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There are many different kinds of voyages within the world of Puzzle Pirates. Pillaging, flotillas, sea monster hunts, and blockades are primarily concerned with sea battles where your vessel will attempt to shoot other ships and/or monsters while trying to not get shot yourselves. Greeter pillaging and trading are more sedate activities - greeters will take new players on pillages with no cost to the greeter and exta reward for the greenie, & officers will hire jobbers on a per league basis to sail the ship from one port to the next.

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Atlantean Outposts are special sea-monster encounters that take place in the middle of the ocean. When in battle there are three kinds of monsters on the board - the triketos, the archelon, and the gorgonyx. Each one has its own special abilities used while fighting your ship.

Atlantean Citadel

In addition, dragoons will board your vessel while you are in the Outpost. These Atlantean denizens will challenge individual pirates to a swordfight using a special fifth piece, the aqua-colored trident. If a pirate is succesful in defeating the dragoon it will leave the ship. If instead you are defeated by the dragoon it will begin sabotaging the ship, negating the efforts of a pirate working one of the duty stations. Dire consequences await the vessel that allows too many dragoons to board the ship.

While in the Outpost you will have the opportunity to haul treasure from the corpses of defeated monsters. In addition to pieces of eight you will occasionally have a treasure chest appear on the puzzle board. Getting that chest to the top of your screen will bring the chest aboard. If your ship makes it successfully back to port that chest will award special items to members of the crew, ranging from swords to furniture to familiars and more.

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A blockade is the most common means by which a flag takes control of an island. A blockade is a large multi-ship sea battle in which factions vie for control of flagged buoys. Unlike regular sea battles, blockades do not involve grappling or swordfighting.


Blockades often involve multiple flags, and can be quite large, depending on the circumstances of the blockade. Blockades offer an entirely different combat dynamic from ordinary sea battles, and jobbers are frequently recruited by all sides involved, with payments on a per-round basis.

Blockades may be either sinking or non-sinking. In a sinking blockade, sunken ships disappear beneath the waves; the ship and all goods aboard are lost forever. In a non-sinking blockade, sunken ships fade out and reappear at the island where they were last in port, supplies intact. These ships may not reenter the blockade, but their supplies may be transferred to other ships in port.

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Flotilla league point map view.png

A flotilla is where a Brigand King gathers his or her fleet at a league point on an ocean. Affected league points are visible on the world chart by an icon, a different one for each King. The league point node itself changes to have an icon representing which King owns the flotilla and is either marked in red for sinking flotillas or grey for non-sinking flotillas.

Flotillas act as a force, and may be attacked by passing vessels in an attempt to drive the King away to a different part of the ocean. Since Kings will declare blockades against islands nearby to their current base location, attacking the flotilla is a way to help prevent the nearest island from being attacked by them.

Upon attacking a flotilla, a vessel will enter a sea battle board with a safe zone at one end (where player vessels enter and exit the board from) and invisible wind towards the board at the opposite end (where the brigand ships enter from). Sunken treasure may appear in the place of a sunken vessel; ships sunk in a sinking flotilla generally leave more treasure than ships sunk in a non-sinking flotilla. Multiple ships are able to enter the board and attack the flotilla. All player vessels are assumed to be on the same team for the purposes of 'friendly fire', that is, cannon shots do less damage to other player ships.

The King has vessels containing supplies which are marked green on the board. Attacking and sinking these vessels will drive the king away, however the King also has various other vessels roaming around protecting his supply ones.

When a player ship sinks one of the King's ships, the player ship receives a PoE reward as a bounty on the enemy. The rewards range from as low as 500 to over 20,000 PoE, based on the size of the sunk ship. The bounty reward is in addition to any treasure hauled later from the wreckage. Each player on board immediately receives a portion of the bounty, while the rest goes to the ship, as in sea battle. The bounty is split among all of the ships that contributed to sinking the enemy ship, so the bounty may sometimes appear lower than expected.

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Cutter dock.png

A cutter is a type of ship that was originally known as a large sloop during beta testing. The name was changed late in beta testing and the ship then known as a small sloop was changed to a sloop.

As of Release 2007-05-24, the hold size of cutters was increased from a mass of 27,000 kilograms and a volume of 40,500 liters, making it an even better trading ship.

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Missions are short tasks that can be taken by pirates from the Notice Board.
All duty puzzle missions take place aboard a navy ship. All of these missions contribute to player rating and experience in the specific puzzle and pay a wage relative to the player's performance.

Basic Navy Missions

  • Bilge with the navy.
  • Carpent with the navy.
  • Sail with the navy.
  • Gun with the navy. (Requires above three to be at Narrow or higher)

Advanced Navy Missions

Note: A pirate must have at least broad experience in bilge, sail, carp, and gunnery for all advanced navy missions except defeating brigands.

  • Navigate with the navy. (Requires a subscription on subscription oceans or a pirate badge or other rank badge on doubloon oceans.)
  • Puzzle with the navy. (Allows you to bilge, sail, carpent or gun.)
  • Battle brigands with the navy. (Requires narrow experience in navigation, a subscription on subscription oceans or a pirate badge on doubloon oceans.)

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How to...

... Use the Notice Board

Notice Board.png
The notice board is where a pirate can access their home page, a list of crews hiring jobbers, the news, events, and parties posted for the island, a list of featured shoppe jobs, their missions, and the information on any recent blockades on the ocean.
  1. Click on the notice board (located near the docks) or on the notice board icon on the minimap.
  2. Select the tab you wish to use (Voyages, Missions, Puzzles ...) and click.
  3. If applying for a job with a crew from the Voyages tab, click on "Apply" and wait a few moments for the officer who posted the notice to click on the "Hire" button.
  4. On the popup that appears in your Ahoy tab, press "Accept".

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