Real-life couples
In the highly social atmosphere of Puzzle Pirates, there have actually been a number of real-life couples who first met in game and went on to get married in real-life.
Couples need to have first met in game. Please do not add couples' names without their permission. Also, do not add couples who are not married in real-life or otherwise formally committed. Information on couples that do not meet these requirements will be removed from this page.
To add a couple to this page, click on edit to the right of List of couples below and use the following format:
===Partner1_piratename & Partner2_piratename===
Share your story about meeting in game. (optional)
[hide]- 1 List of couples
- 1.1 Halosham & Mikom
- 1.2 Nylons & Mlik
- 1.3 Pjs & Tiberi
- 1.4 Askitz & Sicarius
- 1.5 Miss & Russel
- 1.6 Reade & Drake
- 1.7 Erin & Rami
- 1.8 Bjoetie & Nickolas
- 1.9 Redbrdterry & Arielmac
- 1.10 Hypnos and Hermes
- 1.11 Skka & Bolek
- 1.12 Creux & Rdaneel
- 1.13 Tabzsheff & Badkittycat
- 1.14 Calicorackam & Annebonnie
- 1.15 Hack & Indeed
- 1.16 Bootitastic & Superjonboy
- 1.17 Philthyflirt and Jocabree
- 1.18 Fireangel & Bloodworthy
- 1.19 Enus & Peacefulsoul
- 1.20 LystraMac & Overboard
- 1.21 Scottish & Pleiade
- 1.22 Deanna & Wellington
- 1.23 Darvid & Redthepirate
- 1.24 Lysear & Cherryangel
- 1.25 Crashr and Warbux
- 1.26 Partius & Bryna
- 1.27 Rockingrox and Pistachioes
- 1.28 Jamesh & Grrli
- 1.29 Rapturous & Tigerfish
- 1.30 xJellybeanx & Chubbutjubs
- 1.31 Artemisia & Redqw
- 1.32 Empresstamar & Reveran
- 1.33 Daeva and Malarkai
- 1.34 Algol & Pharrothead
- 2 Other Links
List of couples
Halosham & Mikom
While he was strolling on the docks, he met his first friend Kelseyi, who then introduced him to mikom, they became fast friends, playing Truth or Dare on the docks. And little did Mikom know that Halosham fell hard for her. Years passed becoming ever so closer as friends until mikom disappeared. Halosham was hurt and spent many years trying to find his best friend. Luckily, he was able to find her on a completely different game. They stayed in contact every day since. Finally, Halosham confessed his feelings.
Unfortunately, Mikom did not reciprocate his feelings. They stayed close freinds none-the-less. In 2019 Halosham made a flight across the world to visit mikom and it was the best two weeks of his life!
In christmas 2021 Mikom messaged him and told him she had feelings for him aswell. He immediately stopped playing runescape and sat there stunned and in awe. He couldn't believe his eyes. The little pirate called Mikom that he fell in love with when he was alot younger has finally given him the chance he has been waiting for for all those years! About a month goes by before he asks Mikom to marry him, she said yes!
They are due to get married and live the rest of their days together bilging forever as one.
Nylons & Mlik
On a bright and sunny day in May 2004, Nylons, a cute little pirate, was feeling bored and decided to apply for a random job on the notice board. Mlik jobbed her aboard his sloop, the Believable Salmon, and she was the only jobber on board. She was busy clearing the bilge at the deck below. The ship was grappled by a wicked brigand and a melee broke out. There were 2 other swabbies on board. Needless to say, Mlik's ship won a vicious battle and after the battle, Mlik shouted, "Good job guys!" Nylons replied, "But... but... I'm the only human onboard! You should say "Good job Nylons!"
They didn't realize that this was just the start of their little romance. They started seeing each other and went shopping in all the shops on Midnight for matching clothes, matching swords, and went sailing out into the ocean.
Sometime in July 2004, Mlik proposed to Nylons with a laurel and she agreed happily. They had a grand wedding at the palace on Jorvik island on August 1, 2004.
It just started out as a little game and they both never believed in online relationships at that time. It wasn't easy for them to get together because of the 12 hour time zone difference. They would voice chat over MSN Messenger or Netmeeting almost every day. In May 2005, Mlik went to Singapore for nearly 3 weeks to get to know Nylons in person. Then in August 2005, Nylons went to Canada to visit Mlik for six months.
They were finally married in real life on December 31, 2005.
Pjs & Tiberi
Pjs and Tiberi first met at a spades table. They used to see each other in the inn on Nu Island, saying the occasional hello as they stood around the gaming table. Then they started playing spades together regularly (well he needed the help). They had a pretty good rapport and began spending more and more time together. Eventually Tiberi plucked up enough courage to ask Pjs for a date, and it was spent chatting on the Nu dock for hours, to the amusement of a lot of Nu residents. They would stand as close as the game would possibly allow, facing each other so it looked like they were smooching. After a few weeks of this, he asked Pjs to marry him in-game. It was very romantic, she said yes and they were married in Spring Island's Palace on May 14, 2005 in front of many of their RL and in-game friends.
They started talking on MSN, he was in the US and she was in the UK. In the summer of 2005, Pjs came over to the US to meet him and they realised they loved each other for real. In December 2005, Pjs returned to the US and at Christmas they decided they wanted to get married for real. They tied the knot in Texas in February 2006 and have been blissfully happy ever since.
A happy ending to a true love story!
Askitz & Sicarius
One Day in June 2004 a planky captain met a, rare, smart greenie. She was nice enough to let him join her crew and show him the ropes of pillaging and only planked him if he ever booched nav. Woe was the day for her when all of a sudden this now SO disappeared. Ahh but fate stepped in and a friend had them e-mailing and soon he was back on her boats and they spoke daily on Teamspeak.
In August 2005 this lass took a very long plane trip from Texas to Australia to meet her true love face to face. Well, it did not take long to see they could not live without each other and off they were married on October 21, 2005.
Now having been through many a pirates name they have settled on where they are now as Askitz and Sicarius where ye can see them most days on Hunter as they play pirates side by side on their laptops in Australia.
Miss & Russel
Miss and Russel met on Alpha Dock in December 2004. With the same wicked sense of humor and a mutual liking for things alcoholic, they hit it off straightaway. They spent many hours laughing together, floating ships and winning pineapples.
