Lorn is captain of the crew Formido Silentium, and a citizen of Endurance Island. Lorn can often be found pillaging across the Midnight Ocean, or working in his various stalls on Hephaestus' Forge and Endurance Island. He enjoys talking to hearties and hunting skellies and zombies given the opportunity. Lorn is also a collector of white trinkets, weapons, furniture and miscellanea.
[hide]Contributions and Accomplishments
- Awarded his first ultimate trophy for Treasure Haul on 1 October 2009.
- Served as team co-captain of FOFU in the Olympic Champions League Rumble competition, Season 7. FOFU came in fourth place in the tournament.
- Made the top ten list for battle navigation (bnav) on 23 September 2009.
- Defeated his first Brigand King, The Widow Queen, on 25 August 2009.
- Served as team captain of Reckless Abandon OCL in the Olympic Champions League sea battle competition, Season 7, under the psuedonym "Ghul." Reckless Abandon tied for fourth place in division two. An additional honor was bestowed on the crew for their good sportsmanship during the season.
- Founded the crew Formido Silentium on 29 January 2009 with Laralai and Ukchick, and with input from Ldeath.
- Finished memorizing Midnight Ocean on 21 January 2009.
- Founded the crew One Above Fucus in December 2006.
Lorn washed ashore on Beta Island on 14 July 2006, though he did not become an active participant on the ocean for some time thereafter. Little is known or remembered of this early period, save that he was part of the crew Drastic Measures, then flying the flag of Sans Dramatica.
During the winter of 2006 a disagreement between he and several of his fellow senior officers led to his leaving Sans Dramatica. He founded his first, short-lived crew shortly thereafter, followed by a second, One Above Fucus, in December 2006.
Beginning in April of 2007 Lorn took a hiatus from pirating for more than a year. He returned in November 2008.
Lorn quickly became a Senior Officer in The Scorpion's Sting, largest crew in the flag Nova Scorpius, where he practiced his pirating skills and learned of the many changes that Midnight had undergone in his absence. It was during this period, on 23 January 2009, that Lorn lost his leg when the vessel he was jobbing on was sunk in the Cursed Isles.
Lorn left The Scorpion's Sting on 27 January 2009, keeping good relations with his former flaggies, to start the crew Formido Silentium.
Lorn became a founding member of Reckless Abandon OCL on 24 March 2009. He served as captain and bnavver of the crew throughout the Olympic Champions League (OCL) sea battle competition, Season 7, under the psuedonym "Ghul." Reckless Abandon tied for fourth place in division two with four victories and three defeats. The team he assembled for this adventure was comprised of Laralai, Peteypirate, Oppy, Bootyboo and Ukchick. For this accomplishment Lorn not only recieved a Cleaver egg but a renamed longship, Olympic Pickerel. Later in the year Lorn, together with Cadavereye, Laralai, Oppy and Darkerik, formed FOFU for the OCL rumble competition. Once again they took fourth place in the competition.
Laralai, First Mate of Formido Silentium, became Lorn's wife on 26 April 2009. They were married by Bauds at Lukos' Estate on Epsilon Island. Standing as his Best Maid was his long-time friend Ukchick, and Ldeath served as a groomsman.
On August 25, 2009 Lorn was able to realize a long-standing ambition. After nearly three years of hunting her, Lorn defeated The Window Queen one league off Wrasse Island. His long-time nemesis, The Widow Queen proved to be his first victory over a brigand king, and set the stage for the next step in his career as a battle navigator, an attack on a flotilla.
While visiting the Unnatural Redoubt of Horror north of Namath Island Lorn found the serpent Jormungandr[1], his first Familiar. He purchased his second, the white monkey Kobe, from Cornflaxes on 19 September 2009, which he renamed to Bean Sidhe[2] in January of the following year.
On 23 September 2009 Lorn achieved another long-term goal, seein his name appear on the top ten list of bnavers on Midnight.
Lorn was awarded his first Ultimate trophy for Treasure Haul on 1 October 2009.
Lorn's Trinkets
General Trinkets
Special Trinkets
White Trinkets
Lorn's Pets
Lorn's Shoppes and Stalls
Manager of A Stitch in Lime on Namath Island
Manager of Ukchick's Apothecary Stall on Endurance Island
Manager of Oppy's Distilling Stall on Cleopatra's Pearls
Manager of Laralai's Tailoring Stall on Vernal Equinox
Manager of Ukchick's weaving Stall on Endurance Island
Closed Stalls
Owner of Lorn's Apothecary Stall on Eta Island (closed March 2007)
Owner of Lorn's Ironworking Stall on Endurance Island (closed March 2010)
Owner of Lorn's Ironworking Stall on Cleopatra's Pearls (closed March 2010)
Manager of Lovelie's Ironworking Stall on Hephaestus' Forge (closed March 2009)
Manager of Ldeath's Shipbuilding Stall on Endurance Island (closed August 2009)
Lorn's Renamed Ships
The Eclipse is owned by Ennoia, one of Lorn's alts.