Hmm, anyone have a decent link that actually explains how to play, as far as betting, hands, and the like? I think it'd be a nice addition to keep this an "all-in-one" referance page.--Molerman
- The official documentation is far more complete than this article. --Thunderbird 22:24, 17 February 2006 (PST)
- I just added some rules, although they might be a bit long-winded. Apologies to all for their likenesses in my example. :) Haights 19:14, 18 February 2006 (PST)
[hide]Article needs!
What? We don't even have a picture of it? Goodness. A link to the official documentation would be good. As would be the Zmasterben's thread on poker terminology as a separate page that's linked too. --Guppymomma 05:21, 18 February 2006 (PST)
Limits for graphics and casting
I don't know where to add this partially-complete info, so I'll put it here.
In the game, 99,999 is shown exactly that, but 100,000 is shown as 100K.
The graphics for the pot seem to be a function of the (base 10) logarithm of the sums of all the pots. The pot pictures will be called tiny, one, two, three, jewel, sword, bag, statue. The reasons for these can be found if all the pot pictures are lined up.
Pot Size | Graphic | Graphic Number
0 - No graphic - N/A
1 to 9 - Tiny - 0
10 to 99 - One - 1
100 to 1000 - Two* - 2
1001 to 9999 - Three - 3
10,000 to 99,900 - Jewel - 4
100,000 (100K) to ???? - Sword - 5
(500K) to (999K) - Bag - 6
(1000K) upwards - Statue (Martian) - 7
* this is the exception
It seems to be, with the exception of graphic Three that the pot graphic is determined by log(lower bound for pot group). This would mean that the bag would show up at 1000K and the martian at 10,000K. However, I'm fairly sure that there's a screenshot of Nemo playing poker where the pot size is 48xxK, and the martian is used. This could well be doctored, though. There's one I can see on the Games > Poker section up at the title bar. That's just over one million. We need two people with about 1 million PoE each to test it out.
I'm not quite sure what the upper bound for the statue (or what I like to call Martian) is, because we have very little knowledge of how the game treats numbers above its higher limit (which is about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 [call it UL] or something). I am aware that PoE is modular, even though the modulus is extremely high: mod 2UL, and that half of that is the maximum displacement either side of zero. This isn't really related to poker, except for determining the upper bound of the statue.
EDIT: PoE is not modular, Arcturus says.
--Pip(t|c|p) 18:37, 22 February 2006 (PST)
The images can be found here, on your computer: Three Rings Design\Puzzle Pirates\rsrc\bundles\media\yohoho-roister-card\media\yohoho\roister\card\poker\pot_gold.png --Thefirstdude 12:19, 24 November 2006 (PST)
Here's a project for a pokering wiki enthusiast: The terminology might be a bit overwhelming long to add to this article, so I'd suggest popping it in poker dictionary. --Guppymomma 18:15, 7 March 2006 (PST)
Leaving the table
Might also be worth mentioning what happens when someone is disconnected from a poker game, or booted from their current location. --Artemis 05:22, 6 August 2006 (PDT)
- When they're booted, doesn't that mean they just change scenes but remain in the game still? Because you can change scenes while still playing. --Sagacious (talk) 10:23, 6 August 2006 (PDT)
Should an image showing 4 of a kind face up, an extremely rare and idiosyncratic situation, really be captioned "a typical poker game"? It's a small thing, but a lot of newcomers to poker are under the impression from movies like The Cincinnati Kid and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels that extremely rare hands come up all the time. So maybe a picture of a more normal hand would be better. --Malthus1 04:28, 3 May 2007 (PDT)
I don't get it what decides who get's the side pot?
- Read over the gameplay section of the article. Basically the side pot is to take into account the fact that even when going all-in, players cannot earn more than they've risked, so the side pot holds any poe that exceeds the smallest all-in bet. --Belthazar451 03:08, 2 July 2008 (PDT)
Yes I understood that but If somebody has the best cards how can someone with worse cards win the sidepot?
- Simple - if the person with the worst cards wagers the greatest amount of poe. That said, this talk page is for discussing the content of the Poker article. If you want to ask questions about how poker works in the game, I suggest you try the forums. --Belthazar451 06:08, 2 July 2008 (PDT)
New Experience Limits
- 2 - novice
- 20 - neophyte
- 200 - apprentice
- 2000 - narrow
A message is shown when creating tables or trying to click join at the table.
Building experience
How do you build experience at poker? Doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere. Is it enough to simply fold every hand preflop until you get enough experience, or do you need to actually play some hands? --Moonfish1985 12:41, 17 July 2009 (UTC)
- Considering that folding pre-flop is very often the proper move, I hope this builds both skill rating and experience.
--Behindcurtai --Behindcurtai 20:32, 22 December 2009 (UTC)