Miss was living in England and Russel based in Germany with the US Air Force. After a while (okay, it was four days, but don’t tell my Mom!) they decided to meet up and on New Year’s Eve 2004, Miss flew to Germany. They weren’t anywhere near a couple at this point, so the meeting wasn’t too nerve-racking. Miss was less nervous than Russel but the three glasses of wine on the plane probably helped.
They had more of a blast that weekend than they had imagined. They both realised it was something serious when neither of them wanted Miss to leave at the end of it. But she had work and other boring stuff to deal with in England, so for the next couple of months she visited Russel in Germany most weekends. They realised they should probably do something about the situation when their bank balances started dwindling and the check-in staff at Heathrow knew Miss by name…
Miss’s friends and family thought she was crazy when she gave in her notice and (mostly) moved to be with Russel in April 2005. Luckily Russel didn’t. He proposed in May and on June 7th 2005 they were married in Russel’s hometown in WA, USA. They thankfully and finally moved into their new house the following month (have you ever tried cohabiting in a military dorm? Not fun.)
Just three months after they were married, Russel was deployed to Iraq with the Air Force. Miss returned to England where she had people to moan to and luckily a job waiting for her. The four months passed, albeit so very slowly, and Russel came home safe and sound to a snowy Germany and a very happy wife in January 2006.
So, they’ve just celebrated their first wedding anniversary, are sickeningly in love and blissfully happy, and their friends and family don’t think they are crazy anymore... Well :/
Reade & Drake
Reade and Drake met on Lima docks on Viridian Ocean back in November 2005 through a mutual friend. Like many other people they had a flirtatious side and enjoyed a role play snow ball fight, that had them rolling around, lifting up shirts and rubbing snow in their faces. Instantly Reade and Drake became friends. It didn't take long before they spent a lot of time together in the game, and decided to become friends outside the game. It wasn't until January 2006 when emotions started to become realised. With Reade being divorced and there being an age gap of 9 years, Drake denied his feelings for such a long time.
Then, in March, Drake took a trip from his native England, to north California where Reade lived and spent a month with her and her children. Love was instant, they shared the best 4 weeks but sadly Drake had to return.
A few months passed and feelings became stronger and stronger, and Drake decided to offer his commitment to Reade and asked her to marry him. She accepted with glee. With pending visa applications their wedding day was postponed over and over, with U.S. immigration holding things back, prolonging the inevitable.
Reade and Drake, both having a spiritual belief, made a vow to each other under the eyes of God while they waited for the immigration paperwork to be complete. The couple could not contain their passion for too much longer, and Reade took a trip to England December 2006, where the pair finally tied the knot and became husband and wife.
Sadly, Reade had to return to America while immigration clearance is issued. Recently, Drake's Spousal Visa (Green Card) was approved by U.S. Immigration, allowing the pair to return to Hunter Ocean after a period of time away. Late Summer 2007 is when it is expected that the newlyweds will finally be able to get their life started together.
Both Reade and Drake take great comfort in knowing that there are other couples who met in the game, whose stories are not so different.
So, after 4 years, Reade and Drake have been able to commit back to the Viridian Ocean, as their original pirates Evian(Alive) and Theressa. Life has been treating them well in Sunny California, and while it has been a busy few years, there was always a calling to come back to the Ocean that brought them together. These days, Reade and Drake put a lot of their personal time into their sports Charity. An organization that visits refugee children in development nations, such as Nicaragua, and shows them love and supports their communities through the power of Soccer.
Erin & Rami
I'm not going to start with it was a dark and stormy, nor once upon a time, the fact is, it's no fairy tale (though most days I have to remind myself it isn't) and the weather was actually crisp and clear, and, if I remember right the house was freshly cleaned and I had just ordered in my favorite...
I hadn't been playing more than a week at that point and wet behind the ears would be an understatement... it took me nearly 15 seconds to find my way to the belly of the brig I had just jobbed on, and I was excited to try my hand at carpentry. Not that the amount was huge, in fact the payout was minimal by what I expect now a days, but with this voyage came my beginning in a crew and flag that I would someday see as family.
I can't say that I had ever expected what was to come, for months I grew in the crew building friends, some as close as family, planned events, and fought brigands for what would be, some day, the beginning of a fortune - I had no idea just how big that fortune could get.
Of course the beginning of his story I'm sure is something different, at least I hope it was, not some single mom sitting at home, kids in bed, killing time, completely oblivious to the inner workings of the game...
For weeks I learned struggled to get that "ultimate" in my puzzles, giving up time to plan for the big blockade, helping friends float ships, participating in forum discussions and really just making sense of the complexity both socially and physically intertwined in this MMO.
Oddly enough the forums is where it started, he had someone, so in my mind completely off limits, and online was certainly not where I was going to meet Mr. Right; however, late at night, he, working nights, and I, unable to sleep, would talk back and forth, nothing that would be considered out of bounds, we were both writers, and shared our works, common place chat between platonic friends, only held back by the "refresh" button a the top of the page.
And then I stopped... confused, at myself more than anything, how could I be having feelings for a pixelated noseless pirate 3000 miles away with no hope of ever really knowing him, I mean honestly knowing him, he's just too far away, and would never benefit from my perfume. And let's face it, he had someone, the last thing I wanted to do was come in between them, I had more respect not just for him but for myself, to allow such things to transpire, even if they were only in my head.
Nope now wasn't the time, or the place, at least that is what I tried to convince myself, and I succeeded to, at least for a little while...
Fast forward a month or two...
The news traveled through the crew like wildfire on the banks of California, there was a breakup in our midst, two mainstays in the crew had chosen to go their separate ways, and I had felt bad for having all those feelings only a short time back. He had disappeared from the ocean, and for a month at least, I had no communication with him.
As with all flags, the ebb and flow can be quite dramatic and with the winning of the island in our blockade the ebb that came with it was quite dramatic and soon I found myself in a new crew centered around pillaging and just having fun, and soon started delving into the strategies of blockade play, touching in with politics and learning the game beyond any expectation I had had.
