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::::I want to roll that back because I really don't think that that is specific enough to be of any use, and as we haven't actually worked it out yet, it should still be "Conditions to receive this trophy are still unknown at this time"  --[[User:Whitemonkey|Whitemonkey]] 00:19, 2 November 2006 (PST)
::::I want to roll that back because I really don't think that that is specific enough to be of any use, and as we haven't actually worked it out yet, it should still be "Conditions to receive this trophy are still unknown at this time"  --[[User:Whitemonkey|Whitemonkey]] 00:19, 2 November 2006 (PST)
:::::I disagree from what I have heard and seen it does have to do with performing pirate duties aboard ship.  I've talked to Chaosdaddy again and he told me that during the blockade when he received the Battered Hat he had performed every duty except battle nav.  I think the listed conditions are good the way they are, unless someone has evidence to the contrary.  --[[User:Kgarrett1969|Kgarrett1969]] 07:54, 2 November 2006 (PST)
:::::I disagree from what I have heard and seen it does have to do with performing pirate duties aboard ship.  I've talked to Chaosdaddy again and he told me that during the blockade when he received the Battered Hat he had performed every duty except battle nav.  I think the listed conditions are good the way they are, unless someone has evidence to the contrary.  --[[User:Kgarrett1969|Kgarrett1969]] 07:54, 2 November 2006 (PST)
::::::Received the Battered Hat after approximately half an hour at each duty, no sinkage, in one blockade.--[[User:Doormat2005|Doormat2005]] 19:31, 4 November 2006 (PST)
== Skelly Slayer ==
== Skelly Slayer ==

Revision as of 03:31, 5 November 2006

Miscellaneous Discussions

What would the Tag be for the images to linked to this page be? - StoneKrush 15:00, 19 September 2006 (PDT)

For now, I'd use ooo image, since it's neither inventory nor in-game stuff. We'll probably develop something better in due course. --Ponytailguy 15:30, 19 September 2006 (PDT)

What about, Mug'o Blood, Skellie Hunter, and a few more that can be found under Lelantos, Arcturus and a few ringers? Any data about the non-duty trophies yet?--B1ck132 04:59, 20 September 2006 (PDT)

I have the images here, just need confirmation to which task they are awarded for, I will check on Lelantos, Arcturus and the rest of the Ringers and OMs when I get back from work StoneKrush 05:28, 20 September 2006 (PDT)
Pssst. Us official folk will neither confirm nor deny the causes of any trophies. You guys can certainly catalog them, but you get to do the leg work yourselves. :) --Cephalopod 09:56, 20 September 2006 (PDT)
Yay, an OFFICAL excuse to ignore the wife and house work and get some puzzling done, now we just have to get all of them done before they go live and it becomes too easy StoneKrush 10:39, 20 September 2006 (PDT)
By the way, #1 of each puzzle gets a Trophy as well, but the timing needs to be tested, if we get in contact with a long term #1 puzzler, we can figure out the needed time, either a day, a week or a month.--B1ck132 12:08, 20 September 2006 (PDT)
Oi! and the Mug o'Blood is given out when a ship plaunders KB as a part of the booty. Everyone on the vessel at the end of the KB giving battle, seems to get it. Confirmation from Pro and Skellykitten.--B1ck132 12:14, 20 September 2006 (PDT)

2 more information in hand. 1- Skellie Hunter is given to everyone that was in a fray that is won. 2- Bone Head is given to a person that wins a Skull. Checked it with Ozone and Molech.--B1ck132 18:08, 20 September 2006 (PDT)

On who was Map and Brew noticed? I couldn't find someone holding it yet. >.<--B1ck132 09:08, 21 September 2006 (PDT)
Cephalopod had it, but as stated above, he and anyone else Offical will not give away information :(

New Trophy discovered: Weathered Helm. Gunnermooch and Barrelholder has it now. Given during Blockade Navigation. It is most probably given after a certain time with you holding the helm. Couldn't find the exact reason.--B1ck132 16:23, 21 September 2006 (PDT)

Roger also has this Trophy and says he was sailing when he got it StoneKrush 17:00, 21 September 2006 (PDT)
  • shrugs* both Gunner and I got it during blockade navigation, so no comment.--B1ck132 02:50, 22 September 2006 (PDT)
It could be given for a certain amouint of time on a ship then,. just a theory mind ye StoneKrush 05:13, 22 September 2006 (PDT)
Just a theory of mine, but I believe you may obtain the trophy by sinking a specified number of vessels in a blockade. --P1P3L1N3 17:48, 22 September 2006 (PDT)
As Snake mentioned before i could log on, there seems to be other Trophies for sinkage, but actually i am planning to test it wasting 10k for a sloop on Ice, for that.(or if you have a sloop i can waste that can be more useful ;)). For the Weathered Helm, it looks like it is about navigation but yet, i couldn't hit it again with an alt, so =S--B1ck132 00:46, 23 September 2006 (PDT)=
I got it right after I sunk a sloop, on a sloop. I had 30-40% damage at the time when he sunk. My flag was declaring war against his flag. Both sloops only had one person onboard. With sinking I mean the pretend sinkning you get in a blockade at Kings Island. --Kinocha 05:07, 24 September 2006 (PDT)
Was anyone able to confirm the Weathered helm is for 50% of the whole blockade or just 50% of a blockade round? -- WhoIsYou 03 October 2006
I did only one blocakde round but more then 50% of it in event blockade and it didnt earn me this trophy. --- szbubu 20 October 2006

New trophy found - Chalice of Blood. Pro and Skellykitten have it. Probably for getting a certain nmber of kraken's blood? -- WhoIsYou 8:04, 04 October 2006 (PDT)

Yes, that would be it. I reccomend you tally every KB you get, as there is an apparant upgraded version of the chalice of blood as well.

