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Jumpinjobean is the captain of the crew Thieves of Mercy, and a princess of the flag Prestige on the Sage Ocean. She has been playing far too much for too long, but still has a lot of fun.
She did what?
- FO then SO of the Shooting Stars of Sage 2006-2008
- Princess of Fearless Privateers 2007-2008 (set up Mercantile Team, Member of both flag events and SSoS Officer Training Corps)
- Captain of the Shooting Stars of Sage April to July 2008
- Captain of the Thieves of Mercy September 2008 til she lost her password.
- Princess of Prestige 2008 til 2011.
- Crew moved to League of Light sometime then.
and I'm back...
- Captain of Thieves of Mercy Resurr (yes I know, it was a great idea that went wrong) 2022 -
- Lady of League of Light 2022-
Blockade history
- Land admiral, FP, Kakraphoon IX (victorious)
- Land admiral, FP, Kakraphoon X (victorious)
- Bnav Kashgar Prestige v CM (lost) 2009
- Something and everything Albatross Prestige v Good Grief (lost) Jan 2010
- Land Admiral Kasidim Prestige v IE (lost) Feb 2010
Anything else is now getting lost in the mists of time...
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