Kiradathis aka Kiradathys sailed the Cobalt Ocean as well as the Midnight Ocean, and now has found herself a residence on the Cerulean Ocean.
Accomplishments and Contributions
Cobalt Ocean
- DJ and 'online personality' for the Puzzle Pirate's themed internet radio station Radio Free Cobalt
- Complete memorization of every league Point on the Cobalt Ocean
Midnight Ocean
- First Captain of the crew Rainy's Griffons and Queen of the flag Shades of Midnight
Kiradathis originally started out in May of 2004 on the Midnight Ocean. She came in as a greenie and with the help of a few friends she was able to start her own crew over there. She pillaged and plundered to her heart's content for many hours while avoiding work, until one day her work overflowed and she could pillage and plunder no more. She handed her crew over to the capable hands of Jakaubrey then known as Jessipirate, and sadly left to do her work. But the calling of a pirate never leaves ones soul and she came back a couple of years later near the end of 2006 to once again pillage and plunder to her hearts content.
Upon once again entering the Midnight Ocean, she came upon Bobert, the new captain of her crew, which she was happy to still see around, and she told Kira of the magnificent treasure and booty that could be had on the Cobalt Ocean, and that most of her friends had moved over there and started a new crew the Boochin' Drunks. Happy to hear her friends and her crew mates had stuck together through everything, she picked up and moved over to Cobalt, where she can be found pillaging, plundering as well as playing a bit of poker and spades.
Every once in a while, however, the calling of her old ocean caught her and she could be found there playing a game of poker or talking to some of her old hearties. Upon the combination of her two previous oceans into the Cerulean Ocean, she was forced to change her Cobalt name slightly from Kiradathis to Kiradathys. She can now be found in her new crew; katz pirates inc along with a few of her old hearties.
Kiradathis is the owner of the following renamed vessels on Cobalt:
Defeated by Kiradathis
Team Viejo Pascuero, Last Place, Winter 2006
Now ye have 2... Sammael
This is just a token of me getting 40k! Signed Dragonsfiery
Awarded to Kiradathis for Paragon Experience in Sea Battle on March 31, 2006
Team Doom Flume, Champions, Arrrmageddon 2006