New Trohies under the pirate Whitell on Hunter or Teal on Sage. Ultimate Pirate, Ultimate Crafter. Works same way as Ult Carouser. --B1ck132 03:23, 18 October 2006 (PDT)

Browsing the ice folders, I'm trying to make some connections between the unknown trophies. There appears to be 2 upgraded versions of the mug o' blood, skellie hunter, and bone head trinkets, presumably for exponentially greater amounts of the same achievment. I think it would be wise to record each time you win a KB, win a skellie fight, or win another skull. A heart shaped trophy could be for having a full hearty list. The trophy "\trophy\1\13c432dc" appears to be for foraing gold, and it's counterpart appears to be "trophy\d\deaad6d4". There are four crab trophies, ranging from a silver, to a gold, to a crystal, to a gem encrusted one... I have no idea what they are for, though the four are most likely connected. The driftwood and old boot trophies could have something to do with sinking. There are 8 other trophies, including the chart and brew trophy, and weathered helm, but could draw no conclusions, though one trophy did have a jolly rodger flag in it which reminded me of the paragon sea battle experience trinket. There's also a strange old tricorn which appears to be on fire... --Lethallizard 22:41, 22 September 2006 (PDT)

yes, I have been through the art folder and seen all the trophies, the main problem is linking them to the appropriate name and task, I am currently sat at an island Foraging for the Gold one StoneKrush 11:48, 23 September 2006 (PDT)
FYI, we prefer that art folder images not be uploaded until they've been seen in-game. Many thanks. --Barrister 23:54, 23 September 2006 (PDT)
aye we understand that, and are not uploading any images of the trophies that haven't actually been confirmed

Weathered Helm

I think you should get weathered helm if you've been on a ship that sank a certain number of times and the trophies arrre awesome!!

i agree, Weathered Helm is probably a ship sunk...
When I was testing the sinks my character on the sunk boat received a Driftwood trophy, but the nove/able alt I created to man the boat that fired the cannonballs received nothing. So weathered helm isn't for sinking in PvP at least. -WhoIsYou 9:56 29 September
I believe the weathered helm would be bnaving 50% of a round not the blockade. As I know people that have it after naving in an event blockade but we only did one round. Which is not half the blockade.--Stlnmyhrt 21:59, 17 October 2006 (PDT)
Aye, I got a Weathered Helm halfway through the first round of a 2-round blockade. So I think it's tied to a round, not the whole blockade.--Sashamorning 12:22, 18 October 2006 (PDT)
You CANNOT get the Weathered Helm by just staying at the Safe Zone. I tried that on a Sinking Event blockade, for 2 complete rounds and nothing happened.--Damagon 00:45, 19 October 2006 (PDT)
Apparenly you cannot just get it for just naving either, as we did an event blockade today, and while I racked up points and damaged ships and got it, 2 friends that naved the whole blockade did not get it--Stlnmyhrt 23:36, 19 October 2006 (PDT)
I naved a whole round with only 2 people onboard, didn't get it. Alemdar naved the round before, 6 people on. He got it.--Salviawood 06:39, 21 October 2006 (PDT)
This part of the weathered helm is wrong and should be changed asap...I did that exactly and it didn't give me the trophy! So I think you do have to influence a buoy!(The Weathered Helm will be awarded even if the ship does not have enough crewmates to have influence over the blockade buoys.)--Alley 12:23, 24 October 2006 (PDT)
Weathered Helm is given for bnavving in a blockade for 50% of a round Carousel
Carousel, that's what we're discussing. There are many accounts of people bnaving an entire round, or more, and not getting this trophy. Please don't just say something like this, unless it's personal experience that you, indeed, got this trophy while bnaving for exactly half the round. --KingOfZeal 08:23, 22 October 2006 (PDT)
I also can confirm that it is not for just Navigating on Helm for part of a round. I sat on a sloop with swabbies for about a round and a half of an event blockade at Cochineal on Viridian over the weekend. I did not move much nor was I engaged in battle as I only had swabbies with me. I did not recieve the trophy for my efforts so my guess is that you may need to be engaged somehow. --Kgarrett1969 05:01, 23 October 2006 (PDT)
When I got mine, I took a sloop into the battle. I sat on a flag, and shot a few times. I was on carp, since our sloop was undermanned (I was only there for the helm ;-). Right at the halfway mark I received my helm. I would assume that staying in the safe zone doesn't count. I don't know if you need to influence a buoy or not, but I did. --Sashamorning 11:03, 23 October 2006 (PDT)
I'm surprised to see that the part {(The Weathered Helm will be awarded even if the ship does not have enough crewmates to have influence over the blockade buoys.)} hasn't been changed/or deleted completely! The first time I tried I did everything but take a flag(as I didn't think that I needed to have enough people to influence a flag) and I didn't get the trophy! But when I tried it again and took a flag I got the trophy in round one, and if you read up on this, then you see that it says that you can't influence a flag without having 3 humans on a ship so to me this part is totally wrong! And it is very misleading as I was mislead myself!--Alley 12:23, 24 October 2006 (PDT)
If you have a problem with information in the wiki, change it. That's the beauty of the wiki system: if you find something wrong, you can correct it. --KingOfZeal 14:15, 24 October 2006 (PDT)


how can we be ultimate in Carousing, having an Ult in evry Carousing discipline?--garash

yes, this is the belief of the us people who are currently hunting and cataloging the trophies StoneKrush 10:42, 24 September 2006 (PDT)
Do you have to be Ult in everything at once? Or do you just need to collect all the Ult trophies?--Sashamorning 13:29, 18 October 2006 (PDT)
No, you don't have to hold the necessary Ults simulataneously. Merely having all the prerequisite Ult trophies are sufficient.--Andi kan 08:28, 4 November 2006 (PST)