I was standing on the shores swamped again in a mess of tells when it popped up on the screen "Your hearty Rami has just logged on" and I stood there somewhat dumbfounded... speechless and finally gathered up the muster to send send him the tell that I was sure he was getting from everyone, "RAMI! How are you holding up?" Stuck knowing that whatever I said would come across as a cookie cutter "Geez, I'm sorry bout your breakup" remark we all get during those moments in our lives.
We chatted a bit, at first, nothing more than common pleasantries, until he confessed he was only logged on to liquidate his assets, he was going to move on to bigger better things with his life, and I realized,this was my last chance. Who cares if he is 3000 miles away, who cares if all he looks like right now is a noseless pirate. He just fits. And despite his rule of never talking to other pirates online, convinced him to hope on Ventrilo where we chatted the evening away discussing all the aspects of the game, our lives, our hobbies...
For months we chatted online and on the phone, he was my secret helper as I prepped for blockade after blockade, my secret floater when nobody else was up, the one I could trust to move comms, cause let's face it I can't sail worth a darn, and eventually the one who read bedtime stories via webcam to my little ones. We both knew that this was what was meant to be.
Phone card after phone card, phone bill after phone bill, and finally a planning to meet. Normally one would be nervous, not to say that I wasn't but seriously, it was something that just came so naturally to us. We had set the week, 10 days to be exact, and two flights, one lay-over, and me driving from Maple Ridge to Seattle and there I was waiting for him.
I had left work early, and panicked the whole way, worrying he may be disappointed, sure he'd seen my pic, he'd even seen me on the webcam, but that's not the same, and the hotel room I had booked was, as a real estate agent would put it, cozy and quaint. I checked in, had a shower, ordered a bottle of wine, sat and watched TV, paced back and forth, and made numerous trips to the airport that was just down the street so that I knew exactly where to go and how to get there, and how not to get lost and look like a moron.
Four hours later, and there I was, standing in front of the board that announces arrivals and gates, pacing back and forth, "On time" then "on approach" then taxiing... and my heart jumped into my throat, I could barely contain myself. I had actually started chattering with some ladies standing nearby I was so nervous. I fumbled for my cell phone, and dialed his number, over and over and over and over, and finally, it rang. I hung up, and dialed again, maybe I had dialed wrong. And he picked up....
Literally shaking, I manage to blurt out "Where are you??" He was just making his way off the plane... "You have to run!!" I said, unable to stand the anticipation any longer, and he did, making it downstairs to the sea of people below, together we searched for the other, looking for landmarks, when our eyes met, luggage dropped, and fell into the perfect kiss, leaving on-lookers saying "Awwwwww."
We walked hand in hand through the airport to my car, and back to the hotel where we spent the night in each other's arms and with the dawn of the new day, we started our journey to forever. The 10 days he spent with us was perfect, there was no hesitation and no question that this is where we were supposed to be.
So now, I sit here, 6 months after a beautiful ceremony, my hand resting on the little bump only 4 months along, sharing this, the beginning of our fairy tale. "Rami" now doubles as "Daddy" and has two little guys that idolize his every move, and number 3 is on the way. Just think in just a little time and a touch of practice, we'll be able to fill our own sloop.
It is with great pride that we lift a tankard of rum and announce that our Sublime/Ultimate in pirate creation was achieved on May 30th, 2007 at 1:38 pm (pirate time) as our little man made his entrance to the real world. Both he and mommy are happy and healthy and our little family is complete.
Bjoetie & Nickolas
T'was a clear night sky, the ocean glistening with the reflection of the silver moon and stars. A slight breeze occasionally permitted the sails to flutter. I could hear the gentle break of water, as it lazily lapped at the wooden hull of the Narrow-Minded Flounder. I breathed deeply, the cool night air tasted sweet and refreshing. Tonight would be my first voyage as a pirate.. Little did I know, that my future in pirating, would lead me to the love of my life.
I was nervous, I had no knowledge of the open seas nor what my duties on board a vessel would be. A few other young men were aboard, but from the look of them, they had been hardened by the sea. I attempted to blend in and follow suit with the other workers, but I soon found myself lost and confused. The captain of the vessel came up to me and looked me from head to toe, I averted eye-contact and eventually came to stare at my overly-worn boots.
"Hmm... New to this work?" Came a stern yet calm voice.
"Aye, sir.. Sorry, sir" I replied nervously, still staring at the deck. This, in turn, responded in a slight laugh. I risked a gaze at my superior, and saw a rare gem in front of me.
"Ah... S-sorry... Ma'am!" I stuttered, attempting to backpedal my "Sir's".
"Never worry that," she said, waving it off, "The name's Bjoetie, I'm the Senior Officer of this crew. I'm here to help people, like yourself, to get to know the feeling of the open seas."
"My name is Nickolas, I really have nothing to my name to be said.." I confessed.
After exchanging pleasantries, Bjoetie immediately stepped to the topic of my duties on board.
"Seeing as you're a newbie on my ship, I think I will put you onto bilging. Understood?" She sounded as though she had been through this many a time.
"Aye-aye, Ma'am" I replied as normal.
"Follow me then," she said as she turned away and walked to the stairs leading to the bilges, "I'll have to introduce you to some of the workers here."
I walked behind her, noticing her golden hair that she let flow loosely over her shoulders. My eyes followed her long hair til I glimpsed the shimmer of a fierce bare blade. She was indeed pretty, but I felt that if any man were to think that she was only pretty, they would more than likely lose their head.. or something else.
As we walked to the bilges, I could hear the ship protesting against the flow of the ocean, and the footsteps of other workers as they hurried about their duties.
"Here we are." Senior officer Bjoetie stated, snapping me back to reality,"The Bilges." The smell of dank wood filled my nostrils, this room was hardly ever dry I guessed. I saw another worker lazily working away at a bilge station.
"Ugh, Bee.. I hate Bilging!" The worker exclaimed. I was quite surprised hearing such an abrupt sentence spoken to the captain.
"I know, Tilv, but the other stations are full.. and we have a new guy who'll need some help." Bjoetie spoke gently, which also surprised me. "Nick.. you don't mind if I call you that? No? Good." I had no time to reply. "This young lass is Tilvelia, also a Senior Officer." Well that makes sense to the direct comment, I thought.
"Nice to meet you, Tilvelia." I said, using as much manners as I knew.
"Ooo.. aren't you a cutie?" She squealed.
"..Uh, you..too?" I was fumbling.. I wasn't used to someone being so direct.
