This is probably the last release of the year. Enjoy!
- Merchant vessels now ship outlying materials to populated islands. Adventurous foragers instead find fruit to sell at nearby markets.
- The old salts in inns now have more detailed and more reliable information.
- Key bindings for all the puzzles can be customized in the options panel. Note: the P key no longer pauses puzzles, use the escape key (which has always worked to pause/unpause).
- Bazaars appear with a yellow label on the island map.
- Right clicking in a scene will scroll that area to be visible. Additionally, path-finding has been improved.
- More Spades bug fixes:
- Fixed more freeze problems.
- Watchers will no longer be told that they win/lose/tie.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused one to be unable to send tells to one's partner after the game.
- Interarchipelago maps will start having the right icon again.
- In the apothecary puzzle, the warning sound will only play once, instead of each time you rotate the warning piece.
- The quote interface at shops has been changed around and cleaned up a little.