Kimmy is a pirate on the Midnight Ocean. She is a fleet officer of the crew Poe Hunterz in the flag Crimson Tide.
Kimmy first joined Puzzle Pirates on September 19, 2005 as Kimby. She soon joined the crew The Heretics of the flag Seraph's Nightmare. After discovering that the times that she played differed from those in her crew the pirate Kimmy was made and she joined the crew the British Seadogs also from Seraph's Nightmare. When British Seadogs merged with Thicker Than Blood Kimmy quit the crew and went on a brief hiatus.
Upon her return a couple months later she joined the crew The Pillaging Raiders of the flag Impending Insanity. Leaving that crew to join her hearty Steinhauser, Kimmy joined the crew The Phoenicians of the Black Sheep Brigade. When that crew was reduced to a smaller amount of players, Kimmy joined the Champions of Valhalla once again returning her to the flag Seraph's Nightmare where she became a lady for her job as an event assistant. Kimmy then joined a crew briefly with a hearty before joining Poe Hunterz of the flag Avalon. She then switched to Plank Club and became a lady again. Soon after she joined the crew of her hearty Rebootkid.
Later she was a senior officer in the crew Chimaera and a princess of the flag Cold Steel and was also the governor of Wrasse Island. After a brief retirement, Kimmy returned in December 2009 and got the #1 Treasure Hauler trophy.
Kimmy also plays the other oceans on occasion where she is slowly working on her skills.
Kimmy is interesting in blockades, Atlantis, Cursed Isles runs, and imperial outpost runs. She also likes to participate in bake-off events, and helping hearties out. She is also interested in collecting pets especially the special edition ones.
Future goals
Kimmy would like to run ocean events at some point. Since she started playing Kimmy has participated in the December Daily Doodles held by Apollo and would one day like to win the event.