Super Awesomeness
Super Awesomeness at a Glance | |
Cerulean Ocean | |
Monarch | Pizzahutpete of Boochin' Drunks |
Member crew(s) | Boochin' Drunks, BootyBandits-West, The Dark Navy, Munch's Army, The Pirate ARRrrmy, The Bloody Chives, Independent Pirate, Arcane Abyss, The Ruthless Bunch |
Islands controlled |
Cormorant Island
Allies | blackstar, Cerulean's Most Wanted, Last Exile, Phantom Fury, Secrets of the Deep, Riding High |
Wars | None |
Last updated on 12 May, 2013 | |
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Super Awesomeness is a flag that sails the Cerulean Ocean and was founded on January 21st, 2006 on Cobalt.
Long ago, and far away, in the Midnight Ocean, some jobbing greenie pirates were invited by Kiradathis to join her crew called Rainy's Griffons. Those pirates became best of mates, sailing together when they could, on the Midnight Ocean.
Later in 2004, Captain Kiradathis temporarily retired from Puzzle Pirates to realize the real life joys of getting married and starting her family. When she left, she turned the crew over to the most capable hands of Jessipirate.
In February of 2005, Three Rings opened a new ocean known as Cobalt. A few mates in the Griffons had decided that Midnight just wasn't challenging enough (or maybe too challenging because most of the islands were already conquered). So feeling they were up for the challenge of helping to colonize the new ocean, a few mates picked up and began their pirates on Cobalt Ocean from scratch, coming together to form the Boochin’ Drunks led by Epona under the flag On the Rocks.
Another ambitious pirate from the Griffons, Gassibear, with his wife Peera, brought his family over to Cobalt and formed the Munchkin Bears, carrying the flag Midnight Refugees.
Among the pirates who made the migration are Bobert, Epona, Jessipirate (later known as Jakaubrey), Tammygal, Deejaylain, Gassibear, Peera, Zealous, and many are still with the crew today, or return from time to time when real life allows it.
Jessipirate, the acting captain of Rainy’s Griffons on Midnight, was a close to both crews and their captains. There was some drama between Jessipirate and Epona, then captain of the Drunks, as Jessipirate chose to start her own one-man (little did WE know!) crew rather than join either crew. Epona departed, leaving the Boochin’ Drunks in the hands of Tammygal. Seeing what this had done to their mate’s friendship, Tammygal and Gassibear decided to bring both crews together under the Midnight Refugees flag. The merger was wonderful! Lots of pillages, and spamming on the flag officer chat channel, and camaraderie that was well had by all. Members of both crews even had alt characters in the sister crew. After a while unfortunately, mates in the flag realized they lacked experience and skill in the political puzzle. They gave up their flag, and both the Drunks and the Bears joined Synful’s flag, Spit into the Wind. Of course, this did not stop the fun had by all within the 2 crews in flag officer chat, causing many a bad word from the other crews in the new flag.
The mates in both crews were not happy. So, the Boochin’ Drunks and Munchkin Bears were off on their own again, back under the Midnight Refugees flag and competing with each other in recruiting goals. Life was back to normal again, and the mates were happy.
Unfortunately, not long after that Gassibear and Peera fell on hard times, losing a couple family members suddenly followed by other hardships. Seeing Gassibear and Peera online became rarer and rarer, and the Bears were dwindling in numbers.
Around late December of 2005, Deejaylain approached Tammygal saying that she was interested in becoming a captain of her own crew. The timing was perfect, as Tammygal began a new job that would keep her from playing Puzzle Pirates as much as she wanted. Captaincy of the Drunks was handed over, and Tammygal was made first mate.
The question now was what about the Bears. Gassibear’s and Peera’s characters were dormant, so control of the crew was available to anyone. Tammygal remembered she had an alt character with the Bears that was an officer. In order to give the remaining Bears a safe haven in which to play, but still leave the dormant pirates a home within the flag, she and Deejaylain decided to merge the two crews together under the Boochin’ Drunks. Also, since Gassibear was the monarch of the flag, and again his character was dormant, it was unanimously decided that the Drunks begin a new flag. Using a catch phrase that became popular after winning battles and when discussing clothing modeled by fellow mates, Deejay called the flag SUPER AWESOMENESS!
In 2007 the flag was renamed to its current spelling.
Since then, many a crew has found a home in the flag - some to go on to greater things and some to remain and form the foundation of a great force.
Over the years we've mates that have come and gone, both fantastic and horrid, learned a lot from our experiences and have a lot of knowledge to bring to the newer mates. But most of all, in the years that we've been together we've become a family and we HAVE FUN!!!
