Indigo Ocean

From YPPedia
Important.gif The subject of this article is obsolete and no longer present in the game.
Information presented here may no longer apply to the current game. It is retained primarily for historical interest.

The Indigo Ocean was a German language ocean. It was not maintained by Three Rings, but by Gamigo, a separate company. This ocean required a separate subscription, payable in Euros. Unfortunately, the server was not updated frequently, with game additions such as poker and rumble not being seen on Indigo months after they were available on the English servers. Three Rings terminated Gamigo's contract, forcing Indigo to shut down on December 31, 2006. Indigo was replaced with the Opal Ocean, a doubloon ocean run by Three Rings.


Coral Archipelago Chart star coral.png
Angelfish Island Outpost
Delta Island* Large
Durian Island Outpost
Macaw Island Large
Meke Island Large
Monsoon Island Large
Park Island Large
Turongo Island^ Outpost
Diamond Archipelago Chart star ice blue.png
Alpha Island*^ Large
Byrne Island Large
Cnossos Island^ Large
Oyster Island^ Large
Papaya Island Large
Turtle Island^ Large
Winter Solstice^ Large
Emerald Archipelago Chart star lime.png
Emperor Island^ Large
Epsilon Island*^ Large
Gaea Island^ Large
Guava Island^ Large
Spring Island^ Large
Tinga Island^ Outpost
Wrasse Island^ Large
Jet Archipelago Chart star black.png
Chaparral Island Outpost
Dugong Island Large
Eclipse Island Large
Hephaestus' Forge Large
Lagniappe Island Large
Namath Island Large
Rhinoceros Ridge Outpost
Xi Island* Large
Opal Archipelago Chart star yellow.png
Boyle Island Large
Endurance Island Large
Flow Large
Norse Island Large
Nu Island* Large
Orca Island Outpost
Oseberg Island Large
Waterberry Large
Pearl Archipelago Chart star aqua.png
Cleopatra's Pearls Large
Frond Island Large
Nuptial Island Large
O'Reilly Island Large
Ostreum Island^ Outpost
Tadpole Isle Large
Zeta Island* Large
Ruby Archipelago Chart star red.png
Cranberry Island Large
Eta Island*^ Large
Islay of Luthien Large
Jorvik Island Large
Lynx Island Large
Midsummer Large
Olivia Isle Large
Sapphire Archipelago Chart star blue.png
Beta Island* Large
The Horseshoe Crabs Outpost
Iris Island Outpost
Remora Island Outpost
Uxmal Island Large
Verdant Atoll Large
Vernal Equinox Large

* denotes capital ^ - denotes colonized