Why are the piracy skills of Swordfight and Rumble mixed in with the carousing trophies? The first category should be piracy, and include those trophies. --Kraggard

I think it's because SF and Rumble are pvp activities, like carousing, but do oyu need them to be an ult?--garash
you appear to need ult sf and rumble for ultimate piracy. I have no information on whether you need them for ultimate carousing. zuf
If you look closely at the Ultimate Carousing trophy you can see icons for every game except Rumble and SF. If you look at our new info pages, Rumble and SF are listed under Piracy, not Carousing. It is for these reasons I think that Rumble and SF should be moved up to what is currently listed as "Duty" trophies, and that the name should be changed to "Piracy". This more matches the in-game nomenclature. --Kraggard
I agree and will change them forthwith zuf

Kraken Blood?

What's on with the KB trophy? Maybe this is just a bug with the recent public release, but the ship I was just on pillied a KB, and nobody got any trophies... I even have the blood to prove it: I bought it from the CO for my apoth. --KingOfZeal 18:32, 17 October 2006 (PDT)

Cephalopod confirmed on Ice a few days ago that the criterion listed for this trophy is incomplete. Of course, he won't tell us what the full details are :-) --Ruddigore 19:26, 17 October 2006 (PDT)
I just have to poke my head in, not to confirm any details, but to congratulate you on the proper use of the singular "criterion". Always great to see correct use of slightly bizarre Latin-based words. Bonus points if you correctly use "data" and "datum" :) Cephalopod 21:52, 17 October 2006 (PDT)
Ceph, "criterion" is Greek. Bwaha. --Eurydice 22:24, 17 October 2006 (PDT)
Shush you. It's late. I've had a hard day of pushing a damned release. *goes into the corner to sulk* Cephalopod 22:33, 17 October 2006 (PDT)
My experience on Ice with this, was that we pillaged, got KB and then had to port and sell it and then we all got the trophies. To be fair, i only managed this successfully once. I didnt play on Ice that much, and i wasnt the bnavver. --Minimoses 00:04, 18 October 2006 (PDT)
I just got the mug o' blood as soon as we plundered the KB no need to divvy or anything --Cecidrake 00:17, 19 October 2006 (PDT)
I can confirm this as I did the same last night - had 7 on my sloop, and won KB, instantly we all received the trophy. --Minimoses 01:29, 19 October 2006 (PDT)
We also pillage last night and got KB and all were awarded the trophy. In fact we saw the message for the trophy before we saw the actual blood. If there is something else to it, could it be badge or subscription related maybe? I play on Viridian, and everyone I know I've seen it on carries the badge for their rank.--Stlnmyhrt 11:12, 19 October 2006 (PDT)
I found out the blood trophys only count on blood genrated from brigands, not blood reclaimed. Blood was already in the booty, and people on board got the trophy before I joined. We lost the blood to a brigand, and reengaged. When we won, we were awarded blood, but I did not get my blood trophy. --Gorzak 09:58, 20 October (MST)
I've added an awkardly worded note to this effect that could use some rewording :) --Guppymomma 13:03, 24 October 2006 (PDT)

Won when obtaining Kraken's Blood in a Sea Battle Carousel
Maybe it's possible that you only get the trophy if you survive the sf? I know that when we won a battle and everyone survived, all got the trophy, but later we won a fight, and some who died didn't receive a trophy. I can't confirm this 100% as all those who survived had already gotten this trophy, but that's my guess. Endless
Last night, I won kb on a pillage. Everyone on my side survived. Most of us got the trophy, but the greenest greenie, who is an indy pirate, did not. Seems reasonably to assume it's the same as bk trinkets, so I've updated accordingly. zuf 05:32, 25 October 2006 (PDT)
My greenie alt has managed to pick up the mug of blood from a random jobbing pillage without having a pirate badge, so this is false. Scarymuffin 10:01am, 25 October 2006 (PDT).
Is your greenie alt ranked pirate without a badge?--Stlnmyhrt 12:13, 25 October 2006 (PDT)
My greenie alt has no crew :) I like the train of thought with the surviving SF thing...that needs to be explored I reckon. --Scarymuffin 11:29am, 26 October 2006 (PDT)
As I said, everyone survived in my battle, but not everyone got the trophy. Perhaps if you're crewless the requirement is waived? My log is on another computer, I'll try to remember to check tonight. I think I can disprove my own guess, but it's definitely not the survival thing. --zuf 11:45, 26 October 2006 (PDT)
One of my minor alts (fleet officer with mid-level experience) won blood when jobbing on a pillage with a rather unexperienced captain. The opponents were brigands, but only sailors or just a bit higher. No tropy was awarded. --greenbird