"Well, Nick, I'll leave you here. I've other matters to attend to." Bjoetie left Tilvelia and myself to our duties and made her way to the wheel.
(This seems to be going on a while, sorry, when I start writing, I can't stop. So I'm just going to shorten it up. And if anyone wanted to know about my pirate-life through adventure, heartbreak and love, just say so, and I'll write it up on
From hereafter, Bjoetie shall be named Marjolijn, and Nick shall be named Nick... 0o;
Many months passed, and my natural talent at pirating saw me excel through the ranks, right up to a commanding Senior Officer. Marjolijn and Myself had grown to the best of friends, many rumors flew that we were dating. Unfortunately, I live in Australia, and Marjolijn in Holland. That is quite a distance to cover for a date.
I took up the courage, (and the gold), to purchase a ticket to Amsterdam in February 2005. The feelings and emotions that emitted from meeting each other for the first time, were indescribable. I spent 3 months in Holland before my return to Australia, and Marjolijn came with me. Alas, 6 weeks later, she had to return to Holland to continue her life as a Primary School teacher. We spoke every day via Puzzle Pirates, webcam and when we couldn't bare to miss each others voices, Telephone.
We had arranged to see each other again when we had the time and the money. Little to Marjolijn's knowledge, I had already booked a ticket to Amsterdam for 6 weeks over the Christmas period. After another tiring 30hours of plane hopping, and multi-cultural currency spending, I arrived in Amsterdam once more. To see her face when I showed up on her doorstep, like a lost puppy, was priceless.
We are now officially engaged, and neither of us could be happier. Also, not 5 minutes drive from where I am sitting now, our very own house is being built. (To be ready in September). Unfortunately, I will have to go back to Australia once more, until middle august (European government stuff, certain rules apply, blah blah blah red tape, blah blah blah). Marjolijn and I will have to endure another 5 months apart, before we can start our lives together.
"Every day passed, is another closer 'til when we can be together." Is what I always say, and it helps. I don't know if you can get much more long-distance than Australia and Holland.. thats about 18000km/11100miles.
It is July 2008 when Marjolijn flies of to Australia to see Nicholas. They will fly back to Holland in August together where they finally can start living together.
Redbrdterry & Arielmac
They met on January 14, 2006 floating ships to Kirin for the blockade of Kirin against Pay for Play and a relationship was born.They chatted while on the ships, laughed and had fun while doing the important work that needed to be done. January 16 at the Kirin Blockade, Red lost his hand and after taking a portrait of it, went to the apothecary to make a potion to heal it, when who should come to help him but Arielmac.
Time passed, seasons changed, but their love for each other only grew stronger. Ariel left the flag and Red followed and they took the reigns of the flag Paradise, she as monarch, he as prince. The flag flourished and grew and they had fun. On April 7, 2006 Red and Ariel went to Diatrophe island and had a picnic where Red professed his undying love and affection for Ariel... and presented her with a ring and asked her to marry him in game. She accepted and on May 21, 2006 they were wed in a ceremony on Mermaids Purse with friends and flagmates in attendance for this glorious day.
Alas... one day Ariel decided it was time to leave politics and the game to take a break. Red was heartbroken that his true love was leaving. So he came up with a plan to move to Hunter ocean and start a crew... just the two of them. The crew was named "A Crew of Two" and for a time they puzzled had fun and enjoyed the beautiful seas of Hunter.
But the call of Viridian was strong and they both came back again to Viridian full time. The whole time chatting via phone, Skype, Yahoo and other chat programs, and keeping the fires of love burning within them.
Red was dealt a crushing blow when the mother of his son died on June 21, 2006. He felt as if he could not bear the pain of losing her, but the sun shined for him, and an angel was with him to help him get through this VERY difficult time. When his child support was canceled, it was his ticket to freedom. So while he was at work he went to the Air Canada website and looked at prices for a ticket 3000 miles from Florida to St. Johns, Newfoundland. With shaky hands he clicked the button to purchase the ticket and the dream of being with his angel was finally to become reality.
He made his plans, set them in motion and Red, his dog, and everything he owned landed at St. Johns airport at 5:55 p,m. St. Johns time. But still he didn't feel completed, something was missing.
Red and Ariel made plans to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of their in game wedding, but Red had a better idea. When Ariel came home from work, Red knelt down with tears in his eyes and said "My love, my angel. I know we were going to celebrate in game. But would you do me the honor of completing the circle and be my wife real life?" She immediately accepted and announcements were made to everyone on Puzzle Pirates and all of their real life friends.
It is with pride that I, Redbrdterry, announce that on May 21, 2007 in a civil ceremony in St Johns, Newfoundland that Arielmac and Redbrdterry were joined in holy matrimony as husband and wife real life.
Thanks to Cleaver, the OMs and ALL of our Puzzle Pirates friends who have supported us both in game and real life. We are happy to have completed the circle started January 2006.
Fair winds :)
- I did what??Please shoot me now! LOL
- Romeo and Juliet (taken on Signal Hill St Johns,Newfoundland
- Saying I do :)
We are celebrating our 1st Real Life wedding anniversary and our 2nd YPP one and our friend Framling ordered this special gift for us:
Hypnos and Hermes
It is with the greatest sorrow that we announce on April 23rd, 2007 in Honolulu, Hawaii our dear friends Hermes and Hypnos tragically succumbed to the bonds of marriage. They are survived by roommates Lejerque and Bia, legal council Barrister, and Captain Cleaver. No public memorial service will be held, but condolences can be sent through the proper channels. In lieu of flowers, we ask that you send along caffeine-free Dr. Pepper and beef jerky, because they would have wanted it that way.
"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live." - Norman Cousins
Skka & Bolek
As they met in Puzzle Pirates about two years ago, shared together the joy of game and went all the way through the friendship to love, they've finally decided to make one of the most important steps in their lives and on October 6, 2007 became wife and husband. They would like to thank OOO for making this game which gave an opportunity to find each other and bring together as one.
