Shooting Stars of Sage
Shooting Stars of Sage at a Glance | |
Emerald Ocean | |
Captain | Londgireth |
Senior Officer(s) | Alfhild, Aussiebob, Cassandrag, Debbibebbi, Dibs, Donkeyboy, Fantoms, Kha, Kroxel, Mannycalaver, Mordaceye, Nervosinho, Rizahawkeye, Wertop, Xeitgeist |
Politics | Autocratic |
Shares | Even |
Flag Affiliation | Notorious |
Founded | 3 February, 2006 |
Last updated on 27 July, 2013 | |
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Shooting Stars of Sage is one of the largest crews on the Emerald Ocean. It was originally founded on the Sage Ocean and currently flies the flag Notorious.
Shooting Stars of Sage was founded as Schiebende Sterne on 3 February 2006, although history has left the earliest beginnings shrouded in mystery. In April 2006 the captain Ashthepirate left and Sexyangela became the new leader. The crew name was anglicized to its current form in May 2006 (for clarity). During the 2006 northern summer the crew experienced rapid growth and sponsored the move to the newly created flag Fearless Privateers. Alfhild was appointed captain on July 25th 2006 by a vote of the senior officers and with the approval of the retiring captain. Jumpinjobean was appointed captain on 5th April 2008, also by a vote of the senior officers and with the approval of the retiring captain. As also the result of the vote of senior officers and the approval of the retiring captain, Glassmonkey was appointed as a captain 10th July 2008. On the 8th of November, 2008, Londgireth was appointed captain as another result of the votes of the senior officers, together with the approval of the retiring captain.
On September 25th 2006 the Shooting Stars of Sage gained the number one fame position as the most active crew on the Sage Ocean, and held the position for over one year without interruption.
Crew Motto
We may not be perfect but our goal is to Shine.
Crew Activities
The Shooting Stars of Sage is one of the most active crews on the Sage Ocean. It has active members in all timezones so at almost any time some crew members are logged on.
The main crew activity is pillaging. Officers of all ranks are encouraged to lead pillages and all crew members are encouraged to join them. New pirates can receive friendly instructions on how to join and help on a pillage and how to get the best scores on the puzzles. Experienced officers from the Shooting Stars and other crews in the Fearless Privateers lead flotilla attacks and sea monster hunts (voyages to Atlantis).
Many crew members enjoy crafting and mercantile activities. The crew maintains a list of shoppes and stalls owned and managed by members. Advice and assistance are available for pirates wishing to start a stall.
The Shooting Stars of Sage includes many pirates skilled in the carousing and parlor puzzles. These pirates are willing to give tips and practice to crew mates trying to improve their skills.
Shooting Stars of Sage are involved in blockades through their membership of the flag Fearless Privateers. Crew members demonstrating strong administrative or sea battle skills may earn themselves a responsible position in a Fearless Privateers or allied blockade.
The crew chat is friendly and usually lively. A "clean decks" policy applies, meaning the language and content of public conversations should be suitable for young pirates and respectful of all pirates inside and outside the crew. Although crew chat is usually in English, pirates who do not use English as their primary language are welcome. Pirate language is optional.
Pirate Development
Shooting Stars of Sage welcomes pirates of all skill and experience levels and has a culture and systems in place to help all crew members achieve their game goals. Pirates joining the crew are initially ranked Cabin Person. Experienced officers joining from another crew may be ranked Officer after an assessment period and pillage. Cabin Persons are promoted to Pirate rank based on experience in selected duty puzzles. Pirates may be promoted to Officer with appropriate experience, rankings, attitude and completion of a training course. Higher ranks are awarded by the Captain in consultation with the Senior Officers. A detailed explanation of promotion requirements is listed in the crew info.
Many current senior members of the crew joined Shooting Stars of Sage when new to the game and developed their skills within it. Other well-known pirates have spent time learning in the Shooting Stars before moving on to form their own crews and flags.
Promotion Requirements
- Pirate
- Broad experience in Bilging, Carpentry and Sailing OR Rigging, AND Narrow in Gunning.
- Refer to a Fleet or Senior Officer and have them check your stats for promotion. (Please do not assume this means you will gun on a ship. The Captain of the ship chooses who is allowed to gun. The Navy is a great place to up your skill level so that you are chosen.)
- Officer
- When you have been in the crew for at least three days, you may apply to our Officer Promotion Prep School. As well as a good attitude and Starry behaviour ye will need the following stats to become an Officer:
- Narrow experience in Battle Navigation
- Solid experience in at least 2 ship-duty puzzles (Bilging, Sailing, Rigging, Gunning, or Carpentry)
- Minimum of Ocean-wide Distinguished standing in at least 2 ship duty puzzles
- When you meet these requirements, please contact any Senior Officer for more information.
- Please realize that an immediate training may not be possible; your Patience is proof that you are going to be an excellent Officer.
- Fleet/Senior Officer
- The Captain chooses Honorable and Trustworthy Officers who display characteristics of loyalty, helpfulness and chivalry for promotion to higher ranks. Decisions are based on her own observation and recommendations from the current Ranking Officers.
Code of Conduct
- Be polite and helpful.
- Always keep chat clean and appropriate for everyone.
- When on a ship, follow orders from the ship’s captain or XO, and always do your best!
- Read voyage announcements in crew chat carefully.
- Ask permission before boarding a ship with only one pirate on board. Such a ship is probably not pillaging. If you mistakenly get on a ship that is not pillaging, you will be planked. This is not punishment. It is simply faster for the Officer in Charge than typing a message when they are trying to navigate. Please don’t be offended!
- Deserting in battle (when there is a grid in the top right screen) is cause for reprimand. Repeated offences could cost you rank or expulsion.
- Pay attention and be helpful to the captain when on a pillage and Ye will have Fun (and more poe!).
External Links
- Fearless Privateers forum (Incorporating the Shooting Stars of Sage forum.)