Chat commands |
/clear |
/crew |
/emote (/me) |
/fbroadcast |
/fofficer |
/game |
/global |
/global-off |
/global-on |
/house |
/jcrew |
/officer |
/royalty |
/shout |
/speak (/say) |
/tell (/msg) |
/think (/ponder) |
/tmute |
/trade |
/vessel |
The /tell command allows you to send a message to another pirate privately. The receiving pirate must be online. You can only send the message to a single pirate and you cannot combine /think, /shout or /emote with /tell. You can also send tells without typing /tell by selecting the "Tell" bubble to the left of your typing line and selecting or entering in the name of the pirate you wish to send them to.
If a player attempts to send a tell to himself or herself, that player gets a message that says "Talking to oneself is a sign of impending insanity," and the tell doesn't go through.
If a player is playing spades, they may not send a tell to their partner.
/tell <piratename> <message>, /msg <piratename> <message> (/te <piratename>)
A tell in use. The blue message is a player sending a message to another person, the purple message is the player's received message.