
From YPPedia
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Familiars Won
'Un-named at present time'
Devourer Of Souls
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Nihil Verum Nisi Mors
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Ronindh is the captain of the crew - Nihil Verum Nisi Mors and prince of the flag - Unforsaken.

He currently sails the Sage Ocean with his crew.

He is also a Captain in the Admiral Island Navy in the Gull Archipelago.

Current items Ronindh is looking for

He is looking to buy the following charts:

  • Ambush to Scurvy
  • Amity to Rowes
  • Amity to Squibnocket
  • Arakoua to Kiwara
  • Auk to Cryo
  • Auk to Hoarfrost
  • Blackthorpe to Fowler
  • Blackthorpe to Kakraphoon
  • Bowditch to Scurvy
  • Cook to Fowler
  • Cromwell to Hook Shelf
  • Fluke to Kiwara
  • Fowler to Starfish
  • Fowler to Haley
  • Gauntlet to Spaniel
  • Hinga to Wissahickon
  • Hinga to Bowditch
  • Penobscot to Wissahickon

Contributions and Awards

Special Achievements

  • First Gold awarded in June 2007
  • Token of Wind in May 2008
  • Illustrious/Master Distilling in May 2008
  • Won an Ippolito (Seahorse) in June 2008
  • Sublime/Legendary Sailing in July 2008
  • Paragon/Legendary Alchemistry in December 2008

Ultimate Trophies

  • Ultimate Treasure Hauler


Ronindh first started playing YPP back in August 2005, then his two RL sons

Daredevl (his Senior Officer) and Zheben (his Fleet Officer) who are both in his crew joined him in June 2006.

He was originally in the crew - Shooting Stars of Sage for about 3 months

and then joined the crew - Defenders Of Truth and stayed with them up until June 2007.

He then left Defenders of Truth (on good terms) and decided to form his own crew - Nihil Verum Nisi Mors.

Upon much deliberation, he finally decided to join the flag - Shadows Of Sage.

On July 15, 2008 NVNM left SoS and joined the flag - Silent Death.

NOTE: As of August 10, 2008 Nihil Verum Nisi Mors has left Silent Death and helped to form the flag - Unforsaken.

Recent Events

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On June 3, 2008, while on a Sea Monster Hunt in Atlantis with Racerboy and Jackofall,

Ronindh won a Navy colored Ippolito / Seahorse familiar while performing Consistent (Excellent) Gunning the entire trip.


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