Number 1 Trophies

Not sure if its because they are new, but when the new list was compiled this morning #1 trophies were given to those at the top of the list. --Stlnmyhrt 02:28, 18 October 2006 (PDT)

Is it possible for people that were previously #1 in a puzzle to get the #1 trophies and they can prove it, or they have to get to #1 again? --Yasemin

No trophies are being awarded retroactively, as far as I know. --Ruddigore 03:32, 18 October 2006 (PDT)
You have to get number 1 since the reboot has been done to get the number 1 trophy. Carousel

Map and Brew

Just a random stab here, but does this have anything to do with getting info from an old salt (buying them a drink), taking the info (finding where they are - the map), and beating the PvP? Is this anything anyone has tried yet?--Sashamorning 12:25, 18 October 2006 (PDT)

Maybe it has to do with memming the whole ocean or a certain percentage. Also random stabbing here. I'm not far away from finishing the whole ocean but maybe someone who is closer can confirm if they finished after new release if they got something. --Cecidrake 12:37, 18 October 2006 (PDT)
Well, unfortunatly, I do have the entire ocean memorized, something I'm quite proud of, in fact, and I only completed it recently (I believe not this past Sunday, but the Sunday before that). I would hesitate that it would be memming the ocean, since you can't "Un-mem" a point, and since trophies aren't being awarded retroactively (and I don't have one).... well, you get my drift. --KingOfZeal 13:23, 18 October 2006 (PDT)
Nar nar, I gots it on Hunter :p --123pringle-Tiga
Tiga's profile Any idea why you got it ? --Cedricshock
I got it for buying an old salt 100 drinks, so I'm guessing you have to spend 1000 poe on the old salts. Not sure at this point if it has to be consecutive with one old salt or can you spread it over several over a period of time. - Endless
I can 2nd that - I bought alot - around 100 - drinks for the old salts, across 2 inns (Ad and Wens Sage) and was awarded it


I can also confirm. I kept record and I received it when I bought an old salt exactly 100 drinks. --Kgarrett1969 05:04, 23 October 2006 (PDT)
I can also confirm - around 100 drinks, same salt on Hunter ocean. s0mnus
You get the Map and Brew when buying an old salt 100 drinks Carousel

Ultimate of Ultimates / New layout

Looks like Whitell is the player to go to for new trophies. He's got an Ultimate of Ultimates trophy that's not yet on this page.

uh. 'She'. zuf
Male player, female pirate. Hydranoisp

Also, I think we may want to restructure the tables a bit. I'm trying to think of a better presentation closer to the way portrait items are laid out. --Barrister 16:18, 18 October 2006 (PDT)

Advanced speculation...think there is a #1 Pirate trophy for getting all the #1 trophies for all piracy? --ScaryMuffin

Possibly, although none of the trophies that exist (meaning the spoiler trophies) look like they would be that trophy. --Sashamorning 03:31, 1 November 2006 (PST)

Pink Heart

There's another one we're missing on Tortie's page... the Pink Heart. --Ponytailguy 17:56, 18 October 2006 (PDT)

I believe the Pink heart is for the 'old' greeters - My greetered alt has one, and she's never done anything but sit around and chat. --Zava 18:39, 18 October 2006 (PDT)
Beat me to posting it. I checked every Viridian greeter I know when I saw that I had it. They all have it too. I checked my chatlog and there was no message that said I won the trophy. It just appeared.--Benzene265 18:46, 18 October 2006 (PDT)
It only seems to be manually-pinked greeters. As in, the pink before the change. --Ponytailguy 18:53, 18 October 2006 (PDT)
I added the heart, the sub-text is just what Gunner told me they were for, feel free to change it. --123pringle-Tiga
I've added what I feel is a more accurate description, though if someone has a more eloquent way of stating it feel free. --Darkaardvark 20:41, 18 October 2006 (PDT)

Unspotted Trophies (Spoiler)

What a spoiler! Don't read this far down talk pages. --Cedricshock

YPPedia users are kindly asked not to post graphics spoilers. Thanks! --Eurydice 11:08, 19 October 2006 (PDT)

