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Christopheon is a pirate on the Sage Ocean.


Christopheon is the founder of BrotherhoodoftheExiled (later changed to Judgement Day). He came to Sage looking for adventure and fun pillaging the high seas. Christopheon never made officer in any of the crews he served under and founded his own crew with one sloop (the Light Mummichog).

He served under Livelychap in The Phantom Fleet during Amity I and later helped orchestrate the defence at Amity II. Christopheon enjoyed slaying countless brigands and hunting other players with his sloops and war brigs.

Christopheon became friends with many famous and infamous pirates on Sage such as Jjwillis, Sefu, Wingedhussar and other miscellaneous major players.

He can be found now:


  • Owner of the Forgotten Wraith (war brig)
  • Owner of the Hopeless Warrior (sloop)
  • Owner of the Baked Tuna (merchant brig)