Dreamweaver (Viridian)

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Dreamweaver (Viridian)

Dreamweaver is a pirate on the Viridian Ocean.



Dreamweaver was once the captain of the crew Dragon's Dreams and princess of the flag Black Dragon on the Viridian Ocean. She has many true and loyal friends who have stood by her through thick and thin.

Dreamweaver also has an interest in running stalls and shoppes. She owns a tailoring, furnishing and distilling stall, all located on Dragon's Nest. She also owns the shipyard shoppe, Friggin' Large Masts on Napi Peak, and manages the apothecary, Medici Medicines, on Jubilee Island.

Currently, Dreamweaver is ranked as a senior officer and sailmaster of the crew Pouncing Piranhas. She is also a member of the flag United We Stand, and a commander in the Prolix Purlieu Navy in the Jade Archipelago.