Notable Events
- Added The Pineapple Brigade to the flag on November 3, 2006
- Added Degeneration X to the flag on December 10th, 2006
- Added Sirius Order to the flag on January 21, 2007
- Added Mythbusters to the flag on February 17, 2007
- The Pineapple Brigade left the flag February 5, 2007
- Added Valentine Dragon to the flag on March 12, 2007
- Sirius Order left the flag on March 15, 2007 to start their own flag Shrewish Order
- Achieved #10 on the Flag fame list and illustrious flag fame on March 15, 2007
- Achieved #9 on the flag fame list on March 21, 2007
- Added Born to be Bald to the flag on April 3, 2007
- Added Blazing Stars to the flag on April 10, 2007
- Achieved #7 on the flag fame list on April 15, 2007
- Achieved #6 on the flag fame list on April 17, 2007
- Blazing Stars left the flag on April 24, 2007
- Achieved #4 on the flag fame list on May 15, 2007
- Degeneration X merged with Boochin' Drunks on June 1, 2007
- Mythbusters Disbanded on June 1, 2007
- Achieved #1 on the flag fame list July 13, 2007
- Created Munch's Army
- Won Viridis island by defeating Walk The Plank 3-0 July 21, 2007
- Lost Viridis island to Walk The Plank 3-0 July 29, 2007
- Added Scratch n Sniff to the flag
- Added Independent Pirate to the flag
- Added The Bloody Chives to the flag
- Won Ansel Island in an island giveaway event hosted by What The Falchion September 16, 2007
- Added The True Card Sharks to the flag
- Added the BootyBandits to the flag
- Added Arcane Abyss to the flag
- The True Card Sharks left the flag
- Added Mercury to the flag
- October 4, 2008 - made Ansel Island the most blockaded island on Cobalt Ocean by dropping on the Brigand King Azarbad the Great who had taken the island away the previous weekend.
- Mercury left the flag
- Two Birthday crews added to facilitate the Boys vs. Girls Birthday Pillage, but only for a couple weeks
- The Pirate ARRrrmy joined the flag March 26, 2009
- Won Cormorant island from All Hands On Deck in a 3-1 blockade on April 18, 2009
- Leather and Hemp joined the flag
- One Eye'd Killer joined the flag
- The True Card Sharks rejoined the flag
- Born to be Bald rejoined the flag
Public Statement
But the power of destiny is something awesome; neither wealth, nor Ares, nor a tower, nor dark-hulled ships might escape it. -- Sophocles
Extended Public Statement
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Welcome to the flag of Super Awesomeness, one of the founding flags on the Cobalt ocean. We are a fun loving group of friends, working together to achieve our common goals. We are a diversified lot comprised of pillagers, shop keepers, war mongers and scallywags. Check your ego at the door and come have some fun with us.
We have worked hard to achieve status in the ocean and look to build on that hard work with the island we now call our Super Awesome home. We don't ask much of our member crews but we do expect each crew to support the flag in its mission to the best of their abilities. There are no "dues" expected from our crews, though donations are very much appreciated and we do have fund drives from time to time.
We do maintain standards for officers representing the flag, we ask that Captains ensure their respective officers have received the proper training and can handle the responsibility of the rank bestowed upon them.
Our mission is simple, defend our islands as well as our standing as one of the best flags on the Cobalt ocean.
- Viridis X - Attack - Won 3-0 - vs. Walk The Plank on July 21, 2007
- Ansel VIII Defend - Won 3-0 - vs. The All-Consuming Flame October 27, 2007
- Ansel IX Defend - Won 3-0-0 - vs. Oceanus Expeditus and Dark Asylum November 3, 2007
- Ansel X Defend - Won 3-0 - vs. Caution Road Humps July 12, 2008
- Ansel XII Attack - Won 3-0 - vs. The All-Consuming Flame October 4, 2008
- Cormorant VII Attack - Won 3-1 - vs. All Hands On Deck April 18, 2009
- Viridis XI Defend - Lost 0-3 - vs. Walk The Plank July 29, 2007
- Ansel XI Defend - Lost 2-3 - vs. The All-Consuming Flame September 27, 2008
- Labyrinth Moor XIV Defend (on behalf of Wench) - Lost 0-3 - vs. Maniacal Menagerie October 30, 2010
Blockades at a Glance
# | Date | Blockade | Stance | Sinking | Contenders | Score | Result |
1 | 14 April 2007 | Viridis VIII | Attacking | No | What The Falchion vs. Walk The Plank, Smuggler's Guild, Raiders of the Lost Arch, What Lies Beyond, Cataclysm, Don't Tread One Me, -ONE SHOT ONE KILL-, The Black Sheep, SUPER AWESOMENESS | 0:3:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 | Didn't win island |
2 | 21 July 2007 | Viridis X | Attacking | No | Walk The Plank vs. Super Awesomeness | 0:3 | Won island |
3 | 29 July 2007 | Viridis XI | Defending | No | Super Awesomeness vs. Walk The Plank | 0:3 | Lost island |
4 | 27 October 2007 | Ansel VIII | Defending | Yes | Super Awesomeness vs. The All-Consuming Flame | 3:0 | Defended island |
5 | 3 November 2007 | Ansel IX | Defending | No | Super Awesomeness vs. Oceanus Expeditus, Dark Asylum | 3:0:0 | Defended island |
6 | 12 July 2008 | Ansel X | Defending | No | Super Awesomeness vs. Caution Road Humps | 3:0 | Defended island |
7 | 27 September 2008 | Ansel XI | Defending | Yes | Super Awesomeness vs. The All-Consuming Flame | 2:3 | Lost island |
8 | 4 October 2008 | Ansel XII | Attacking | Yes | The All-Consuming Flame vs. Super Awesomeness | 0:3 | Won island |
9 | 18 April 2009 | Cormorant VII | Attacking | Yes | All Hands On Deck vs. Super Awesomeness | 1:3 | Won island |
10 | 19 September 2009 | Ansel XIII | Defending | No | Super Awesomeness vs. Got Milk | 1:0 | Defended island |
11 | 28 January 2012 | Cormorant VIII | Defending | Yes | Super Awesomeness vs. The Jade | 3:0 | Defended island |
12 | 23 February 2013 | Papaya XVII | Attacking | No | Twisted vs. Super Awesomeness : Elements of Fear | 0:0:3 | Didn't win island |
External Links
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