User:Deltaruler/Delta Rating System

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During his leadership efforts, exotic attempts to improve PvP rankings and based on his overall management and political experience, Gulfstream finally established useful general rating system concerns the main aspects of YPP. Delta Rating System (DRS) has four specific versions, based on the official (visible) game's rankings, represented by common 'delta' rating points.


Private Unofficial Version (PUV)

This version is for custom management usage, based on delta rating points, using ART FM formula.

A+R+T + F+M Pirate Crew Flag Alliance
Age Each trophy of Order of the Jolly Roger

- 10 points:

First Order - 10 points;

Second Order - 20 points;

Third Order - 30 points;

Fourth Order - 40 points;

Fifth Order - 60 points;

Sixth Order - 80 points;

Seventh Order - 100 points;

Eighth Order - 120 points;

Each month - 10 points. Each month - 10 points. - x -
Rank Each rank without Cabin Person

- 20 points:

Cabin person - 0 points;

Pirate - 20 points;

Officer - 40 points;

Fleet officer - 60 points;

Senior officer - 80 points;

Captain - 100 points.

Each rank without Sailors

- 20 points:

Sailors - 0 points;

Mostly harmless - 20 points;

Scurvy dogs - 40 points;

Scoundrels - 60 points;

Blaggards - 80 points;

Dread pirates - 100 points;

Sea lords - 120 points;

Imperial/Imperials - 140 points.

Each island under control:

Small - 10,000 points;

Medium - 20,000 points;

Large - 30,000 points.

- x -
Time of loyalty Each month in the crew

- 30 points.

Each month in the flag

- 30 points.

Each month in the alliance

- 30 points.

- x -
Fame Each level of all 4 Reputations

without Aspiring - 10 points:

Aspiring - 0 points

Obscure - 10 points;

Rumored - 20 points;

Noted - 30 points;

Established - 40 points;

Renowned - 50 points;

Celebrated - 60 points;

Eminent - 70 points;

Illustrious - 80 points.

Each level without Aspiring

- 40 points:

Aspiring - 0 points

Obscure - 40 points;

Rumored - 80 points;

Noted - 120 points;

Established - 160 points;

Renowned - 200 points;

Celebrated - 240 points;

Eminent - 280 points;

Illustrious - 320 points.

Each level without Aspiring

- 40 points:

Aspiring - 0 points

Obscure - 40 points;

Rumored - 80 points;

Noted - 120 points;

Established - 160 points;

Renowned - 200 points;

Celebrated - 240 points;

Eminent - 280 points;

Illustrious - 320 points.

- x -
Membership Titled member - 5 points.

Royalty - 17 points.

Each Crew

member - 1 point.

C.O.P. of all Crews


F.O.P. of all Flags


Extended Membership

(custom parameters,

based on donations,


The captain

could establish them

The monarch

could establish them

The alliance council

could establish them

- x -
Overall Points P.O.P. C.O.P. F.O.P. A.O.P.

Public Official Version (POV)

This version is for management and political usage, based on delta rating points, using AR FM formula.

A+R + F+M Pirate Crew Flag Alliance
Age Same as PUV Same as PUV Same as PUV - x -
Rank Same as PUV Same as PUV Same as PUV - x -
Fame Same as PUV Same as PUV Same as PUV - x -
Membership Same as PUV Same as PUV C.O.O.P.s F.O.O.P.s
Official Overall Points P.O.O.P. C.O.O.P. F.O.O.P. A.O.O.P.
DRS Seals Art-Deltaruler-POVpoop22YPP.png Art-Deltaruler-POVcoop22YPP.png Art-Deltaruler-POVfoop22YPP.png Art-Deltaruler-POVaoop22YPP.png

Ultimate Personal Version (UPV)

This version is for attractive ranking usage, based on the 'Pirate's Official Overall Points' (P.O.O.P. - the final product of POV), within delta rating points from Experience and Puzzle standing.

