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Diablosun is a pirate on the Sage, Viridian and Hunter Oceans.



Diablosun, or Sunny, is a pirate on the Hunter Ocean. She is a senior officer and the damsel of the crew Shine On, and is an admiral in the navy. She makes her home on Aimuari Island in the Orion Archipelago.

Sunny started off her pirate life in October 2005, on the Sage Ocean, in the crew Academy of Sailing. Sunny spent most of her time practicing her puzzles with the navy, and when the thirst for poe overtook her, a-jobbing she would go. In time she earned the rank of officer in Academy of Sailing. Her friend Jyoti joined Puzzle Pirates later that year, and they had lots of fun uncovering new aspects of the game. In May of 2006, Sunny and Jyoti followed their king, the accomplished captain Dingybeard, and their lovely queen Eowyn to a new frontier, the Hunter Ocean. The crew All For Rum, part of the newly formed flag Wicked Peace was born.

Sunny was a very active member of All For Rum and achieved the rank of senior officer. She enjoyed training new mates and sharing new puzzle techniques, while imparting her wisdom on different game aspects, such as soloing, BK hunting, foraging, and gem running.

Diablosun often appears in disguise, frequently appearing as Borealis or Magentamoon, with both pirates being part of the crew Hags of the Wicked Winds, under the phenomenal leadership of her friend Rumpelstix. She can quite often be seen incognito foraging and visiting with Dasjim as he hopes for his first gold trophy.

In March of 2008, Sunny left All For Rum in search of a quieter crew. She is now a senior officer in the crew Shine On. Her friend Darkmoon is her new captain. Sunny keeps in contact with all her friends in Wicked Peace, and often finds herself once again under the naughty influence of Eowyn. They all have a great time together, and Sunny and Darkmoon go jobbing with All For Rum when they get the chance.

What does the future hold for Sunny? She has finished memming Hunter and plans to return to Sage and memorize there as well. Diablosun is also building a pirate career on the Viridian Ocean.

Sunny would like to thank her friend Dawgwai for starting this pirate page for her. Thanks as well to Dirtywench and Malduk who let her babysit the parrot Marigold on occasion. Marigold belongs to Malduk, who has placed her in Dirtywench's guardianship.

Shops and Stalls

Diablosun is a manager of the furnisher shoppe Sofa Spuds on Alkaid Island. She also owns her own distilling stall on Quetzal Island.