I'd be willing to bet the Flag Bearer, Color Guard and Old Glory are all blockade related. Those do look like the flags used on a blockade board. Crabs... maybe bilge-related (reward for successful deep-water bilging? aka, crabs released?). It'll be interesting trying to find them all. --KingOfZeal 21:49, 18 October 2006 (PDT)
The Iron Pump/Hammer/Tackle and Steel Pump/Hammer/Tackle obviously are related to bilge, carp, and sails. It's just figuring out how. I almost thing experience (which would not be cool as you can't go down from Sublime) or perhaps a certain number of days with an ultimate in the puzzle? The wordly traveller seems like a memming one to me. The crabs may be related to sinking somehow. Hmmm...--Muffynz 22:43, 18 October 2006 (PDT)
Not convinced the Iron/Steel are related to *good* dutying in those puzzles. Remember that the release notes say there are some that are for things that are Not So Good as well. --Firien 14:02, 19 October 2006 (PDT)
The release notes state "not-so-exceptional." As a result, that could simply mean the trophies for getting Incredible; IMHO getting an Incredible isn't nearly as exceptional as pillying KB, for example. Doesn't mean I'm right... maybe someone could try booching repeatedly (on an alt?) to see if they get something, although I would tend to think that iron hammers (etc.) would be more for longevity (thinking "ironman"), and a steel hammer wouldn't exactly be a bad thing either (in RL). --Sashamorning 08:26, 20 October 2006 (PDT)
The Soggy boot could be for a lost limb during a blockade, perhaps all loses or just a pegleg.--Sailerboylee 09:17, 19 October 2006 (PDT)
Perhaps the Winged Shoes have something to do with whisking? And if the Soggy Boot is for a Pegleg maybe the Soggy Hat is for an eyepatch. Not sure what a hook would be though. And Leadbelly certainly seems sinking related.Joneth 09:59, 19 October 2006 (PDT)
I can vouch that if the winged shoes is for whisking, it takes more than 10 whisks to get it. I tried that last night. -Fishboy --UCSBFishboy 13:12, 20 October 2006 (PDT)
Errm, proof is what we need. A shot of someone with this trophy (posted on the forums more than likely). As for vouching for it, I just wisked 20 times, used up almost 3 full potions, and didn't get it. Please check what you did. --KingOfZeal 15:44, 20 October 2006 (PDT)
No, what i meant was that 10 whisks didn't get it. Sorry if I was unclear.--UCSBFishboy 21:58, 20 October 2006 (PDT)
Just adding in a note here. I've whisked to every island using potions atleast twice. I've used the ferry to go to every island multiple times. I've whisked to every mission, every clickable means to whisk, I've done it, several times. Atleast 15 full potions were used. No winged sandals. I'll sink some more poe later. I have a couple more ideas I'm working on, and will ammend this note if I can. --Lanya 14:17, 22 October 2006 (PDT)
I have a theory of it being having to read all of the inscriptions on all of the islands in the ocean, but I have nowhere near enough whisking potions to test this theory out. --Hydranoisp 17:12, 24 October 2006 (PDT)
Tried that already on ice, where there are fewer islands, no luck. --Cpthook04 22:01, 24 October 2006 (PDT)
Was trying to do it on Viridian, been to all of the islands, but the Delvs won't fix Typhoon so you can actually get to the inscription. I've made forum posts about it, private messages to the governor of the island, messages to the OM's in the forum, petitions about it, bug reports, and still it isn't fixed. So, if they ever fix Typhoon (ha, won't hold my breath), I'll let you know about the larger oceans. I'm not convienced all the islands can be seen on Ice. --Lanya 11:06, 30 October 2006 (PST)
I don't think there is a trophy for memming. I had 99% of Midnight (320/323 points) memmed before the update, finished memming after the update, and did not get a trophy for it. --Gordogato 13:34, 19 October 2006 (PDT)
Keep in mind that your map may be memmed completely based on the current oceans, but other routes were mentioned in the Monsters posting by Cleaver. If these count, your ocean may only be 90% memmed. --Lanya 12:04, 21 October 2006 (PDT)
I'm still thinking the crabs have to do with bilging.--Sashamorning 19:41, 19 October 2006 (PDT)
Anyone with a huge amount of poe want to see if there is a reward for buying every type of sword, blugeon, clothing, etc. that the game has to offer? They were afterall looking for some poe sinks. Also, where are the trophies for merchant type behavior? Crossing so many archs without a loss, without a battle? A hold having 250000 worth of goods going from Tigerleaf to Lima without a battle or loss is a great achievement. --Lanya 15:20, 22 October 2006 (PDT)
Well, first, in regards to the every type of sword/bludgeon etc, that's really not considered a poe sink, just a transfer of money from one play to another... though, I suppose, ultimatly the commodities used to make those things could be considered a poe sink (although, from an owner's point of view, it's not, because you are getting that money back from someone else). As for the merchanting thing, that is more subjective, because the length of the route you travel, and the value of the goods you hold, will all vary, which is the main point in being a merchant: taking items that aren't worth as much in one place, and selling them to places where they are worth more. And, while doing that route with a siginificant amount of cargo MAY be a great accomplisment, it's still subjective to the people involved (buyers, merchanteers, sellers), and thus can't be easily defined as a goal for a trophy. --KingOfZeal 18:17, 22 October 2006 (PDT)
Not to get into a debate, but all commodities and goods have a Ringer valued price floating around. It's been discussed before. And if you're on a dub ocean, all swords, clothes, etc, is indeed a poe sink, via delivery. --Lanya 23:20, 22 October 2006 (PDT)
Delivery is a doubloon sink, not a poe sink. While the two are similar from the player's point of view, they're very different from the perspective of game mechanics. PsychoDan 01:27, 23 October 2006 (PDT)
What's the possibility some of the trophies are tied to bake-offs or some sort of event reward? It seems kind of strange that they'd be used as another variation on handed-out trinkets, but...? --Birchle
That would seem to make sense to me, especially because you can only display one trinket at a time, but you can display all of your trophies in your collection at once (as well as the 6 max on your main page). --Sashamorning 07:55, 26 October 2006 (PDT)

Ive tried sailing and porting at each island in hopes it would be the world traveller trophy but sadly to report it did nothing. Ive also tried to click on all the ancient inscriptions on each island but on viridian trypoon island restricts where u can walk, even on full screen u can not reach it has anyone else tried this on the other oceans? Also anyone with alot of money and hearties want to see if collecting every chart route after the trophy update will give out any kind of trophy.

