From YPPedia
Teranto has been playing on Viridian since _______. He has always been rooting for his crew, and taking part in various event blockades, Brigand King hunts, flotillas. Teranto's hearties always come first, when someone is in need of anything, not to mention his fellow crew and flag mates.
Contributions and Awards
- Admiral in the Dragon's Nest Island Navy in the Jade Archipelago
- Senior officer and lieutenant of the crew Echoes of War
- Became a greeter in Year 2007.
- Member of HuBoV Hunters of Brigand Kings on Viridian
- Member of SHAVe Skellie Hunters Across Viridian
Crew History
- _-_-07 to Present - Echoes Of War of the flag Fading Myths
- 4-23-07 to Present -member of the flag Damascus Steel
manages Sweetcheek's Ironworking stall on Lima Island