Creux & Rdaneel
I suppose I should share my story :)
I met Rdaneel not long after I started playing, back in 2004. We were close friends, he did his thing I did mine and what not. Eventually after a long time of not really talking all that much we rekindled when things fell into place. One thing led to another, and I said "Hey, want to come to Los Angeles?" and to my surprise he said "Sure". So after realizing that he wasn't kidding, we set a date and he flew out in March of 2007 for a week. I fell in love with him the minute I saw him :) We talked everyday after that and he came to Pennsylvania to see me for two weeks in October of 2007. We took a weekend trip to New York City, and he proposed to me on November 7th in a pretty little cafe in Little Italy over cannoli and hot chocolate. We started making plans as to what we were going to do, and decided I would move to Norway. So as of January 2008 here I sit in Bergen, Norway, officially moved in and together. Wedding is set for March 12, 2008...a year after we met :) Thats our story!
Tabzsheff & Badkittycat
It all started long ago in a country far far away, England.
I found Puzzle Pirates quite by accident and decided to give it a try, from that moment I became the pirate I am today!
I met Badkittycat at a flag party while I was a greenie in a crew that is no more. Over the coming year playing the game I became quite close to Badkittycat and decided that I would fly to Canada and visit. During the 2 weeks that I was visiting we became even closer and started to feel for each other. Due to some "Cock-up" at my workplace I had to retake my holidays as they messed everything up so I decided to literally re-take the holiday and return to Canada for another 2 weeks. During this time I proposed to Badkittycat, which she said YES to, and we were inseperable.
Six months passed until I could return to Badkittycat, during which time we found out that we were expecting a baby. I returned to Canada in September of 2007, and we got married.
I now live in Canada with Badkittycat and our baby son Teague!
Calicorackam & Annebonnie
I was playing another internet game looking to pass the time when I saw the advert for puzzle pirates and thought to myself, well cool, I like puzzles and pirates, I'll play. It was my first time playing an mmorpg, and I was quite lost. That's when i met HIM.
Poor Annebonnie, stuck all alone on a deserted island, marooned by the navy, and she just started playing! So I looked around and saw this other pirate who happened to be marooned on the same island at the same time as me on the cobalt ocean. We said hello and I said I was new, and wondering how to get off the island. He kindly explained basic game play to me and I somehow (didn't know at the time) ended up on a navy ship thanks to the kind stranger's instructions. I tried to say thank you, but couldn't find how to talk to him now that I had left the island. I sighed and got back to my bilging, when I saw an announcement at the bottom of the screen. Well, sure enough guess who had followed me on the ship? "Hi Anne!" He said. I was sold.
We talked and talked, for several months, he cared if I missed being online for even one day, asking if I was ok. We met on June 21st, 2005, and after he came all the way from Boston (I live in Colorado) on April 20th, 2006, to take me to prom, we decided we couldn't live without each other. Several months later, (October 16th, 2006) he came out on a plane with just two suitcases to live with me and my family.
He successfully started a job and got his own apartment, and we were just married on December 11th, 2007. (And yes, we DID have a pirate wedding on Treasure Island!)
I thank God every day for Puzzle Pirates, and for bringing the pirate of my dreams to me.
Hack & Indeed
The blame for my current happiness lays squarely at the feet of Furshizzle, and her crazy Pittsburgh parties.
My second trip out to Pittsburgh, September of last year, I arrive at Shiz's house to see a tall handsome man fixing her arcade cabinet.
I'm not sure who said it first, but I definitely had to agree: there IS something about a man fixing things, especially if it involves widgets and gadgets and ... woo boy...
Thusly, I met Hack.
The weekend ended, and we returned to our respective homes, an 11 hour drive apart, 1 hour and 50 minutes by plane (or faster, if my ride from the airport is going to be late). We spoke online a great deal, but I wasn't willing to commit to anything long distance. I mean, only suckers get involved in long distance relationships. I can barely keep it together for normal relationships!
A group of Pittsburgh partiers decided to go to the Key West Parrrty together in November, Myself and Hack included. Much bonding and talking ensued, but I still would not commit to a relationship until about two weeks after returning home from Key West, having spoken with him on the telephone every night since returning.
He came to visit me for the New Year and again for my birthday, the next month I went out to visit him. We averaged a trip and a half per month until finally he got the opportunity to get a better job at his company, located in Florida. We decided to try living in the same state for a bit, which is how I find myself living in sin with the man of my dreams. Pretty soon we'll be buying an arcade cabinet, and I doubt he'll be surprised if he needs to fix it often.
At least, that was the story as of August 25, 2006, when I posted in the "Pirates in Love" thread. But now we're no longer living in sin; on February 29, 2008, Hack and I were married. We've got four arcade cabinets, a pinball machine and an air hockey table; also three horrible demon monster kittens.
And life keeps getting more and more awesome.
Bootitastic & Superjonboy
September 2006: Bootitastic was a greenie. Superjonboy was a captain. But Booti was no ordinary greenie; she had an incredible knack for both sailing and cracking the whip crew-wise. There was a spark immediately, but since Booti was in Philadelphia and Jonboy was in Newcastle, the two dismissed any thoughts of ever getting together and instead concentrated on putting together an amazing crew and flag together. But it wasn't long before the two realized they shared a special bond that went beyond the land of pillages, flags and avatars without noses. But after the flag royalty threw a very special birthday party for Booti complete with a game of "Pirate Truth or Dare," the couple broke down and got the webcams in November 2006.
Soon the couple left the pirate antics to the wayside and spent most of their time chatting to one another. In January 2007, Booti went to England for a long weekend (hey, he could still be a crazy person, you never know?) and the two shared the most amazing time together. Eight months and three more trips across the pond later, they became engaged. At press time, the two are set to end a year and a half of long distance, as Jonboy is moving to the States to be with Booti in just a few days. The two will be married in August 2008.
Philthyflirt and Jocabree
In February 2006, Philthyflirt's path crossed Jocabree's on midnight, and their lives were never the same again. This piratey relationship quickly grew into a Real life relationship. After months of emails, telephone calls and continued contact on Midnight, Jocabree flew to England to meet Philthyflirt face to face in October. The relationship continued and on Jocabree's repeat visit to England In December 2006, Philthyflirt requested her hand in marriage.
In March 2007 Jocabree gave up her entire way of life to begin her new life In England with Philthyflirt. Jocabree officially became Mrs. Philthyflirt on 12 May 2007.
Jocabree and Philthyflirt have recently celebrated their first wedding aniversary and are still very much in Love. Thank you Midnight for bringing us together.
