
From YPPedia
Raw goods
Mass: 0.5 kg Volume: 1 L
Obtained from: Merchant brigands, Commodities markets
Used by: Apothecaries, Distilleries, Furnishers
End products: Enamel, Furniture, Mugs

Sassafras is one of fifteen herbs. It is an ingredient in black enamel, furniture, and skull mugs. Sassafras is most frequently found on tiny outpost islands. It's very rare for a sassafras-spawning island to be colonized, so sassafras is generally harvested, transported, and sold by merchant brigands.

Spawn locations

Cerulean Emerald Ice Meridian Obsidian

*Islands without market bidding.


Sassafras is needed in the production of:

Distillery products

Icon market.png   Herbs
Broom flower | Butterfly weed | Cowslip | Elderberries | Indigo | Iris root | Lily of the valley
Lobelia | Madder | Nettle | Old man's beard | Pokeweed berries | Sassafras | Weld | Yarrow
Other commodities: Basic | Minerals | Forageables
Cloth | Dyes | Enamels | Paints