Battered Hat

Avenard on Cobalt was awarded the Battered Hat trophy. We believe he got it during an event blockade on Kirin. Can't figure anything else out about it though.Tamitee 10:05, 18 October 2006 (PDT)

Offspringerz on Viridian has obtained the Battered Hat. He was using the sailing puzzle, however was not in a blockade and has no clue how he got it. --Twiggy 03:42, 22 October 2006 (PDT)

I know that Chaosdaddy received this trophy on Viridian. I asked him about it and he did not have it before he Navved in the Viridis blockade this past weekend but did have it after the blockade. He is not sure when he got it nor what exactly what he was doing when he received it. Also I sat in an event blockade at Cochineal on Viridian for roughly a round and a half aboard a sloop and did not receive any trophies. --Kgarrett1969 04:47, 23 October 2006 (PDT) I have no idea it is for, but I am told by the person who got it that it was obtained during a blockade, while puzzling. It could denote an amount of times the staion was changed, or the time spent there, ect.

Maybe for being a specified amount of time on the Blockade? (90 - 95%?). The person I asked said that she was almost the whole blockade. --Keweney 18:52, 21 October 2006 (PDT)
From what I gather, it's for sailing half a blockade round. Just like the Weathered Helm is for navving, this is for sailing. I'm not 100% sure though.--Bulletproofe 07:02, 22 October 2006 (PDT)
I'm not sure this is correct. My sources say that they were not sailing when they got it. I could, of course, be wrong.--Sashamorning 07:53, 26 October 2006 (PDT)
Untouchable was awarded the Battered Hat on midnight about 8 minutes after I received the Weathered Helm, so if a time requirement is there, it's slightly more than 1/2 a round. She was Carping at the time she was awarded the hat, although she had spent a few minutes at sails prior to switching to carp, but she had spent the majority of her time at carp.--Josegringo 06:03, 27 October 2006 (PDT)
I had an alt that recieved the battered hat yesterday. The alt had no previous blockade experience (since the trophy release). I am not sure when I got it, but I worked on all four stations (guns only for about 10 mins, but I was on it when there was a round break), during the blockade. -- Angara 00:25, 30 October 2006 (PDT)
I had this thought today, that ye need to spend certain time on each station, and this last post suggests it too. Maybe this could get tested. Maybe guns could be avoided as its a station that requires an order.
Has anyone tried to see if it has anything to do with scoring on the duty report? i mean getting all the scores? example... booched,poor,fine,good,excellent,incredible in the blockade. since most people dont really remember what they got most of the time. I would try this but i either miss the blockades or i can't get hired-- 01:14, 31 October 2006 (PDT)
I had reports ranging from booched (at one time on one puzzle only) to inc. -- Angara 05:20, 1 November 2006 (PDT)

Updated the conditions to be more specified, since we seem to be closing in to it. Might need some better wording though. -- Angara 05:20, 1 November 2006 (PDT)

I want to roll that back because I really don't think that that is specific enough to be of any use, and as we haven't actually worked it out yet, it should still be "Conditions to receive this trophy are still unknown at this time" --Whitemonkey 00:19, 2 November 2006 (PST)
I disagree from what I have heard and seen it does have to do with performing pirate duties aboard ship. I've talked to Chaosdaddy again and he told me that during the blockade when he received the Battered Hat he had performed every duty except battle nav. I think the listed conditions are good the way they are, unless someone has evidence to the contrary. --Kgarrett1969 07:54, 2 November 2006 (PST)
Received the Battered Hat after approximately half an hour at each duty, no sinkage, in one blockade.--Doormat2005 19:31, 4 November 2006 (PST)

Skelly Slayer

The Skelly Slayer trophy has been spotted - Bluekiwi got it on Midnight, but I wasn't able to ask if she knew how many skellie fights it took to earn. PsychoDan 15:02, 22 October 2006 (PDT)

I asked Bluekiwi, she said she thought it was between 10-15 winning frays. --Sashamorning 08:00, 23 October 2006 (PDT)
Beu on Viridian also has one. I think it is for a certain number of skelly battles won (she's usually at all of them). Not sure if survival rate counts, though I'm guessing not. --Lanya 01:45, 23 October 2006 (PDT)
At my best guess I got mine at 12 fights. And no surviving is not a requirement as I have only not been instad 2 times since the trophies came out.--Stlnmyhrt 16:11, 23 October 2006 (PDT)
I speculate that it is 10 much like the Chalice of Blood. I am currently in the process of verifying this. I have currently been in 6 winning skellie frays and still do not have the Skelly Slayer Trophy. If noone has verified the number by the time I receive it I'll post my observations. --Kgarrett1969 04:52, 23 October 2006 (PDT)
Svid just got the skelly slayer award after being in 10 winning frays. We've been keeping track. I've updated the main page to show this confirmation. --Lanya 04:47, 24 October 2006 (PDT)
Confirmed. I received it after exaclty participating in 10 winning frays. --Kgarrett1969 06:42, 31 October 2006 (PST)

Head Hunter

Bluekiwi has a new tropy that needs to be added. Another skellie trophy. I am not sure how to do this, but have noticed it since this morning and it has yet to be added.