Fireangel & Bloodworthy
In early 2006, my crew took in a new mate - Bloodworthy. At first, he came across as brash, abrasive, and rude, but I still made an effort to get to know him. The more we talked, the more I realized we had in common. It started with simple friendly conversations, but quickly grew into something much more. We started exchanging emails, including some of our favorite songs. Before I knew it, we were spending hours on Skype, sharing stories, laughing, all the while learning more and more about eachother. In September of 2006, we decided to meet, to see how much of what we were feeling was really true. I knew within five minutes of meeting him that he was "the one".
Soon after, I packed up my things and moved 700 miles. I knew where I needed to be.
The road hasn't always been smooth, we've had our fair share of trials. But on August 8th, 2008, we will officially be husband and wife.
And I couldn't be happier.
Enus & Peacefulsoul
As the saying goes, "The best relationships develop and last longer if you are friends first." Well, E and I were exactly that. We met when we both joined the crew "Die by the Sword" on the Viridian Ocean. We hit it off right away and would pilly together doing SMH's with DBTS all the time. Once I ran into E on the docks of Dragon's Nest and we got to talking on a more personal level for quite awhile. I fell in love with his quick wit and sparkling personality. We remained close friends for several months. Due to problems within the crew E wound up leaving DBTS and joined "Wobinson's Angels." I was sooo sad to see my friend go and I missed him in the crew terribly. But we stayed hearties and still talked and hung out occasionally. Then one day, while we both were on an SMH with DBTS, some pirates got to talking about traveling around the world and I got to thinking about E, knowing he was from overseas. (I am from the states.) When we ported at Xian after the SMH, I jumped off ship and noticed that E was the only other pirate on the island. I sent him a tell asking about his country and what it was like there. I remembered he lived somewhere close to Ireland, but couldnt remember exactly where. He told me he was from Denmark. We got to talking for a couple of hours and for the first time in all the months we knew each other, to my surprise, E flirted with me! I have to say, its kind of funny, because in the back of head somewhere, I always had a feeling that something would eventually happen between us. It was only a matter of time. Well, that day came and I was really excited. Of course, I flirted back and I wound up invited E back to my manor. After that first night, we have been inseperable! Of course, I wound up leaving DBTS and joined Wobinson's Angels just to be with E. He was an SO and was the one to invite me and make me a member into his crew. We have had so much fun together on Puzzle Pirates and we used Skype notoriously and I will never forget the first time I heard his voice....WOW, WOW, WOW! I just melted. He has the deepest and sexiest voice I have ever heard! We stayed on Skype talking for 17 hours straight the first time and 12 hours the second day! We continued to talk on Skype for about a month and then finally got webcams so we could see each other. We had sent pictures via email before, but the live experience was so much better. Needless to say, we were both very attracted to each other and really had alot of fun together, making each other laugh constantly. We had talked alot about one day being able to meet each other in real life, but living so far apart we werent sure if it was ever going to happen. We both really wanted it though. We did make it happen and E flew from Denmark to Indiana to visit me this past Christmas (2008). He has came to see me 2 more times after that, and he spent this entire summer with me here in Indiana. We really fell in love with each other and were compatible in every way. Enus asked me to marry him and of course I said yes! We are now engaged. We are planning on being married the beginning of next year, in Jan or Feb. We havent set the date yet. However, just a couple of weeks ago, we received some very exciting news...Enus and I are going to have a baby! We are very excited to have our TRUE LOVE CHILD be born next spring! As far as Puzzle Pirates, E and I have now left Wobinson's and established our own crew and flag. We are the crew "Soulmates" members of the flag "Motion on the Ocean"!! Come and see us on Viridian!
LystraMac & Overboard
Lystramac started playing pirates end of 2004 begining of 2005 and I made a really good friend, she had an ingame boyfriend called Overboard.. Well my pirate friend met someone new in game and Lystramac was left talking to Overboard.. At this point I have to say Lystramac is very nosey as soon got to know Overboard on a personal level (he was a shy young man and I was a loud London Lass).. Within a few weeks I knew his name, date of birth and all about his family, well only so much pirate stuff to talk about. We started chatting on the phone (my phone bills were huge) and sending letters back and forth between London and Atlanta.. I remember the first time he told me he loved me, he realised it and shouted it all accross midnight. In 2005 we met along with some of our other frineds Askitz, Pjs, Tiberi, Prettyhallie (we all met on pirates and are now RL Friends, I am even God Mum to Askitz and Sicarius Beuatiful daughter)...Overboard and I have spent the last 5 years back and forth in a long distance relationship... This year while visiting Florida (Overboards new home)in March, he asked me to marry him and of course I said yes... In pirates we were married on a snowey island on December 17th 2005(this causes some argument as it was the 17th for him 9 pm and the 18th for me 2 am)and in real life we took the opertunity to do it for real this year, had to be the 17th... Our pirate adventures are far from over and hope to meet more of the pirates we have made friends with along the way.. I have skimmed the surface of our pirate meeting as I wouldn't even know how to start the adventure we had.. I just know that the first time we met for real that he was someone I wanted to spend my life getting to know..
Scottish & Pleiade
Scottish and Pleiade met as flagmates in Silver Dawn when Scottish was a member of Easily Distracted and Pleiade was a Cartographer. They began talking in-game (after a concerted matchmaking effort from Pleiade's captain, Sunny) toward the end of Summer 2004 and first met in person around the following New Year's. At that point, they decided to begin dating, and Scottish began traveling 450 miles each way about once a month to visit her.
Pleiade took the opportunity to move to the city where Scottish lived on a temporary basis in the Fall of 2006, and the couple were able to try a short-distance relationship, for a change. About a year later, Pleiade moved there permanently, and in March of 2008, Scottish finally popped the question! The couple were married on September 27, 2008, and are happily married to this day!
Deanna & Wellington
One day in 2005 Captain Wellington of the Iron Dukes was sailing a brig on the Cobalt Ocean. On that fatefull voyage he recruited Deanna, a crewless jobber who quickly became his close friend and confidante. These two pirates were joyfully married in California, April 13 2007.
