Love Shack (Ice)

From YPPedia
Love Shack
Left-facing Shack on
Shatterstone Island (Nenya Archipelago)
Ice Ocean
Owner Crabbythekid
Erected July 2005
Building-Ice-Love Shack.png

Love Shack is a shack on Shatterstone Island on the Ice Ocean. The building was formerly owned by Oceanus.

About the Name

Based on a popular B-52's song, 'Love Shack' is a commonly chosen name for the cheapest form of housing, the shack.

Making its initial appearance on Shatterstone Island of the Ice Ocean, many pirates took their first housing in the Love Shack while housing and furnishings were being tested. Since the debut of housing on the main oceans, buildings named 'Love Shack' can now be found on Napi Peak on the Cerulean Ocean and on Caravanserai Island on the Emerald Ocean.

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