Winning 10 Skulls, probably? -Keweney 18:25, 24 October 2006 (PDT)
I just checked, Bluekiwi on the Midnight Ocean has a trophy called Head Hunter. Looks like a silver skull with coins/PoE in it. I think it'd be 10 skulls or collecting a certain amount of skulls. Also she says she has 160+ skulls. Although she lost count. Also she said she's won about 5 to 8 skulls since the release. --Peterljr888 18:37, 24 October 2006 (PDT)
I posted it as 10 skulls... if that is incorrect, please feel free to fix it.--Sashamorning 06:42, 25 October 2006 (PDT)
To the best of my knowledge I have only been awarded 8 skulls since the update of trophies, but I just obtained the Head Hunter trophy. Can someone actually verify that it is 10 skulls won, and that my counting was wrong? --Lanya 15:24, 1 November 2006 (PST)
I can verify that it is indeed 10 heads. I moved all my previous heads to an alt when the update came out. I got mine yesterday morning at 10 heads.--Stlnmyhrt 03:13, 2 November 2006 (PST)
I'm slightly confused, this throphy seems like a second version of the other skellie trophy, unless this one can be acheiced just by buying skulls. Otherwise, it seems like you have two trophies for the same thing. I'm probably just being stupid here.Crazy rex 12:32, 2 November 2006 (PST)
If you're in a winning fray, you get 1 skellie hunter point. If you are still alive at the end, you also get 1 'head hunter' point. 10 'head hunter' points gets you the head hunter; 10 winning frays get you the 'skellie slayer' trophy. By definition, you have to have at least the number of head hunter points as you have of skellie slayer points. --Piplicus 13:06, 2 November 2006 (PST)

Gold Digger

My flagmate, Phorcys, foraged his second gold today (after the reboot). He did NOT get the Gold Digger (even though the trophy looks just like two hands). I figure I'd mention this because I've found that, on average, it takes about 3 months of foraging every day to find one gold ore. As a result, if the Gold Digger requires, say 5 GO, it could take that person over a year to get the Gold Digger. I figured I'd make a note here that it takes more than 2. --Sashamorning 13:38, 23 October 2006 (PDT)

New trophy layout

I've made a mockup table layout for the trophies here - feedback on that por favor :) --Sagacious (talk) 17:17, 24 October 2006 (PDT)

It may be a smaller amount of space, but I like the current format better... I like the 2 dimensions (current) better than the three dimensions (proposed), just seems more organized. --KingOfZeal 17:31, 24 October 2006 (PDT)

Flag Trophies

For those of you keeping score at home, it appears that there are four flag trophies (not three). Those that were known are the Flag Bearer, Color Guard, and Old Glory... but I don't know what the fourth is called. More to come after they've actually been spotted... --Sashamorning 06:56, 25 October 2006 (PDT)

Have any of these been spotted yet? If not as previously stated several times on this page, they would like them not. Don't understand why the gods didn't just erase that entire part of this page.--Stlnmyhrt 12:16, 25 October 2006 (PDT)
Eurydice stated no "graphics spoilers." There are no graphics spoilers here, and if she'd wanted it deleted, she would have done it already. No need to second-guess the gods. --Sashamorning 18:11, 25 October 2006 (PDT)
Well, I don't keep a 24-hour vigil on YPPedia. However, I did specifically say the graphics shouldn't be spoilered; discussion and speculation about trophies is fine. Some of those trophies will still be a mystery for a while even after they pop up on someone's page. --Eurydice 19:48, 25 October 2006 (PDT)
Has anyone suggested that perhaps these flags are actually Flag Trophies? Ones that can be displayed on the flag info page for flag wide accomplishments? *ponder ponder* --Muffynz 19:35, 26 October 2006 (PDT)
Out of curiosity, what would a flag-wide accomplishment? I can't think of any, witht he excption of governship, etc... --KingOfZeal 20:04, 26 October 2006 (PDT)
Only flag-wide accomplishments I could think of is obtaining an island and flag being number 1 in ocean. So, we'll see. ~Flutie 23:16, 26 October 2006 (PDT)
Having a higher sinking tally than the other side of a war, maybe? (I doubt any such thing is currently implemented, but it's the sort of achievement that would be flag-trophy-worthy.) --Ruddigore 02:11, 27 October 2006 (PDT)
A certain number of blockades won might also give you a trophy. Though I'm not quite sure how that would work, since they would have to keep track via pirate, not flag. Otherwise people who had nothing to do with the blockade would end up having trophies, just because their flag mates were good. --Lanya 21:54, 31 October 2006 (PST)

I don't think the trophies are flag-wide. Kneiss (Sage) is the King of the current #1 flag, and they own an island. In addition, the trophies look like they level like the skelly trophies. I would tend to think that they are for something individual, not flag, even though they look like flags. --Sashamorning 03:38, 1 November 2006 (PST)

I think they have something to do with Brigand Blockades & Titans. -- Angara 03:48, 1 November 2006 (PST)

Systematic Trophy Names

I propose that we rename the existing trophy files so they are systematic. For example:

  • Ultimate bilge trophy.png instead of Ultimate-Bilge.png
  • Ultimate of ultimates trophy.png instead of UltUlt-Trophy.png

--Piplicus 13:16, 2 November 2006 (PST)

I'll see you and raise you a Trophy- prefix instead of tacking it onto the end. :) --Guppymomma 13:37, 2 November 2006 (PST)
Sounds good... if you wanna be the one to do it ;-) --Sashamorning 07:41, 3 November 2006 (PST)
I'll take care of it. --Barrister 07:53, 3 November 2006 (PST)
Yay for Barrister! --Guppymomma 09:29, 3 November 2006 (PST)
Finished. I used the in-game names for all the trophies, although I had to omit the # sign for the #1 trophies. --Barrister 10:15, 3 November 2006 (PST)
I heartily endorse Barrister and his fine work. Cheers! --Muffynz 10:40, 3 November 2006 (PST)
Looks great! I used the new format for the new crab trophies... --Sashamorning 20:12, 3 November 2006 (PST)