Darvid & Redthepirate
Darvid and Redthepirate first met in 2005, over FO chat in Seraph's Nightmare. While they hit it off immediately, it was several months before Red got on a plane from Virginia to visit Darv in New York. Over the years, Darvid followed her to Notorious Fandango (where she became Queen), Virginia (where they live and work), and eventual piratey retirement (where he plays Poker). They were married in June 2010, on a sunny vineyard about an hour north of Three Rings.
Lysear & Cherryangel
In 2006 Lysear met Cherry while he was running one of his usual pillages on the Hunter ocean. Hearty requests were offered and accepted, and Cherry became a regular part of Lysear's pillages :). In June 2007, Lysear invited Cherry to his humble abode in real life (as they only lived a couple of hours away from each other), and, after this initial meeeting, Lysear realised he missed Cherry soo much and had to see her again, so he arranged for their first proper date in August 2007, which went rather well ^^.
Then, after a long distance relationship for a few months, involving lots of train journies around the country :), Lysear asked Cherry if she fancied moving in with him, and on Valentines day 2008 she packed up all her belongings and headed to chateau Lysear!
Another couple of months went by when Lysear bought a nice looking ring, and one morning rolled over and asked "will you marry me?" Cherry said yes :). The wedding was arranged for the October of that same year. The big day came and went, and both pirates were very happy, but one more piece of the puzzle was still to be added. They got the little blue line of happiness in the November.
And finally, in August 2009, the little pirate Lily Belle was born, after a full 2 weeks of over-dueness :P. Since then, Cherryangel has deleted her pirate and is known as Feithan on Hunter, and Lysear is now a retired pirate playing as Jieret, still on the hunter ocean.
All this came about because Lysear was bored one day and searched for something to do, and he came across Puzzle Pirates. Thanks to you 3 rings :)
Crashr and Warbux
On a rainy day in Bermuda 2009 , Crashr was stuck in the house and whiling away the time of day with a gentle game of poker until the weather cleared up. This mundane act would be such, apart from a fellow gambler who broke the ice with some friendly banter. And this is how Warbux and Crashr met.
Some friendly flirtation on Warbux's part, thinking Crashr to be the girl that his character would suggest, sparked off some chemistry which would lay the boundaries for the blossoming romance that insued.
Warbux's love continued to grow in Crashr's ignorance, yet the geographical issues tore Warbux's heart in two as many miles seperated the two soul mates, one residing in Virginia and the other on the second most remote island in the world. This gap only grew when Crashr relocated to England, adding only more water to the volume of see that crashed inpenitribley between the couple.
This was the trigger though. After a week of being on opposite sides of the Atlantic Warbux proclaimed his love. Then the bomb dropped.... Crashr was actually a man! Would this break up the pair? No chance.
Warbux went away, letting his head and heart fight out a battle. He knew he loved Crashr, and if that meant he loved a man, then so be it!
The love got too strong and like a magnet it drew Crashr back to the American shores. Jumping on a passenger ship with just a rucksack, he set off to find his lover, arriving weakened from days at sea and nights looking out for the glowing embers of his love on the horizon. His voyage took him to Virginia where, following the sound of sweet music, he came accross Warbux singing beneath a blossom tree.
Crashr proposed with a ring he'd kept in his chest pocket the entire voyage, forged in the fires of romance with the hammers of passion. Warbux need not think but accepted. They were married within the week, having a small ceremony in the Virginia countryside before jetting off to Bermuda for their honeymoon.
They have been happy until this day and shall have their first wedding anniversairy on 6th June.
Partius & Bryna
In March 2008, Bryna happened upon a pilly that was being led by Cookied of the Rum Rats, joining up to the crew at the end. It was by this simple chance action that she met Partius, real life friend of Cookied and officer of the same crew. Things started slow for the newly met pirates, pillaging together, braving the seas on many a trip to Atlantis. Until one fateful day just 10 months later it was decided that Partius would travel from his home port of England to meet with Bryna all the way across the Atlantic ocean in California.
Now 4 years on, Partius and Bryna have been happily married for over a year and live together in England as husband and wife and have now returned to puzzle pirates to aid the crew that brought them together!
Rockingrox and Pistachioes
Rockingrox jobbed Pistachioes after seeing his name she began to tease him over it, after joining the crew as a full member did the romance start, after dating online for 1 1\2 did they decide to meet in real life, did their romance really begin, 5 years later they have 2 children and are happily married.
Jamesh & Grrli
In March 2011, Grrli was helping a new officer learn the ropes of being an officer. Being late at night, she asked another officer in her flag, Jamesh, if he would take over answering the new officer's questions. When this simple conversation ended up taking several hours, Jamesh and Grrli decided that there might be something between them. They exchanged contact information, and began to email and chat online. In August of that year, Jamesh flew roughly 600 miles to meet Grrli in person. She returned the favor by visiting him for New Years Day 2012. While they agreed that they were good for each other, the distance between them prevented a more formal relationship from developing. After Grrli graduated college, she decided to move to be closer to Jamesh. After a grueling 26-hour drive in June 2013, they finally lived near enough each other for a real, in-person, romance to blossom. Almost exactly one year later, on June 21, 2014, Jamesh and Grrli were married, and sealed for time and all eternity, together. To this day, they still enjoy being themselves, cursing snow that sticks to the road, and driving people crazy (especially each other).
Rapturous & Tigerfish
Rapturous and Tigerfish met on the Spades tables thanks to Furny in 2007. Furny had partnered with both pirates on the Spades tables and thought that Tigerfish would appreciate Rapturous' sense of humor. True enough, Tigerfish, to this day, is one of the few people who can immediately discern when Rapturous is joking and serious, as his dry, sarcastic humor can often confuse even close friends.
At the time, Rapturous (American) was teaching in Japan through the JET Programme while Tigerfish studied at a polytechnic in Singapore. The two developed their budding friendship at the Spades tables as they grew into two of the most fearsome partners on Sage, eventually dominating the #1 and #2 spot on the ocean for several months years later.
Eventually, the two pillaged together, Rapturous manning the sails or leading a crew, while Tigerfish boasted her Ultimate Bilging and Carpentry skills. They conquered several rogue ships, ventured into Atlantis together, and clashed swords against many gruesome gangs of skeletons.
