Hunter (pirate)

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Hunter (pirate)
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Hunter is an senior officer of the crew Immortal Conquerors and king of the flag Veni Vidi Vici of the Hunter Ocean.

Contributions and Awards

  • Defeated El Pollo Diablo
  • King of Veni Vidi Vici (Hunter)
  • Senior officer of Immortal Conquerors (Hunter)
  • Former captain of Perfect Storm (Hunter)
  • Co-founder of Mayhem (Viridian)
  • Former lord of Revelation (Viridian)
  • Former captain of Blabbering Scallywags (Viridian)
  • Former captain of Bounty Hunters (Sage)


Hunter began his pirate career in February 2005 on Viridian. Just over a month later in March he established the crew Blabbering Scallywags. He was also the founding captain of both Viridian Liberators and Acts of Treason. Later, Hunter joined the crew DREAM CATCHERS where he stayed until his priorities shifted to the newly opened Sage Ocean.

On Sage, Hunter quickly founded the Bounty Hunters. From October to December 2005 he took a break from the game. Upon his return, he helped found the crew Mayhem On Viridian. He was a senior officer in both the Death Pirates on Sage and Mayhem on Viridian.

Mayhem has now since merged with Rolling Thunder, the core crew of Revelation. Hunter is located across all of the Doubloon Oceans, Viridian, Sage, and Hunter, although the Hunter Ocean is where he is home to. Hunter recently merged Perfect Storm into Immortal Conquerors of Veni Vidi Vici, and is senior officer within the crew.

Hunter recently took over Veni Vidi Vici as king, because the former king (now royalty), Grandpharaoh, felt he couldn't get on as much as he originally wanted to.

During Fenrir's Halloween Event, Hunter helped attack the Black Ship, said to be unbeatable. Fenrir rewrote that by beating the Black Ship on October 31th, 2006. Oceanus was accompanied with the Skellies. A thread with quite a few pictures can be viewed here. Hunter (By the Forum Name Fabled240, created the Thread):