Boomshots is senior officer, first mate of the crew Fifty Shades of BOOM and prince of the flag Black Flag, that sails the Emerald Ocean.
Former crews and flags
- Former member of the flag Sailor's Delight
- Former senior officer of the crew Vendetta
- Former lord of the flag Vanguard
- Former officer of the crew Nightmare
- Former senior officer of the crew Bad Touch and a member of the flag Legacy
- Former captain of the crew Wanted and prince of the flag I-N-K
Boomshots was introduced to the game in November 2006 by his girlfriend at the time.
Starting on the Viridian Ocean, he learned quickly and started working on his puzzle standings. He met an exceptional player, Cachinia, with whom he had a certain easy friendship, conversing with her in his own language (French). He joined her crew Vendetta as a named pirate Dominicanus (spelled Domini-canus and nothing else).
At that time, he made lots of new friends, such as Narci and Avienda and many more, in many BK hunts, pillages and of course in 'cades.
In 2011 he met Bookling in the crew Bad Touch, and then in 2012, after the ocean merge, he decide to move to the Emerald Ocean.
November 13, 2013, on the Emerald Ocean saw the creation of the crew Wanted.
After the release of kraken at the end of July 2014,
Boomshots with few friends (Zekalina, Ifairmaidenl, Poeticjust) decided on January 17, 2015, to create a flag dedicated to one goal only: Kraken Hunt!
I-N-K was born! and many hours, days, weeks, and months of fun and crazy chat kh'ing all together with many addicts of the Emerald Ocean
Boomshots was one of the first on emerald ocean to win all 10 colors of krakling and black octopus of course !
Then came the Dark Seas adventure, on the Obsidian Ocean, in Beta testing which began on June 30, 2017.
On July 1, 2017, he recreated the crew Wanted with the help of his close friend Codefish, who gave him the 10 doubloons needed to choose the Shadow Fleet faction.
The crew started to grow so fast and Boomshots was really busy in real life at the same time, he was struggling, he decide to pass the captaincy to one and other... without good results.
Till the sexiest pirate on the ocean and very very close Ivyy (name Ivy on obs) took over the crew and renamed her own way: Fifty Shades of BOOM!
They played there till January 2019, kh'ing, shopkeeping and memorizing all that ocean. Then came a long break from the game.
Back home
Boomshots came back into the game in autumn 2020, flying with his close one Ivyy!
In November that same year, his crew was approached by a few flags, but especially by Black Flag to join them. After several weeks of waiting and long discussion with Ivyy, he decided to join the club and try a new adventure with them!
With no regret at all, Boomshots found his place in that flag, having fun with everyone and chatting with those weirdos.
When he became lord, they invited him into Blackade helping in many way in cade, week end after week end.
He start to manage islands, and even got is first governor title, and by commitment and dedication he became prince.
List of buildings
Governor of Scrimshaw
The Lighthouse on Scrimshaw
Reef Reelators on Scrimshaw
The Great Estate on Admiral