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Kaiah is a senior officer and alchemist of the crew Plank Club on the Midnight Ocean. She is also a member of the flag Avalon.


Kaiah first discovered the world of pirates sometime around July 2005 as the pirate Buddies, when she was washed ashore on the isle of Prolix Purlieu (Viridian). After being stranded for a few days, she soon joined the crew Cheeky Monkeys of the flag Twisted Psychos and was trained as an officer by Captain Stinkie. Some drunken amount of time later, she moved crews and spend a happy number of months in crew Monkey Mayhem, before it became dormant.

Alas, with no one to spend her drunken evenings with, Buddies took on a new name, Kaiah and she soon joined a crew named The Maelstrom, of the flag Pay for Play, under Captain Mogor. Captain Mogor however, had to take a break, and as a favor Miser became the new captain. The Maelstrom was disbanded soon after.

Wandering alone and crewless throughout the Viridian islands, she was soon adopted into the crew Midnight Aurora of the flag Imperial Coalition by her hearty Ratoscurvy. But this was not to be, and after a few weeks, Kaiah created a retirement crew, The Jammy Dodgers, with her hearty Xylitol, and left to start a new adventure on the Sage Ocean.

On the Sage Ocean, she soon found a few old hearties and joined the crew, The Outcasts, with Toxin and Robertyuan. But Sage was just too quiet for this pirate, and she moved onto the Midnight Ocean. The Outcasts soon merged into the Perilous Puppets where Buddies can still be found at random times.

She also tried out the new Hunter Ocean, and can still be found there randomly as Silvery of the crew Dormant, and a member of the flag This End Up. But Midnight is her true home now.

After establishing herself on the Midnight Ocean, Kaiah joined the crew Plank Club of the flag Avalon. Several months after first joining, she left to join Punintended Consequences, but later returned back to plank club, to resume her role as flirt and docktart.

At the moment, Kaiah can be found in a variety of crews spamming her hearties and their flags on crew hopping tour, or hanging around on Spring Island.