Locu is senior officer in the crew Rated Yarr on Cerulean Ocean. He can sometimes be found chatting to old friends on Opal Ocean. Most of the time he is annoying Vargas on the Cursed Isles, but also likes good old pillaging and Brigand King Hunting.
Locu started his pirate Life during the Beta Testing of Indigo Ocean and stayed there, with a break, until the end on 31/12/2006. He and some friends repaid some Midnight players a visit on Midnight Ocean. After Indigo Ocean was closed down, he took a shore leave to return in November 2010 to Midnight Ocean. There he still was FO in Indigos Revenge and started to relearn the puzzles and memming the ocean. After some time he figured, that a one man crew wasn't to his liking any more and joined Rated Arr during April 2011. There he still is to pillage, hunt Brigand Kings, plunder the Cursed Isles and sometimes hunt Citadels in Atlantis or even more occasionally haunting the Haunted Seas. In 2012 he started to roam the Events!-forums and hosted events himself, starting with Pi-Day 2012 as well as translating events hosted by other players to the Opal forums. In July 2012 he was promoted to Captain of Rated Yarr as well becoming a royal of Booching Blaggards.
- 2011 September 6th - won a navy octopus in a drinking tournament
- 2011 October 7th - won a grey monkey in a multi puzzle competition for #1 navigation
- 2012 April - won several honourable mentions at Spring Egguinox 2012 - A daily doodle event
- 2012 April 20th - won a renamed sloop and trinket at Missing, presumed Fed
- 2012 April 20th - won a sloop at Puzzle Pirates Quiz I
- 2012 April 27th - answered all questions correctly at Puzzle Pirates Quiz II
- 2012 May 4th - won an Apollo egg at Tar Wars Doodle!
- 2012 May 7th - won a navy-white snake at CI
- 2012 June 28th - won a Silver Medal, 50.000 PoE, Fancy Desk and Fancy Chair at Olympic Events Part I - An Ode to PP
- 2012 July 7th - won 10.000 PoE at Pirates got Talent Literature
- 2012 July 15th - won a piglet and a golden rose for placing 7th at Billions of Blistering Blue Barnacles! Bake-Offs! - Sailing
- 2012 July 21st - won a plum big cat at Olympic Events Part II - A Scavenger Hunt
- 2013 February 15th - Won a Forculus and Greenbones egg and a Hera, Atropos, Clotho, Eightycats and Greenbones doll as well as a small gift from Gaea at Dolls Galore
- 2013 March 9th - Won a lavender octopus in a sailing competition
- 2015 January 29th - Won a mint/aqua parrot in a navigation/sailing/carpenting/gunning competition
Events hosted
- 2012 Pi-Day, Pie-Day, Pie-Rate-Day? - Baking contest
- 2012 The Bard's Song - Singing-Songwriting Contest
- 2012 A Clash Of Kings - Writing Contest
- 2012 Puzzle Piraten Quiz - Opal Edition - Opal only
- 2012 Save the Games - Hunt Finius
- 2012 PP Opal Quiz II - Mathematische Geschichte - Opal only
- 2012 PP Opal Quiz III - Jetzt wirds bunt - Opal only
- 2012 PP Opal Quiz IV - Puzzling Questions - Opal only
- 2012 Bring in the Harvest - A merchant brig race with specials - Cerulean only
- 2012 Is noch Rum da? Scavenger Hunt - Opal only
- 2012 PP Opal Quiz V - Fangfragen - Opal only
- 2013 Celebrate Chinese New Year The Pirate Way!
- 2013 Trocken VI - Sloop race with specials - Opal only
- 2013 Pirate Wars - Return of the Fith Painting competition
- 2013 Pimp my sloop - Vater- und Muttertagsedition - Opal only
- 2013 Reveal the secret - A Comic Creating Con(test)
- 2013 Opal Quiz 6 - Winterwunderland - Opal only
- 2014 Puzzle Pirates Easter Quiz
- 2014 Egg Phrases from Easter Quiz
- 2014 Opal Quiz VII - Oster Ei-dition - Opal only
- 2014 Ei Ei Ei, wer spricht denn da? - Opal only
- 2014 Dolls Dorado Crafting competition
- 2014 Sweet Star Wars Day Candy Doodle
- 2014 Release the Doodle Artpad doodle
- 2015 Mega Pi Day 3/14/15 Bake Off
- 2015 May the Fourth be with you 2015 edition writing competition
Events helped as a judge that were hosted by others
- 2012 Pirates got Talent - Culinary Arts
- 2013 Adorominable Spring Break! Painting competition
- 2013 Missing!!!OM's Immediate action required - Diorama competition
Renamed vessels
Sloop |