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Contributions and Awards

  • River is the current owner of the Isle of Kent inn
  • Created and co-mc'ed the first Go With The Flow auction, which raised over 1.3 million for the Flag.
  • Captain of the Happy Sunshine Brigade
  • Former Captain of the Bounty Hunters


River was known as Riverdance in Viridian, and was a fleet officer in Dreamcatchers. She then moved to the Sage Ocean with Hunter. They created and co-captained the crew, Bounty Hunters. Bounty Hunters then joined up with Go with the Flow. After Hunter went dormant in the crew, River joined On the Rocks, and worked her way to the rank of senior officer.

After helping to win Admiral Island, River left Go With the Flow to create the crew, Happy Sunshine Brigade, with Phade. She currently holds the rank of captain.