Familiars Won
Gemstone ring
Protects was a senior officer of the crew Royal Assassins Brigade and member of the flag West-East Campaign on the Emerald Ocean.
This pirate has been deleted, and another pirate with the same name was created and subsequently renamed to Viscose.
Protects was a friendly, relaxed fun loving pirate who occasionally sneaked around on the docks of Admiral Island when she was not doing Sea monster hunts or figuring out how to blockade.
She found the game through an old friend and started to play, eventually getting bored of having nothing she quit for a while to focus on other things. She came back in 2012 and made new friends such as Nikoletta, Bisca and Wzrd and found poker to be quite enjoyable. Eventually she got lucky and found that she won a few times and gained enough money to buy nice things since then.. she became addicted.
- Won wine octopus in wine boxes November 18, 2012.
- Finally ultimate Carpentry on unknown date 2013.
- #1 Swordfight on July 7, 2013
- Soggy boot; 200 + sinks within a year.
Formerly owned
- Nemo - ippolito - atlantean
- Squishy - octopus - tan
- Leonora - parrot - spring green/yellow
- Shiraz - octopus - wine
- Nova - octopus - light blue
- Spyro - dragon - purple/yellow
- Neon - octopus - spring green
- Pure - parrot - white/grey