Silver Crab

Time to add this trophy to the page? Or should we wait until someone get's it on a blue/green Ocean? (Linky: http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=834582#834582) --Angara 01:27, 3 November 2006 (PST)

I think we should wait till it's seen on the main oceans, or make a note that it's only seen on ice. --Whitemonkey 02:15, 3 November 2006 (PST)

Glorie of Midnight got it on ice, and said that it has to do with either an amount of crabs cleared or time spent bilging. She said she cleared about 5 pages worth of crabs and was focusing on getting rid of the crabs in the 20 mins she was bilging. Will do some testing.-Flutie 1152 PST, Nov. 3, 2006

I got it at 99 crabs, and there was one that I wasn't sure if I'd gotten. Someone else aboard said she got it at 71. I'm assuming it is 100 crabs, but I'd wait for corroboration before posting that. Drc500free 12:40, 3 November 2006 (PST)

UPDATE + NEW TROPHY: Cassandra on Ice said, she got silver crab at 100, and got gold crab trophy at 250. All at bilging, and she's continuing to count her crabs to see what else may pop up. -Flutie

I got over 500 crabs today in one sitting on Cobalt and no crab trophy, so I don't know what the new requirements are. - Redmaiden 20:35, 3 November 2006 (PST)

I'd say there's a decent chance that these trophies just aren't available on the production oceans yet. We'll see for sure when the next update rolls out, but if they're still messing with the requirements on Ice, I doubt you can get them elsewhere. PsychoDan 01:04, 4 November 2006 (PST)

Well, i petitioned mnem, and she said that she thought they were available on production oceans. But i think it is now 500 crabs for silver. Because the old amount could have been accomplished in 1-2 days, for all 3, making it to easy. Weejonnyb

I cleared over 150 yesterday, and no crab. I'm removing the current comment under the silver crab.--Sashamorning 16:31, 4 November 2006 (PST)

Golden Crab

Cassandra on Ice(Glorie of Midnight) got it at 250. and is continuing for more trophies.

It's not 250 anymore . I asked why mine were removed they simply said They've Changed!--Coyote4 15:58, 3 November 2006 (PST)

Bejeweled Crab

approximately 500 to 550 got the Jeweled Crab. I got tired afte that and gave up. Cassandra/ Glorie

Is this all at one time? As in you didn't stop bilging? --Sashamorning 14:04, 3 November 2006 (PST)
My 100 was cumulative over several navy legs, and I quit and reentered the puzzle at some of the stops. I assume all 4 crab trophies are cumulative for that character. Drc500free 14:08, 3 November 2006 (PST)
My 100 was cumulative over a logout/change navies. --Curlykidd 15:27, 3 November 2006 (MST)

okay I'm obsessive i did it in one sitting, but i don't think you need to. Doesn't matter when i logged back on my crabs were gone just Silver was there. pouts! Cassandra/ Glorie --Coyote4 15:33, 3 November 2006 (PST)

Sounds like they changed the rules after releasing them. Shenanigans! How are we supposed to figure out the unwritten rules if they keep getting changed? lol --Sashamorning 19:01, 3 November 2006 (PST)

The rules aren't necessarily there just to be figured out. Personally I'm a little disappointed that it's just a cumulative number of crabs for this - I'd been hoping it would be a measure of skill such as # of crabs scuttled by one move, but the number above seems consistent enough that it looks like it's currently just a tally. --Firien 17:09, 4 November 2006 (PST)

Trophies for Levels of Achievement Layout

Trophy-Skellie Hunter.png Skellie Hunter
First winning fray.
Awarded when a pirate is on the winning team in the the specified number of skellie frays.
Trophy-Skellie Slayer.png Skellie Slayer
10 winning frays.
Trophy-Bone Head.png Bone Head
First skull.
Awarded when a pirate has won the specified number of skull trinkets.
Trophy-Head Hunter.png Head Hunter
10 skulls.
Trophy-Mug o' Blood.png Mug o' Blood
First kraken's blood.
Awarded when a pirate is aboard a ship that wins kraken's blood from a brigand or a barbarian the specified number of times.
(Winning blood taken by the brigand/barbarian from other players does not count.)
Trophy-Chalice of Blood.png Chalice of Blood
10 kraken's blood.
Trophy-First Gold.png First Gold
First gold ore.
Awarded when a pirate forages gold ore the specified number of times.
Trophy-Silver Crab.png Silver Crab
? crabs.
Rewarded for clearing the specified number of crabs in bilging. As of yet, seen only on Ice.
Requirements seem to have recently changed.
Trophy-Golden Crab.png Golden Crab
? crabs.
Trophy-Bejeweled Crab.png Bejeweled Crab
? crabs.

I don't really like it, but it deals with the different numbers of spotted trophies. Cedricshock

I made the current layout, and while I'm not married to it, this new layout looks more like the old one I was trying to get away from. What I really didn't like about the old layout was a long list of pictures, which is what this seems to be returning to. Maybe the crab section just needs to be split away, but I think that the crabs will be fine as is. There are only four crabs, and that works well enough as a 2x2 (and I left a space for it). --Sashamorning 20:05, 3 November 2006 (PST)