Spells is a pirate on the Meridian Ocean. Prior to the ocean merge in early 2012, she had been a native of the Viridian Ocean.
[hide]Brief history
On Meridian
- Senior officer of the crew Drunk and Confused
- Queen of the flag Notorious
- Owns Cthulhu Coats, an upgraded tailors on Kirin Island
- Lady of the flag I Hope We Sink
- Former captain of the crew VooDoo
- Former princess of the flag That Tickled
- Former princess of the flag Evil Bunnies of Doom
- Governed Havoc Island, April - May 2012
- Governed Moab Island from June - July 2012
- Governed Dendrite Island three times: June 2012, July - August 2012, and February - April 2013
- Governed Olive Island from September - October 2012
On Viridian
- Captain of the crew Hexed, renamed VooDoo after the ocean merge
- Former princess of the disbanded flag OutBreak
- Former stand-in captain of the disbanded crew Wayward Boyscouts
- Former senior officer, and mascot of the Wayward Boyscouts
- Former princess of the disbanded flag Scout's Rebellion
- Former lady of the flag Saints and Sinners
- Former officer and poet of the disbanded crew Black Hounds of Hell
- Former officer of the crew Southern Cross
Viridian history
6 February 2009, Spells washed ashore on the Lima Island docks for the first time since 2006, and started upon her Puzzle Piratin' career. On her first day back to the Viridian ocean, she stumbled upon the crew Southern Cross, and relearned the ropes of the game.
Shortly after passing the officer's test in Southern Cross, Spells moved on with some of her crew-mates and created the Black Hounds of Hell. Times were good in this crew, until it had split due to "Captain philosophy" differences. Junerose created the Wayward Boyscouts, along with Spells, and several other good mates of June's, whom she referred to as her "wayward boyscouts."
Spells spent many years in the Boyscouts, up until its very last day in 2011. She will always cherish the friendships and memories of being a Boyscout. Boyscouts Forever!
Spells had forseen the ending of the Scouts when their captain had gone inactive, and created a crew on her side account being the case that she had no where else to go. She called the crew Hexed, which later became VooDoo after the oceans came together. Spells and her mates built up Hexed all the way up to the top 10 active crews within weeks of coming together.
Spells met a few lovely pirates that were apart of an up-and-coming flag called OutBreak, and joined shortly afterward. It was here that Spells had discovered her love for blockading, and dedicated most of her weekends to it. The flag ended as quickly as it rose: after the ocean merger, most of the royals had drifted their own way.
Meridian history
After OutBreak had withered, Spells spent some time bouncing between flags, more so hanging out than really playing. But in February 2012 she joined forces with some OutBreak mates in Notorious. After several changes in royalty, Spells became the queen of the flag. With the help of Spells and her wild crew, Notorious had managed to take control of and successfully defend several islands, such as Havoc Island, Raven's Roost, Moab Island, and Dendrite Island.
12 July 2012 Spells left Notorious behind and joined forces with her main squeeze Satisfies and Adrien and created Evil Bunnies of Doom. EBoD kicked many buns. Bunnies 5evr. Together, they blockaded many spots such as Olive Island and Dendrite Island.
When it was time to call it quits with the bunnies, Spells and Sassy moved on to That Tickled, and it was here that she made her flag-home until retiring from blockading. There were many cades while she stayed here, some including Fintan Island, Terra Island, Olive Island, Kirin Island, and more.
Somewhere in time, Spells had came across the pirate Ashleighd, who had her smitten from the day they met. The pair now spend their days together off Puzzle Pirates, originally in Spells' hometown, now in Ashleighd's. :-)
Now Spells resides in her old flag Notorious with her favorite friends from Y!PP.
Blockade experience
Spells has spent some time in the blockading scene, and since her premiere in November 2011 she has been persistent to learn and grow with the ocean. She is now considering herself retired.
Her first experiences with blockading was with the now disbanded flag of OutBreak. After being involved with OutBreak for just a few short weeks, the Founders and only established royalty thus far in the flag asked her to take up the role as Land Admiral. It is here where she learned to properly run the land side of a blockade through the help of several seasoned in-flag mates and some of their mates, along with hands on experience with Tigerleaf XXIV, Garden XXIV, and Swampfen XXVIII.
When Notorious was created, Spells again had been asked to take the role of Land Admiral for the official blockading team. Here she had taken part of several successful attacks and defenses, including Havoc VII, Havoc VIII, and Raven's VIII.
Spells is almost entirely self taught. She has also worked as JC for Notorious, and had taken on this role permanently in Evil Bunnies of Doom. With the help of Spells, the trio of Evil Bunnies managed to succeed in a few blockades, including Dendrite XXXI Olive XXXVII, and Olive XXXVIII.
In That Tickled, Spells continued to JC. With That Tickled, they have managed to successfully attack Cochineal, Kirin, Terra, Dendrite, Moab, and Fintan. This was the last flag Spells officially took part in a blockade team.