Shake ye booty

From YPPedia
Shake ye booty at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Monarch None
Member crew(s) African Grey Pearl, Arctic Tart, Shaking My Booty, TheState Alchemists
Founded 15 February, 2006
dormant as of 29 February, 2012
Favicon.png Flag Info

Shake ye booty is a dormant flag on the Midnight Ocean.

Avatar-Jbranham-Shake Ye Booty.jpg

Public Statement

Ahoy! Welcome to Shake Ye Booty. If ye love pillaging, poe and fun, then we be the flag for ye. Now welcoming NEW MEMBERS!!! We do not accept unsolicited alliance requests. Post a request on our forum here

Help us out by taking jobs at our flag stalls...


Shake ye booty, the flag, was formed initially by Blackhammer of The Jazzie Crew. Eventually Gypsyginger, at the time from Islamorada but now a part of The Sirens' Lament, was given the position of monarch. The flag grew through out Gypsyginger's reign as Queen, and turned into a close family. Having to focus on real life, Gypsyginger decided to end her reign and turn over the flag to her most trusted Cap'n and close friend, Peglegjami. It is meant to be a place for a pirate to enjoy them self as a crew member and as a flag member. The flag thrives on creating a strong bond with the crews and treating everyone as family.

External Links

Please visit the flag forum for fun, events, and the chance to talk with flag members. Crew/flag members, friends, and alliances are all welcome. All a player has to do is register with their pirate name.