Monkeyluffyd Chapter 1 Greenie and Rivalry
When MonkeyLuffyd joined Letsrockone's crew After a couple of days and training Monkeyluffyd manage to get SO and become friends with Darveau a month pasted on with Monkeyluffyd getting a sloop (skilful cod) at the same week as Darveau 2 weeks after that the rivalry struck. Nothing is known how they started they don't even remember how it started But 3 weeks after the rival fought they manage to stay friends for 2 hours then rivalry hit again Making Monkeyluffyd left creating a crew Called Souls of Darkness (1st one)
Chapter 2 Starting a Crew
Monkeyluffyd left Letsrockone's crew for 2 weeks going for 12 different crews being a SO 8 times FO 2 times and O 1 time and a pirate once Managing to start a crew was Monkeyluffyd's idea once he created the first member named Mayabell helped him get over 60 people including the must loyal members Reddustdevil, Monger, Instantflash, Slipco, Mrinvisible and Cuteepuppy most of them were SO's
Chapter 3 The 3 v.s 1 flag war failed
monkeyluffyd tried an act of war useing a plan to use 3 flags with over 60 pirates in each flag but failed to attempt as one flag became enemies with Scurge after the fail attempt many members of SOD tried to contiue the war making a new king Reddustdevil as monkeyluffyd left for a 1 month break which made over 40 pirates leave no reason was known for the scurge and viridian avenger war to last such a long time at the time monkeyluffyd gained a cutter and WB for the war but notified by monger that the allies of viridian avengers can easily crush them
Chapter four End of the long war and a new beggining
The end of war was not saved by Monkeyluffyd but by a pirate named Sunu who was online once and let Monkeyluffyd rejoined and talked to Jollyjoe about ending the war as days passed by monkeyluffyd was forced to disband the crew and restart it naming the 2nd crew souls of darkness with no caps at the time he lost the cutter to viridian avengers in the war
Viridian Pirate
Monkeyluffyd was a viridian pirate since near the beginning of 2006 for 1 week he was crew less but trained on his skills fast altough it wasn't a great start he manage to pull his first 10k in 4-6 days but grew tired of the game and soon he only made 900 poe a week
Scurge King
As the king of scurge his goal was only one thing before the Viridian avenger war was to be #1 pirate but failed due to boredom and war secondary dreams were to be rich own an island and have a strong crew and flag with his friends