Furshizzle is a pirate on the Midnight and Cobalt Oceans.
Accomplishments and Contributions
- Host of the first 1 million PoE spades tournament.
- Hostest with the mostest. Hosted several large pirate parties, as well as monthly "local" gatherings.
- Cobalt Ocean
- Captain and bait of the crew The Pittsburgh Pirates and queen of the flag Mountees
- Owner of Crazy Ate furnishing shoppe on Labyrinth Moors
- Owner of Mystic Jungle Potions apothecary shoppe on Tigerleaf Mountain
- Owner of Furshizzle's ironworking stall on Fintan Island
- Held #1 spot in spades for 52 days.
- Lost her leg at the Typhoon Island blockade September 9, 2006. Cohog was battle-naving the ship.
- Midnight Ocean
- Captain and card sharp of the crew Baggin Wenches and queen of the flag Spades Addicts
- Former senior officer of Yellow Jackets crew of the flag Midnight Armada from June 23, 2004 to March 10, 2005.
- Founder / former owner of Madderhorn apothecary shoppe on Park Island, December 2004 - September 2006.
Furshizzle washed up on the shores of the Midnight Ocean on June 23rd, 2004. She was quite lost and confused and wandered around, finally joining a pillage. It so happened to be a Spin pillage on a war brig with the Yellow Jackets. Anyone having the joy of pillaging with the YJ's "back in the day" can understand how she was hooked from the start. The Yellow Jackets became her first and ONLY crew she ever joined (as opposed to creating).
In December 2004, Midnight Armada gained control of Park Island and Furshizzle was lucky enough to be able to buy herself an Apothecary shoppe that she named Madderhorn. Over the coming weeks and months she started buying more and more stalls to support Madderhorn's growing needs. By the end she owned Madderhorn, a weavery stall, an ironworking stall, distilling stall, and with the release of furnishers she opened that type of stall too. She enjoyed her time as an "owner" on Park Island, until September 2006. She has sold off everything except the ironmonger and the furnishing stall.
On March 10, 2005 Furshizzle left the Yellow Jackets and formed her own crew Baggin' Wenches and flag Spades Addicts. Luckily this was before the need for fame, since from this time on she can honestly say she has had little to do with any puzzles on the ocean. She has become very fixed on shopkeeping and spades.
On August 3, 2006 Furshizzle left the Midnight Ocean in search of a new challenge and a way to be a pirate once again. She joined Gothmog's flag Anonymity. After a brief stay within the flag it underwent a restructuring and she became Queen, briefly. After the loss of their beloved Ansel Island they chose to make that the time to leave the flag to Poot and form a new flag.
On October 8, 2006 the flag Mountees was born. The Pittsburgh Pirates was a crew mostly made up of mates Furshizzle had met in real-life from her parties. All of the senior officers had been playing YPP for 2+ years. They all have been looking for a new challenge and a way to return to the pirate game as a whole.