ARFM + XP + Standing Pirate
ARFM P.O.O.P. x 100
Experience All levels of all Puzzles

without Novice - by Geometric Progression:

Novice - 0

Neophyte - 2

Apprentice - 4

Narrow - 8

Broad - 16

Solid - 32

Weighty - 64

Expert - 128

Paragon - 256

Illustrious - 512

Sublime - 1024

Revered - 2048

Exalted - 4096

Transcendent - 8192

Puzzle standing All levels of all Puzzles

without Able - by Geometric Progression':

Able - 0

Half Proficient - 75

Proficient - 100

Half Distinguished - 150

Distinguished - 200

Half Respected - 300

Respected - 400

Half Master - 600

Master - 800

Half Renowned - 1200

Renowned - 1600

Half Grand-Master - 2400

Grand-Master - 3200

Half Legendary - 4800

Legendary - 6400

Half Ultimate - 9600

Ultimate - 12800

Ultimate Official Overall Points U.P.O.O.P.
DRS Seal Art-Deltaruler-UPV22YPP.png

Ultimate Leadership Version (ULV)

This version is for advanced management and political usage, based on the average of 'Ultimate Pirate's Official Overall Points' (U.P.O.O.P. - the final product of UPV) of the high command.

U.P.O.O.P.s Crew Flag Alliance
High command Average of U.P.O.O.P.s of the

Captain and all senior officers

Average of U.P.O.O.P.s of

all captains

Average of U.P.O.O.P.s of

all monarchs

Leadership Official Overall Points C.L.O.O.P. F.L.O.O.P. A.L.O.O.P.
DRS Seals Art-Deltaruler-ULVcloop22YPP.png Art-Deltaruler-ULVfloop22YPP.png Art-Deltaruler-ULValoop22YPP.png

Ranking lists

These lists will be used to show up the top performances (represented by delta points) of the pirates and crews since the establishing of DRS (08.07.2012). For sure there was great achievements, which unfortunately are lost forever, unless they are preserved with proper screenshots or other trustful evidences.

Top pirates


Subscriber oceans


Puzzle Ratings Entire Ocean Link Sailing...
Reputations & Top Pirates Lists Links Conqueror Explorer Patron Magnate

Doubloon oceans


Puzzle Ratings Entire Ocean Link Sailing...
Reputations & Top Pirates Lists Links Conqueror Explorer Patron Magnate


Puzzle Ratings Entire Ocean Link Sailing...
Reputations & Top Pirates Lists Links Conqueror Explorer Patron Magnate

International oceans


Puzzle Ratings Entire Ocean Link Sailing... Segeln...
Reputations & Top Pirates Lists Links Conqueror Eroberer Explorer Erforscher Patron Mäzen Magnate Magnat


Puzzle Ratings Entire Ocean Link Sailing... Aparejar...
Reputations & Top Pirates Lists Links Conqueror Conquistador Explorer Explorador Patron Mecenas Magnate Magnate

Top crews


Subscriber oceans


Fame List Link Crew Fame
Reputations & Top Crews Lists Links Conqueror Explorer Patron Magnate

Doubloon oceans


Fame List Link Crew Fame
Reputations & Top Crews Lists Links Conqueror Explorer Patron Magnate


Fame List Link Crew Fame
Reputations & Top Crews Lists Links Conqueror Explorer Patron Magnate

International oceans


'Fame List Link Crew Fame
Reputations & Top Crews Lists Links Conqueror Eroberer Explorer Erforscher Patron Mäzen Magnate Magnat


Fame List Link Crew Fame
Reputations & Top Crews Lists Links Conqueror Conquistador Explorer Explorador Patron Mecenas Magnate Magnate

Useful links concerns observing all active flags in the game

Subscriber oceans


Fame List Link Flag Fame
Reputations & Top Flags Lists Links Conqueror Explorer Patron Magnate
Useful Links to detect the top flags Cerulean island-owning flags Cerulean Ocean Political Map

Doubloon oceans


Fame List Link Flag Fame
Reputations & Top Flags Lists Links Conqueror Explorer Patron Magnate
Useful Links to detect the top flags Emerald island-owning flags Emerald Ocean Political Map


Fame List Link Flag Fame
Reputations & Top Flags Lists Links Conqueror Explorer Patron Magnate
Useful Links to detect the top flags Meridian island-owning flags Meridian Ocean Political Map

International oceans


Fame List Link Flag Fame
Reputations & Top Flags Lists Links Conqueror Eroberer Explorer Erforscher Patron Mäzen Magnate Magnat
Useful Links to detect the top flags Opal island-owning flags Meridian Ocean Political Map


Fame List Link Flag Fame
Reputations & Top Flags Lists Links Conqueror Conquistador Explorer Explorador Patron Mecenas Magnate Magnate