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Mrinvisible is a pirate on the Viridian Ocean. He is lord of the flag The Wrath of Armageddon and Senior Officer of the crew The Demons of Rogoriz.



Mrinvisible, as a greenie, first joined Souls of Darkness. He became friends with the captain of the crew, Monkeyluffyd. He also met a fellow officer, Instantflash. Soon after joining the crew, Monkeyluffyd became trusted in Mrinvisble and gave him a promotion to pirate.

Vicious Squids

After hearing that Instantflash and Slipco, a couple of his friends, were starting there own crew called Vishious Squids, (Changed to Vicious Squids) he decided to join. He became promoted to pirate quickly, although soon he got an offer for an officer’s position in Jaacksparrow's Black Pearl. He accepted that, and became a pillager. He pillaged daily, sometimes running his own. He would take other officers advice and become better faster.

Soon after hearing he left the crew, Scavvy, an Fleet Officer of Instantflash and Slipcos crew, asked him to join as an officer. He accepted that, and the crew became larger and larger after recruiting all day. His crew made there own flag, Sea Rulers.

He quickly got promoted to Fleet Officer, then Slipco decided to promote him to Seinor Officer. Although Instantflash did not like the decision, he later would, as he became known for his Merchanting and Poker. Later, a friend of Mrinvisible's, Crazycomet, decided to create his own crew. Tessebess, another fellow mate, joined and Mrinvisible joined it as an Seinor Officer. Instantflash later joined The Demons of Rogoriz, and it became the new Vicious Squids all over again.


His crew later joined The Wrath of Armageddon. Crazycomet soon got rewarded with a royalty, and 2 of his Seinor Officerss (Instantflash and Highsea, another fellow mate) with a titled. Crazycomet left the crew, and now Instantflash is captain.

The Demons of Rogoriz is a growing crew. Mrinvisible can be found at his tailor shop, panicing for buyers (not literaly), or at the Lima Island inn merchanting.

Favorite atlantis host: Sjieg

Favorite forager: Gerogegad

Favorite merchanter: Instantflash

Favorite person: Mrinvisible!