skaterchick and Chatwithme. She got her hook in April 2007
With the semi-retirement of Burnedalive, Sassysuzi decided to create a new crew with Ceci, Skaterchick and some new and old mates with Ceci as Captain. THD was founded July 21, 2007 with hopes of having fun improving their standings. They joined the flag Blighted under Ianthekorean July 26, 2007. She was titled lady of the flag July 29, 2006 after Blighted's successful blockade for Cranberry Island. On August 25, 2007 Infamy invited THD to join her new flag, Poisoned Tears, and so they did and Sassy was titled lady of the flag. On October 5th 2007 she was titled princess of the flag. Alas, the crew's time with Poisoned Tears was also short when they ceded and became flagless on October 21, 2007. But on November 16, 2007 the crew decided they wanted a flag again but one of their own making. Sassy had dibs on being monarch and so the flag Bite Me was made with Sassy as Queen. Sassysuzi took a break during 2008, and named Chatwithme monarch of the flag.
When she returned in 2009, she found many of her friends had given up the pirate life but many were still there. Others are known by new names. So, Zebulun was removed and Darkseid was added as roommates in the estate in July 2009. Sassy loves sailing and bilging with other adventurers in sea monster hunts in Atlantis and Cursed Isles and is collecting many trinkets from both. Her estate is filled with treasures and pets throughout. She hopes someday to win or have enough poes to buy a familiar of her very own and be #1 bilger on Midnight Ocean. She would like to open a shipyard stall to help supply the flag with a large fleet.
It's always sad reckoning when mates don't see eye to eye. In August 2009 after some unfortunate crew differences, Sassy was promoted to captain when Ceci decided to step down, as it was in the best interest of THD and Darkseid decided to seek another crew for himself and left THD. Sass did the best she could with help from her SOs, especially Shagadelic, Chatwithme and Ceci, to lead THD. A few weeks later, Ceci was renamed Captain and Sass Senior Officer.
In the fall of 2009, the crew hoped to get a new portrait in return for Pud building a skellie ship for pillages. A good idea gone bad resulted in hurt feelings and words between the SOs and Captain. After two months of delays and more drama Ceci gave the skellie xebec deed to Sassy. November 30, 2009 Pud then Sass were expelled from the crew and unheartied. Ceci was removed as roommate at the estate. Faced with decisions about their future, they decided to form a new crew, Clearwater Adventures, named for Captain Sassysuzi's hometown and love for excitement. They joined the flag The Quick & the Dead and Sass was made princess. Now she can begin her new pirate life filled with pillaging, poe and friendships.
Sassy's friendships and reputation across the Midnight Ocean continue. And her saga will continue as she lives her pirate life. Pirates can usually find her, with Pud's parrot perched on her shoulder or walking his crab, on Jorvik Island in the Ruby Archipelago or in the Diamond Archiepago Islands on the Midnight Ocean. Sometimes pirates can find her alts on the Midnight, Hunter, Cobalt, or Ice Oceans.
Sassysuzi has seven pets:
Rat | |
Ritzi | |
Goodi | |
Tequila | |
Midnight | |
Ritzi Rabbit | |
Rummy | |
"unnamed" |
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