From YPPedia
Muscles is a senior officer of the crew Felonious Intentions and a member of the flag BITE MEh on the Emerald Ocean.
Contributions and Awards / Contributions and Accomplishments
- Former senior officer of Impossible Situations
- Former king of the flag Impending Danger.
- Co-founder of Impossible Situations
- Former senior officer and first mate of Yarrmageddon
- Former lord of EAC
- Former lord of The Eye
- Former senior officer of Easy Going
- Former senior officer of Dominance
- Former lord of Castigo Final
- Former king of Hell's Temptation
- Former captain of Within Temptation
- Navigated in numerous successful blockades.
Muscles started on the Sage Ocean in August, 2005. He moved to Hunter when it opened under the same name.
Muscles has been a navigator in almost every Hunter Ocean blockade. Blockade navigating and PVP's are his favorite aspect of YPP.
In July of 2007, Muscles stepped down as a senior officer of Easy Going and lord of The Eye, to join Asperity in Yarrmageddon. Later, he and Asperity have started the crew Impossible Situations and the flag Impending Danger, along with mates Amasa and Smats.