Defenders of Truth

From YPPedia
Defenders of Truth at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain None
Senior Officer(s) Samsungfreak
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Verus Fidelitas
Founded 18 June, 2006
Last updated on 25 February, 2012
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Defenders of Truth is a crew on the Emerald Ocean. It was founded on June 18, 2006.

Public Statement

The crew is as black as our captain's heart!!!

Extended Public Statement

The fog thickens, threatening an ominous approach. Out of the swirling mists, on the edge of Atlantis, rises the crew, Defenders of Truth....fruit in one hand, POE in the other!! We ARE the Defenders of Truth!! We will keep you honest and on the straight and narrow path!!

Our crew's objectives are simple. Have fun and work hard at whatever you do. Lazers are simply not tolerated. If you don't work, you will swim. But most of all, have FUN!!!

JOBBERS--- Permission to Board (PTB) is required on all ships smaller than a war brig. Please do not board any ships that you are not jobbed for.

If you cheat us, or our friends---lie to us or about us---we WILL hunt you down and take your fruit, rum and poe!!! Don't make us stuff your cannons with pineapples, it's a waste of fruit!!

THIS CREW IS ADULT ORIENTATED!! Adult language and content as well as nudity may apply. Please do not apply unless you are prepared to join in or at least duck!!

Stalls Owned or Managed by Defenders of Truth Members

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External Links

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