The Pirate Life
Cecilian, also known as Ceci, began sailing on the Midnight Ocean on December 1 of 2005. She began in the crew the Avalanche led by Goya and Mysticbaby and advanced to be a senior officer. On March 1, 2006, she formed her own crew Devils United, with Skaterchick, Katkiss and Alyisa.
On July 10, 2006, Cecilian broke away from her ties with Pirates of the Keys, her former flag, to form Dawn of Tomorrow with mates Scooper and Mylipstickk.
In March, she left her crew Devils United.
She is often spotted on Cranberry Island slaving away at her stalls with her partners in crime Mylipstickk and Sassysuzi.
Since March 2007 Cecilian is not online a lot, only to check her stalls. Her alt Ceci is her main pirate now.
Ceci is Captain of THD.
Ceci got her peg leg on may 6, 2007.
Working On
- Mylipstickk's Distilling Stall
- Cecilian's Tailoring Stall