Arladannon/School of Cerulean Arts
From YPPedia
Founded in 2016 in Arladannon's Gallery on Winter Solstice, The School of Cerulean Arts (unofficial) provides information and direct links to the YPP for the beginning player, or those experienced players wanting refreshers.
[hide]General information - entry hall
- Each room of this gallery presents items and information related to a puzzle or puzzles in the Puzzle Pirates Cerulean Ocean.
- Pirates can read a brief summary of the puzzle on the message board provided in each room.
- More detailed information regarding the puzzle/s, as well as links to YPPedia and Youtube tutorials are listed in each room's News in the Ye panel.
- Pirates with questions or comments on a specific area of play can post a message in the guest book in that room.
- With the exception of multiplayer puzzles, puzzle play is not accessible directly from the School.
The library of apothocarian arts
West Hall
- Alchemistry puzzle
- Potion cabinet with potions
- Chroma chest with chromas
The garden
West Wing
The history and geography of Cerulean
West Exhibit Hall
East Exhibit Hall
- The ins and outs of frays with the undead
- Practice dummies for swordfighting and rumble puzzles available here
The arena
East Wing
- In the arena pirates can gather to participate in group frays against one another
- Sword fighting brawl
- Rumble table
- Sword rack with sword
- Bludgeon Trunk with bludgeon
Fabric arts
East Hall
Main Hall
- Presents a variety of paintings and portraits available in-game
- Portrait ordering easels provided in this class