The friendship developed from one of shared gaming interests to one of long conversations and debate. Tigerfish would occasionally invite Rapturous to her various homes, the two chatting the night away about the meaning of life, human nature, and the battle of extroversion and introversion. With the demands of career and college pulling the two apart, they saw each other infrequently at times. Eventually, Tigerfish invited Rapturous to a skeleton fray. After she won a coveted map to mysterious isles, she offered it to Rapturous, making him promise to take her on the voyage. Another conversation like days of olde began, but this time it took a different direction.
In January of 2009, the two began a long-distance relationship. Rapturous had intended to leave Japan for the States while Tigerfish just started studying at college in Vancouver. The future was uncertain for the two, but neither found such an intellectual bond in the past with such natural chemistry, even if it was only online.
The two eventually met in person in April of 2009 in Tokyo. Touring both Tokyo and Osaka, the two hit it off: what they found natural online seamlessly transitioned to chemistry in-person. After three weeks together in Japan, they woefully parted until Rapturous traveled to Singapore to meet her family and make a case for Tigerfish to begin studying in the States. What seemed rushed and hurried the two knew was right as they had never had this sort of connection with anyone else.
In August of 2009, the two began living together as Tigerfish continued her college career in the States while Rapturous began graduate study as a School Psychologist. What has followed has been nearly six years of happiness as they received the blessings of friends and family. Tigerfish and Rapturous have formed strong friendships as they have both begun their careers. Although neither have stepped aboard a ship in many years, they both reflect on their time on Puzzle Pirates fondly, thankful for the opportunity to find each other and baffled at how such an enduring, close relationship could occur while an American worked in Japan and a Singaporean studied in Canada.
The two have a tradition of spending their anniversary at various, authentic Asian restaurants where they now live. One, in particular, boasts fairly accurate Japanese and Malaysian cuisine, which they have come to visit for the past couple of years. On January 27, 2015, the two returned to this restaurant for the standard anniversary dinner. They visited the usual odd independent shops along the street afterward until they returned home for a quiet evening to enjoy the rest of their anniversary. Tigerfish and Rapturous visited Yppedia to reminisce about their relationship, surprised to find someone wrote up a history of their relationship on it. When they got to this line, Tigerfish turned to Rapturous, surprised to find that he was proposing to her. Her answer was...
xJellybeanx & Chubbutjubs
One day in June 2009, Jelly was bored and decided to stalk one of her crew members who was black smithing at the time. They spoke for a while about the joy of vacuuming spiders and their favourite music before adding each other on Skype. Fast forward a year, and Chubbutjubs, who lived in England, decided to buy a one way ticket to see Jelly in Perth, Australia. He proposed in August 2014 on an island beach, under a lighthouse, in the rain. They got married in Australia in November 2014 and moved to England in December 2014.
Artemisia & Redqw
One day in 2012, Redqw decided to crew-surf again and ended up in the same crew as Artemisia. In group Skype calls, she laughed at his humor but didn't say much. They started to talk more, eventually Skyping without the rest of the crew, and started to text as well. In February 2013, Redqw left Canada to visit Artemisia in the States. I guess it went well because 18 months later, they were engaged.
Redqw and Artemisia tied the knot in April 2015 in a small civil ceremony in the States. They have plans to have a larger ceremony later in the year.
Empresstamar & Reveran
Empresstamar and Reveran met back in early 2013, having been introduced by their mutual friend Cartrunner. They started dating in January 2016, and the long-distance gap was finally closed in August 2016. In December of that year, they were wed in a beautiful ceremony in Northern California surrounded by their family and friends.
As of 2020, they now have a baby pirate and a baby mermaid in their family. :)
Daeva and Malarkai
Daeva and Malarkai met late 2011 while officers in the crew Midnight's Terrors on the Cerulean Ocean. Though the two lived just under 4000 miles away (Daeva in Indiana, USA and Malarkai in London, England), it didn't take long for them to decide to meet IRL. After a successful first visit in January 2012, Daeva and Malarkai made their relationship official and spent the next three-and-a-half years maintaining their LDR through alternating visits and daily Skype chats. August 2015, during a trip to Paris, Malarkai popped the question under the Eiffel Tower (to which Daeva said yes) and as of August 26, 2017 the two are now happily married. They're currently in the process of applying for Daeva's UK visa to join Malarkai in London while checking out the new Obsidian ocean on Y!PP.
Algol & Pharrothead
Algol and I met February 18, 2007 playing this silly little game - both for different reasons. I will never understand how we managed to both download THIS game. Both ended up on Cobalt. Ended up running in the same circle of pirates. Fate? Destiny? In digging through old chat logs he had saved - one person said they felt we soulmates who had lived several lifetimes together. I believe that.
Falling in love with him was about the easiest thing I had ever done and the craziest. We lived almost 1,000 miles apart (him in Nebraska, me in Pennsylvania). But fall we did - hard and fast. He made it "official" on New Year's 2008 by announcing to anyone who would listen.. that I was his girlfriend (mind you he had NOT asked me if I wanted that honor yet!).
We racked up long distance phone calls (YES that was still a thing!), late nights, early mornings. January 9, 2009 he called me... at work... to tell me he was in love with me. I think I about fell out of my chair. Because... I was in love with him too... even though I had never seen his face or met him in person. I was head over heels in love with this man. Someone I had NO idea how I was ever going to get to meet. But we figured it out as quickly as possible.
He spent almost 2 days on a Greyhound to come see me that first time. It was supposed to be a short visit - but we got mucked up in construction and traffic and he missed the bus back to Nebraska. This wouldn't be the first or last time we extended tickets to spend just a few more days together like it would ever be enough.
Labor Day weekend, I convinced a good friend of mine it was a BRILLANT idea to use our 3 day weekend to drive 28+ hours roundtrip so I could go see him. So we packed up the little car with her, me and my daughter... and brought him back with us (not the original plan!) for another visit.
We did a whole lot of craziness over the next 18 months or so to be together. He moved here May 20, 2009. We spent the next 14 years living an amazing life together. In July of 2023 we were moving into our dream home. A quiet little house, on acreage with cows for neighbors. Then tragedy struck.
Wayne lost his battle to stay here on July 18, 2023 following complications after a very mild stroke. I never imagined he would not come home with me. I thought we had another 20 year run together at least in this lifetime. I will forever be changed for having known the love this man had for me. All because two people downloaded a silly little game and took a chance.