
From YPPedia
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Oceans that no longer exist
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Familiars Won
Golden Bannans
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Cursed effigy
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Randompanzy is a pirate who is mainly on the Viridian Ocean.

Awards and Accomplishments


Randompanzy started off in the crew Temple of Harthor. Working his way up the ranks from cabin person all the way up to senior officer. Randompanzy had a love for leading elite pillages from Dragon's Nest to Tigerleaf Mountain to raise his fortune. When Randompanzy became a senior officer he started to like collecting trinkets and trophies. The thought of collecting them all stuck out to him and ever since he has been on a hunt to collect 1 of every trinket and trophy possible. After a while Randompanzy changed crews to the Midnight Bandits.

His sister was captain and queen of the flag so she made him a royal of the flag and senior officer of the crew. Randompanzy was going to attempt to take a island with this crew and flag but chose to not expend the effort in this point in his pirate career.

Around this time, Randompanzy discovered his love for Atlantis and makes it a daily habit to go on a trip at least twice a day. He never could led one due to the fact his computer doesnt meet the min. requirements for the game but he loves to defend the ship on them. One day when he was on a hunt he met Samthetrue and he made randompanzy a offer.

Samthetrue wanted Randompanzy to join his crew, offering him a longship and offered a senior officer spot in the crew Puzzling Privateers. Randompanzy took the offer and has stayed with the crew until the present day.

Randompanzy also founded the first crew on Crimson named Crimson Madness, along with one of the first flags Burning Crimson Death. After leaving the game for a year the crew was taken over by Wildrose and he became her first mate on his return.


Randompanzy is the owner of the following renamed and painted vessel:

Sloop dock.png
  • Terror of Death

Blockade XOing and Navigation Experience

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Randompanzy's Trinkets

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